Hosted by

Saleena Kí, Marimar & Friends




Co-Creating our New Reality: The New Gula Grid



Co-Creating our New Reality: The New Gula* Grid Highlights


*Gula means Heart of the Whale

Through Saleena Kí 2009


Whales: Greetings ALL bright & glorious beings on Earth.

We desire to extend an announcement; an invitation to all Light Workers this day:

The time has come to make a new kind of bond between you all.


Each of you has been guided to participate in your own way
in the Awakening of the Earth & her children.


It is time we bring it to a new level of love, bond, support & awareness.

We need each other.

This is a time to open, as LightWorkers,

to a new level of this with each other on earth,

our Star families,

our Spirit families,

& our Ancestors.

Also with the natural elements or

Elementals of Creation & all Nature in all its expressions.

This is a big step, a new Bond, a safety network,

to help ALL make this passage.


Will you Help?


This an Invitation to ALL to place your greatest dreams, desires, energies, patterns
into a new grid to flavor & shape it as a reality structure that will sustain us
as we enter the new Golden Age.


Frequencies are rapidly rising & the time stands open now to reach out & touch each other in the deepest places of the heart. Open yours & consciously reach out to every other light worker on Earth or in Earth & around earth. Touch the center of your own heart & imagine this is touching every other one, for you are all one. Then touch the new grid with your intent & let it flow in.


Give to the New Grid

Using your imaginations & intuition, you will know the best way to do this.


A: Define (see clearly & feel strongly) your contribution.

B: Imagine bringing it into the center of your heart.

C: The new grid in in the lining of your heart & cells.

Touch the new grid, then let the energy of your offering flow into the grid.

D: It is done! You may place as much as you desire into it.


Receive Gift from Creator


We have an elixir of love to melt any hardness. We hold the space for special kind of bonding within your very structures, your manifest form. This is the beginning of a new era of oneness, as this structure (a new grid) bonds all your hearts deeper together; your efforts will be magnified.

You are invited to touch in & receive a gift from Source Creator

through the Creator Whales through the Gula Grid. 

Follow the directions to get in touch with the Gula Grid,

then instead of flowing your gifts into it,

open & receive this new energy flowing from it.


Purpose of New Grid


Whales: To gather the newest & highest aspirations from all over creation & infuse it into the very structure of our creation. To bring a surge of new life & purpose to all, to the one. We have all journeyed for experience, now we co-create something new & give it back to source. All contributions at every level are needed for it to be whole. As creation, our Source Creator's creation, we are crossing into a new age of energy. New opportunities await us. This will help us move forward all together.


Saleena: The bonds of love between us; as Earth humans to all the different groups we work with on up to our connections with these Creator Whales must deepen our commitment to each other to assist all to ascend.


This grid requires we all work together

at many levels to utilize it.


Within the grid is the energy of a renewed re-connection of all races;

a “wake up & see through our differences”

a new Bond, a new link, a new way to work together.




Where is the Grid located?


Whales: This new network is constructed & dropped into place using this kind of bonding power. This network lines the membranes of all creation, from the micro to the macro. If you look within your own cells, it is there already. If you look in the lining of your heart, it is there. We tend the largest version of the grid at the borders of creation.


Saleena: As I was watching the Whale Dreamer movies that evening, I heard something that seemed to be the name of the Grid: it is the Mirning people’s word for the Heart of the Whale: Gula. They show me the tiniest orb in my body & show me how it has the new grid lining it, also. It lives in everything. It reflects now in every bubble, every orb, throughout creation. Cells, molecules, atoms, etc. larger & smaller.


Mirrors & Reflections



Saleena: It is a little confusing to witness from an Earth body perception & expanded perspectives at the same time. I am wondering if all these issues are more than just Earth issues?


Whales: Oh yes, everything on earth has mirrors & reflections throughout all creation. Earth has gathered all the best conflicts & dramas to work out & heal; to transcend them. Some of them have gone on for eternity; they are all "on the table" out for all to see & make new choices from Earth. New choices, new consciousness from Earth's perspective; since the change through out all creation.


This is why we are inserting this new grid, starting with help from earthlings, all will follow. Having the frequency of love & beauty first is pleasing to us! It will be around your June 11 Triangulation that it will be finished & activated. You are encouraged, all of you, to spread the word & invitation to add to the new grid.


What is a Triangulation?


On June 11th, when the triangulation alignment is set in place, the grid is open to receive your greatest dreams & energies, the things you are the most passionate about, things that will infuse our whole creation with a new level of life.


According to the Whales the structure is finished & settled into place on June 11th 2009 as the final triangulation occurs described by the Masters who speak through Dr. Meg Blackburn. “The triangulation on June 11th creates a portal of consciousness in which the universal collective becomes of a conscious nature among beings such as yourselves. The final triangulation will lead to later star gate openings as the universal construct will have gone through the necessary changes for this to be so.”


 Since Triangulations are mentioned see for a couple of articles that explain more about this.


If you want to read more about the triangulations read:
Triangulations: June 11th worth noticing


How it Got Started

the whole story…


Beginning my Journey to meet the Whales


So I'm going to go inward, open my heart & go out to the border of creation to meet & greet the whales.  Checking on the new spark as I go…


I am seeing a place where many different kinds of beings are gathered, sort of like a camp & a central fire.  Seems like they are all connected together with some kind of mission.  Looks like some are dressed like warriors in a Battle Star Galactica sort of way. Continuing on out into space, pass planets galaxies in the universe, heading toward the edge of creation's bubble.

Now I feel the whales, so strong!  I see Bahr’s eye.



(Bahr is a creator whale that I seem to be related to, having some sort of soul connection to.  This whale likes to looked me right in the eye, which is uncanny because eye is about as big as a house!)  I feel my energy quicken in my heart. They all want to have a "ceremony" of some kind.  The whales seem to be part of this.  The whales are hovering above us all, swimming back & forth, at least seven of them.


They show me how they are going to build a connective network.

We are all working on this same project, in a series of dimensions.

They are creating a very fine golden net: intricate beautiful design.


The New Grid


“It is a grid,” the whales say, “a new one that requires we all work together at many levels to utilize it." 


Saleena: The bonds of love between us; as Earth humans to all the different groups we work with, on up to our connections with these Creator Whales, must deepen our commitment to each other to assist all to ascend…



Saleena: The bonds of love between us;  as Earth humans to all the different groups we work with, on up to our connections with these Creator Whales, must deepen our commitment to each other to assist all to ascend. It is time we bring it to a new level of love, bond, support & awareness.


We need each other.

This is a time to open, as LightWorkers,

to a new level of this with each other on earth,

our Star families,

our Spirit families,

& our Ancestors.

Also with the natural elements or

Elementals of Creation & all Nature in all its expressions.


This is a big step, a new Bond, a safety network, to help ALL make this passage.

Now someone steps forward & is showing me a piece of the "net" or section of it
that represents the whole:



Saleena: Tell me more about this matter, what will be an appropriate name to call it?  What does it do?  What is it for? It is vast, it is delicate.  It reminds me of the similar delicate filigree strands of gold that make up the love & beauty glyph.


There it is in the middle of  VK52 Love & Beauty Vibrakey.

It helps us open to a higher definition of love & beauty.



Elemental Creation


At this point, I remember there is a level of our soul expressions where a team of Huge Elementals; including Colin, M. & I, live & create as primary creators.  I remember the Elemental that is associated with M. creates & weaves with these fine gold strands, making new structures throughout creation.  The other two Elementals represent aspects of Colin & I & they use different elements to create with.  I use a blue water/liquid light; Colin uses a clear crystalline alchemically encoded liquid. I'm getting very sleepy, my brain feels a huge expansion happening, this sometimes happens when we are changing dimensions.


The Elemental M. seems to be part of the help that is weaving the new grid.  He is also very connected to the Creator Whales, so this doesn't surprise me.  Our Elemental team seems to be part of the creation & activation of the new network grid.  I am, as a large Blue Elemental Goddess, infusing in my blue liquid light/water into the grid, touching it near the whales, loving the whales.  I am bigger than they are.  I am touching the grid with my fingers & lighting it up!  It's beautiful!  The light is going everywhere.


They show the earth Saleena part how it is wrapping the whole of this creation, like an inner lining inside a bubble,  but not too far in from the outer membrane.



They show me the tiniest orb in my body & show me how it has the new grid lining it, also.  It lives in everything.  It reflects now in every bubble, every orb, throughout creation. Cells, molecules, atoms, etc. larger & smaller.


The Creator Whales, they're showing me how this grid is set up now.  They dropped it into place.  They used the powerful love energy/alchemy of our family group, our bonding into a deeper space with each other, as a starting point of energy to help insert the new grid into creation.  It needs something strong to "glue it" into place, to help it "take a hold” & stay strong. They show me this kind of love & commitment is that kind of “glue” substance.


They are showing me how they are open now for the other elements to be added in.


They suggest the pattern of the VK52 Love & Beauty glyph be inserted first.  They helped me to bring this one in along with the water spirit called an Undine.  So we are bringing it into the center of our group, the beautiful glyph that helps our brains to perceive love & beauty at a much higher definition.  I bring the glyph & to show them, cradled into another glyph; the Whale’s Reality Perception Filter.  It alchemically protects the more delicate design frequency, so they nested into the reality perception filter for strength.


(Saleena: after note: I am using this Love & Beauty design in a new Vibrakey called VK49 Flourishing Garden, which is part of a larger project called the GardenSong Project. Its premise is a revival of conscious co-creation with nature beings & the natural world.  I liked the design so much & felt it would be of great use to humanity so I created another Vibrakey called VK52 Love & Beauty just to share this beautiful process.)


We all beam light from our hearts & suspended it in the center.  Everyone is checking to see if they would like this frequency being inserted into the new grid.


I feel many things all happening at once: the rainbow energy begins pouring in; I feel Kahl & the new spiritual governance.  I feel the elemental weavers doing their part in the creation, I feel the Temple of Anuenue (rainbows) appearing around us.  I feel St. Germain's energy coming in through Veronique.




Saleena Note: Kahl is a new Rainbow God that was born to assist us in entering & creating a New Reality in the Golden 5th Age. Being introduced to him & chanting the Rainbow Chant every day to bring this wonderful new rainbow light into everything has blessed my life time & time again. We send it to all the emerging leaders of light to strengthen them in taking their roles in this emerging new world we are all creating from the inside out.


The Temple of Anuenue,

which means Rainbow in Hawaiian,

is a sacred space we helped to anchor into the earth plane.


It is a place anyone can visit. It is non denominational & has much information embedded in its dimensional walls. Just intend to visit it when you go into meditation. Ask Kahl to guide your way. It is a lovely amazing place. I feel this all has to do with various messages we have received over the years of the Rainbow Warriors & their role in the emerging new reality.


I feel Kahl, the Temple of Anuenue, new spiritual governance coming in, I feel Lanny Sinkin & Veronique.  I feel Pele & St. Germain.  I feel the ascended Masters, & the Brotherhood's presence.  Everyone is touching the grid & adding something they desire to add. A diamond spark kind of energy is coming from St. Germain; it seems a new kind of energy in his violet flame.


Someone is infusing in the energy of a renewed re-connection of all races;

wake up & see through our differences

a new Bond, a new link, a new way to work together.


Saleena: It is a little confusing to witness from an Earth body perception & expanded perspectives at the same time.  I am wondering if all these issues are more than just Earth issues?


Voice: Oh yes, everything on earth has mirrors & reflections throughout all creation.  Earth has gathered all the best conflicts & dramas to work out & heal; to transcend them. Some of them have gone on for eternity; they are all "on the table" out for all to see & make new choices from Earth.  New choices, new consciousness from Earth's perspective; since the change through out all creation.


Whales: This is why we are inserting this new grid, starting with help from earthlings, all will follow.  Having the frequency of love & beauty first is pleasing to us! It will be around at June 11 triangulation that it will be finished & activated. You are encouraged, all of you, to spread the word & invitation to add to the new grid. We placed the insertion point at a high enough frequency to repel up efforts from any negative sources from inserting their dark agendas.  This is why we meet here, in our neighborhood.


The Rainbow Connection


There are many prophecies and stories that talk about the promise of Rainbows, Rainbow Warriors and beings connected to rainbows, who will come in these “last days” to assist in a our great transition through the end of time, as we know it, and help us enter a new Golden Age. Four years ago, a friend of ours, Lanny Sinkin, witnessed the birth of a new Rainbow God. He saw this was called forth to assist us in the transition into the 5th Age & support us as we all co-create a New Reality. He came up with the idea that if we could “call forth” a rainbow into a clear sky, it would engender hope and excitement that everything is going be alright! My friendship with Lanny, this Rainbow God-being & chanting the Rainbow Chant every day, to call in this wonderful new full spectrum rainbow light and send it into the whole of creation, has changed & blessed my life time & time again.


For more of the story & experience & to learn how to do the Rainbow Chant see:

Calling Rainbows


You can also watch the Rainbow Connection YouTube video at:

Meet Lanny Sinkin & hear for more of the story, and scroll down to the second video.

Note the Vibrakey in the foreground.

That is the CapStone Generator in my K-EP Energetic Pyramid Kit


Thank you Larry for creating the video of Lanny & posting this information in your website!




Communicating with Whales


My friends, Kalei & Reynolds, Twin Flames for God, living on the Big Island, Hawaii, were told by our Ocean Family & the Humpback Whales, that we would be given 10 instructions on how to connect with them...& feel our Oneness with them. Their website:


10 instructions from our Ocean Family at "Portal of the Whales"

Greetings Beloved Daughter of the Moon, (A name given to Kalei from the Holy Ones)

We love you beyond measure...


We give to you our 10 Instructions for creating Oneness with your Ocean Family:


1.  Always begin any communication with a short meditation that calms & centers you.


2.  Ask your Ocean Family to give you your unique "tone" that works like a key.


3.  Use this tone out loud to summon us to you & to elevate your consciousness.


4.  Greet us with Love & we will return the greeting with Love amplified.


5.  FEEL our Love. FEEL our Love. Allow this love to physically  touch you.


6.  Now take this love we have amplified & send it out to other Human hearts that are asleep.


7.  Gently ask the Spirits of the Humans whose hearts you are awakening, to return love to us.

      This love returned will automatically be amplified 10 fold.


8.  We will then take this amplified Love & send it BACK TO YOU.


9.  You will then take this High Vibration Love from your Ocean Family & feel your ONENESS with us.


10.  We are touching your very cells with our Love & you are connected to us.


Repeat this process often.


We love you, Family.


We are ONE.

         We are ONE.

                  We are ONE.


Their website:


The Return of the Whale Dreamers


While watching this movie, I heard something that felt like the name of the grid. It is the Mirning people’s word for the Heart of the Whale: Gula. That is why we call it Gula Grid.




"The world & its people are coming back to their connection in spirit. Whale Dreamers is a part of that change."    D. McCamman, Colorado USA


What connects a dispossessed aboriginal people to the son of rock legend John Lennon? A powerful new documentary film made by British film maker Kim Kindersley that follows a gathering of indigenous tribal leaders to explore the profound relationship between whales, dolphins & humanity. Sam Burcher  "This was the most moving experience I have had for a long time. The room was filled with a roaring silence when the film ended… We were all in awe of it…"

See for more:


Julian Lennon’s song “Saltwater” is amazing! See


Triangulations: June 11th worth noticing


Since the Triangulations are mentioned  see www.spiritlite.messages.php for a couple of articles that talk about this. Since Dr. Meg doesn’t seem to archive her messages, you can only find the most recent & the one right before that. For my own purposes, I have created a document to study the effects & event that have coincided with the dates, with all the past articles from the Masters I could find. I feel like these have had a significant effect on our human experience and consciousness. Email me saleena at vibrakeys dot com if you really want to study these & what they have brought us. Eventually I will post it online.


The triangulation on June 11th creates

a portal of consciousness

in which the

universal collective

becomes of a conscious nature

among beings such as yourselves.


The final triangulation will lead to later star gate openings as the universal construct will have gone through the necessary changes for this to be so. The star gate systems that will occur later we will speak of as it is time.  We wish for you to  be present with each set of changes that comes your way & to allow yourselves to balance within these changes.  For full articles: see www.spiritlite.messages.php


More on Triangulations


The triangulation of February 15th will leave you feeling compacted as if the effects of the expansiveness of the January triangulation have come smashing down onto your very being.

This will be a temporary effect. This triangulation will affect your mental states first, in the preceding weeks by muddling your apparent ability to think clearly. That is because that with this triangulation new sets of electromagnetic are being applied to your brains as the mathematic alignment of your particulates moves into spacing based upon 2/11th & 4/11ths depending upon your previous states. This will cause a sense of heaviness in the physical, certain feelings of malaise especially on the 11th through the 13th of February. Remember that this sensation is of a very temporary nature.

As the triangulation comes into place you will find that it is as if your mental capabilities experience a lift off & your mental creative processes will soar.

You will find that you are much less limited in your ability to both reason & call to your greater sense of knowing in such a way that your decisions will be based upon both expanded perceptiveness & your newfound ability to tie those perceptions to the infinite. That being said,

you will, if you do not resist these changes, be able to work from an entirely holographic perspective – consciously.

This giving you the ability to create & co-create from what appears to be nothing & is truly everything.

The triangulation on March 17th will challenge your physicalities & the new harmonics are based upon a 2/5ths spacing of your particulates. This is a most ancient arrangement of particulates that those in the before times experienced.

In the weeks preceding this triangulation, you will find that you feel heavy, dense, as if you are retaining great amounts of fluids. You are not. This is the light particles in your body expanding in such a way that your physicality has difficulty adjusting, but it will. As the triangulation forms & solidifies, you will find a release of the pressure within your bodies to the point that many of you will feel as it you will float away. You will not. What you will experience is that many of the difficulties that you have perhaps battled within your bodies will become released. In your way of words, the triangulation of March 17th can be considered to be a mass healing of you as beings of human nature.

The triangulation on April 4th, 2009 will be relative to the fifth element of your beings. Your spirits. Your infinite & eternal essences.

Many of you have felt trapped in your humanness for most of your lives.

It is this triangulation that will bring to each of you an alignment of your multi-dimensional aspects in such a way as for the first time in your humanness you will be operating as one cohesive & functional unit of being in conjunction with All That Is. It is with this triangulation that the All Souls will harmonize together. You will find during this time that not only do you feel more at ease, in Grace & of balance within your very beings; you will begin to experience signs of unification within your world. You will also begin to feel in unison with these changes & those around you in ways that you had not yet imagined.

The final triangulation will lead to later star gate openings as the universal construct will have gone through the necessary changes for this to be so. The triangulation on June 11th creates a portal of consciousness in which the universal collective becomes of a conscious nature among beings such as yourselves.

What we mean by this is that as one of you experiences intuitiveness, thoughts, perceptions,
others around you & even those that you do not know begin to experience the very same things.

This is the

beginning of the unification, the Oneness

that each of you knows exists.


As this occurs there will be some reaction from dark energies in late June or early July of 2009 but this will be a brief uprising & easily laid to rest as untruth in the overall force that is active at this time.

The triangulation on June 11th creates a portal of consciousness in which the universal collective becomes of a conscious nature among beings such as yourselves. The final triangulation will lead to later star gate openings as the universal construct will have gone through the necessary changes for this to be so. The star gate systems that will occur later we will speak of as it is time.  We wish for you to  be present with each set of changes that comes your way & to allow yourselves to balance within these changes.


Gula Grid Live Online June 11, 2009


Gift from Creator


You are invited to tune in & receive a gift from Creator

through the Creator Whales through the Gula Grid.


LightWork-Play for the Day!


As I was finishing preparing this eNewz to go out, this spontaneously happened. So we decided to share the transcript of our LightWork-Play-ings today. Colin Whitby, Marimar & I play-lightwork together regularly to help co-create a new reality for us all. Sometimes our other friends join; both from earth & other dimensions. It is very adventurous fun & blissful at that! Colin lives in the UK so he is already having June 11th. He lives almost half way around the Earth from us in Hawaii, so we figure whatever we do goes right through the heart of Mother Earth. We all started on the Sublime Health Project program together a month ago, with an Arcturian frequency Team assisting us. One member, Belees, speaks to & through me on behalf of the team. See VK37 Sublime Health if you are interested in this. Click on Newest Vibrakeys. You are invited to participate.


Saleena: Well, there is a special energy being offered from the Creator Whales. Last night I could feel something...coming... I checked with Belees, & he said they had a message from the Creator Whales for us. They are the ones who brought the new Gula Grid to us. We helped set the grid into place together to receive all our new aspirations & intentions. It is supposed to be settled in place & closed on June 11th. Today they said, since this new grid is accessible from the lining of our heart & reflects in the lining of our cells....they wanted to send us a gift through it! So they asks us to go to our heart & open up & receive it. Marimar & I tuned in.

For me it came in as white flowing milky light... nice... then it started to crystallize on the lining of my heart & cells like ice forming crystals & spreading out across their surfaces. After an hour it was blissing in me & turned on so much light in my head I was wide-eyed!


Colin Whitby: Well it's the 11th here now, so the grid is either on, or just about to go live... am about to find out....Am able to bliss with the Sublime Health Team straight away now, just by looking at the VK  (VK37 Sublime Health) & asking which part I should focus on, they all come in & I feel like I'm in the golden temple again.. Right in the heart. Am being absorbed by the sun in the middle, I am the sun... Burning flames... Pure love energy... Sublime Health Team moving in close, adjusting, refining, now can feel the whales circling... & dolphins... 'Don't forget us...'Need to sit back, big flow... Gift perhaps...

Big scene, like the switching on of the Christmas lights in Recent Street London, crowds there. We are guests of honour, here to throw the switch... Only this time it's the Gula Grid...  If you think about it, in earth-wide terms, it's been 11th for hours. Interesting tho... the switch is in our hearts... Are you there, may need some help...


Hearing words 'Humanity is now at a crossroads where many are now stepping up to take their place in the creation or co-creation of the new earth, We have created this new grid to assist with this process, & would like to welcome our new partners. It is time to bring this grid on line, & it becomes effective through our beloved human partners who co-created the connection to the human heart grids. Welcome... It is time... Relax... It is time.’


Colin: 'Yes please'


Saleena: Lovely to be a part of this....


Colin: Weaving now, can feel all aspects of us being woven in... Especially Sirian Christ consciousness...

My gift... I can hear the collective mind of the Whales, like they are my thoughts but actually it's the Whales... Plugging into the Grid opened me to wonderful, can feel them nodding 'Yes, now you can 'speak' with us... Welcome... We love you,


Saleena: I am with you & I feel the flow...very strong now...


Colin: There's a great feeling of joy, of playfulness, like creating is a light & happy activity, delightful...


Saleena: I am working on the newsletter as we speak... I guess this may be an update.... wow!

Thank you for your vision & abilities...


Colin: Sitting back & enjoying the weave... Nice to be here with you, can feel you all here.

Codes flashing past, through us onto the Grid...


Saleena: Weaving weaving...lets weave some joy in...The new Red Creation Codes are mixed in...


Colin: Joy makes it happen... Love & joy...


Saleena: The new gift from Creator & the Whales to all humanity that is ready...It's an announcement of the new Cryst-o-Gold Rainbow Human... I hear Trumpets!


Colin: Dancing now, whizzing back & forth, blissful Feels like a significant upgrade, can feel the Arcturian team adjusting & tweaking our body frequencies... Level 2+ I think...


Whales: Indeed, we must now assist you in bringing these frequencies into your human condition. A co-ordinated effort from our star brothers & sisters has given us this opportunity, relax again while your body is tuned'


Saleena: Veronique (she is a community member in our Garden of Atema, is on the Sublime Health Project program going through her Level 1 readings and frequencies & does light-play-work with us) & Marimar are checking in... they are with us in spirit... she says ‘Am I ready for level 2?’ & then, my heart says yes!  Interesting, this is from the eNewZ sitting right in front of me, seems appropriate:

“There is a Great Awakening happening.

There is a new wave surging upon the horizons of our reality

& it is growing exponentially.

The domain of Spirituality is awakening.

The Earth is waking up & crystals from all parts of the world are waking up.

And humankind is waking up as never before…

(during) this monumental time in our lives.

We, among the larger sweep of humankind, are awake.

It is now time for us to awaken at a deeper level:

Now is the time for our Great Awakening.”

Lazaris through Jach Purcel


Saleena: Is it time for our great awakening? Certainly something has happened... the doors are opening...Dancing with the Energies


Colin: Enjoying the flow now, loving you & Hugh & Veronique... Lovely… Invite your loved ones into the flow... It's delicious…


Saleena: a Space of Love! I feel the earth now... & she is reaching into our hearts... into the grid... she is our Motherland... it is when we align with her heart that we are blessed with a Space of Love & a Motherland to thrive in...  See Anastasia & the Ringing Cedar series for more on this.


Colin: Mmmm thank you. Going to a temple in the middle of the earth, feels like it's in Telos. Big crystal in the middle, centre of Gaia's heart energy, connecting to that... Quite a crowd here too...

Think we do this together, needs a 'team' effort.


Saleena: Someone says, ‘This is the Temple of Heaven & Earth Celebrations. This is where we honor our Mother & connect to our Father. We invite the humans from the surface to enter & make offerings & connections from their hearts.


Colin: Am offering my 'sun' heart, & the new Gula Grid connection...  Bowing low, it's an honour, but also a twinkle in our eyes, like it's supposed to be fun too...Feels like our support teams are working hard in the background to get these energies aligned, not just us involved here, this is a team effort..  Adama & Athena are here too... Big event... (They are Spiritual leaders in Telos, an inner earth city.)


Saleena: I am offering the new crystal matrix we received this morning...from the Whales & Creator. I am walking up to the big crystal, it does remind me of a heart...BIG Heart… & I am invited to touch it & let the energies flow in... I feel them flow into the earth & into the sky at the same time...There seems to be an energy portal or corridor here that works this way...

Someone says, 'Carefully cultivated.'


Saleena: I feel so at home here... we lived here you know, for a long time. So happy to be here with friends... such a high warm love in the air... all around us... (We remember living in Telos as other aspects of our souls) I am offering BluWater & Red Creator Codes. See VK44 BluWater – Red Creation Codes


Colin: Yes, very in tune with this place & being welcomed back like long lost travelers...


Saleena: I am connecting with the Ambassadors & together we are flowing these frequencies in... (They are the ones who helped bring in this new kind of intelligence for water. They are from a daughter Universe.) Seems like this is all going into the Gula Grid simultaneously as into the Earth & into the Heavens...


Colin: Connecting fully with Gaia now.... Merging...


Saleena: I feel to connect fully with Father Divine & merge... Mother Divine steps in also... she merges with us... I feel a huge circle of friends... including the ShipBuilders Brothers, Arcturians, more Arcturians than the Sublime Health Team, Andromedans, Sirians., Lyrans, more & more, Angelics...from our personal friends to many beings we are connected to just through the interconnectedness of life...I feel many other kinds of beings... now, elementals & nature beings, & mythical kinds & more & more... the Angels seem to be singing now... This seems to be a HUGE event!  So happy we are here!


Colin: Yes, very significant. Seems to be calming a bit now, like the drinks & chat part, the after switch on social...  “So what project are you working on?” They ask... Oh we're humans at the moment, here for the switch on, 'Nice to meet you, glad you could come' Energy settling in now, feel its part of us now, we carry this connection... Weave it into our lives…


Saleena to you: And that is how our light-play-workings occur. We just stay available & it comes like this. When it is referring to previous experiences, I make reference notes. I suspect this is our “real” career, if we look at the whole of things. We are looking forward to sharing more of this with you.


Saleena & Marimar’s Adventures


This just came in… She shares it so perfectly… I will begin with this.


The Final Stages of Preparation

by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

“Hang on, this too shall pass. I know people are going through many challenges at this time, but there is a purpose & a reason for what we are experiencing. We are in the midst of an incredibly intensified cleansing process. Humanity’s old, obsolete behavior patterns based in greed, selfishness, corruption, & fear are responsible for the economic collapse being felt all over the world. This distorted level of consciousness is no longer a viable option, & it cannot be sustained in the new frequencies of the 5th Dimension that are now flooding into the planet. This is true no matter how hard some of the old guard are struggling to hold on to the wealth & power they accumulated through these unscrupulous means…”

see  for the rest of the article.


I add that I have never seen such a flood of ideas & solutions for sustainability & cooperative conscious living; inventions, technologies, information & creativity flourishing! The HIGHS & the LOWS side by side in such a dance of energies! So many are beginning to realize they MUST help each other… that we are all in this together!


“There is a Great Awakening happening.
There is a new wave surging upon the horizons of our reality
& it is growing exponentially.
The domain of Spirituality is awakening.
The Earth is waking up & crystals from all parts of the world are waking up.
And humankind is waking up as never before…
(during) this monumental time in our lives.
We, among the larger sweep of humankind, are awake.
It is now time for us to awaken at a deeper level:
Now is the time for our Great Awakening.” 

Lazaris through Jach Purcel


Dancing with the Energies:

Personal Experiences & Gathering in Sustainable Love


I know you haven’t heard from me for ages & I will only say that for the last two years, I & my whole way of looking at & responding to life has been & is still being rearranged. I am creating a new way of sharing. My old system of sharing information became way too difficult & my willingness to use it in that way halted.  Then the intense energies of this shift escalated! Time speeding up & slowing down… such highs & lows….hardly time to integrate before the next wave is here…. Just read the emails that flood in everyday is amazing what everyone is doing & going through! It has certainly been the ride of our lives! Life as we knew it no longer exists. The miraculous event of our choosing a new President, President Obama, who is winning the hearts of the world with his straightforward ways, has come into the picture. He is the first President that I have even wanted to look at since John F. Kennedy. Even though I was only9 or 10 I knew there was something special about him and grieved deeply when he was killed. Personally I think Barack Obama is a high being, a starbeing & a friend. Transparency is his buzz word. He has a tough job to help us shift from the control regime to freedom. I support him wholeheartedly. My heart knows….


The economics of the planet are dramatically shifting, the earth is cleansing herself & the adventure has been a daily amazing event. We have gathered into a loving heart-conscious community with a few wondrous friends & family. We started gardening & really looking to see how we can live sustainably & realize we must interact with our greater community for this to happen.  We now live in the Garden of Atema, a name given to us by the Sisters of Isis, who say it means a place of flowering, blossoming at many levels & we surely are. We have so many edible flowers & leaves…. I am learning to hear, see & work together with our nature friends. Never have we done so much lightwork! It is continuous! So many times I wanted to reach out to share & my own inner guidance said, “Just keep focusing on re-creating you & your dream.”


Building our CyberShip


My current website is sooo old & outdated though people like it. See Two years ago Marimar & I decided to begin to create our new websites. We had attempted to find investors to assist us so we could hire someone to help us & each time it just didn’t work out. So we set into the task of learning how to create these amazing ways to offer our vast gifts to the world. Our intention is to have the biggest Contact Library ever. We are here to help the world transition into higher dimensional life as Galactic citizen working together with our other dimensional friends. Some call them ETs. We call them friends. We have so many things to offer. So we have to find a way to get them ready to share. Since Marimar is a programmer, he began the task of creating a way to easily upload all our material and keep it updated. Since I am a Hi-Vibe artist, I needed more creative license than a template could provide. So we began our adventure with enthusiasm…


We never dreamed it would take so long & we aren’t done yet! We have lived with little direct income, but with LOVING loans, investments & gifts from loved ones & friends. Learning to trust living in the flow of the Universe & seeing how everything is provided so beautifully when we are ready.


We are SOOOOO close to getting our first part of a series of new websites up online. Even our friends think we have moved! We have been so focused. Our dream is sooooo BIG! My Vibrakey designs & information have been reconstructed, renewed, updated & SPARKLE with the new energies. We have so many new offerings.


Doors Open…


06-10-2009 Update: This has taken so long to get ready, due to technical stuff. I am happy that we are multi-dimensional beings who can still assist with the Gula Grid by going back in time. The exciting update is that we now have a new Home page on My newest Vibrakeys are there & the beginnings of the new offerings. We will gradually, from the inside out, update and renew the site! This is a big break through for me! Yeah! All these are significant movements in fulfilling our vision! Yeah!!!!! It feels like something shifted and the doors opened and the energies are flowing now! We have a cyber splace to share with you now!  Wow I AM grateful!!!!


You can now find a list of links on the Home Page of


Please feel free to visit and enjoy!

My Newest Vibrakey Creation Adventures


My consciousness has been opening to many new ways of thinking & understanding.

I finished updating Vibrakeys 1-10 with brand new designs & information!

I am finishing many of the pending designs that have been patiently waiting in the Birthing Chamber. Meeting new beings & sharing in the co-creation of bringing in new designs. Re-writing the backs & creating guides. Creating Kits & Sets, Organizing the volumes of stories, information & drawings I have never shared into individual manuals for each Vibrakey & totally reorganizing how I present & support The Vibrakeys.


We have started several new exciting projects!

I am soooo excited to share these with you.


VK37 Sublime Health Project

with the Arcturians

has already changed my life.

Deep, deep old patterns are resolving,

leaving room for my body to heal itself in many many ways.

I will be sharing much more on this.

Here is to the Highest levels of

Health & Well-Being we are design to enjoy.


K-GS GardenSong Project

to help you begin a conscious co-creation with

with Nature Beings, Mother Earth & the Sisters of Isis.


To vitalize your Garden, Home & Land.

Meeting the Rainbow God, Kahl, learning the Rainbow chant & activating a new

Rainbow LightBody Ship in the pineal has changed my life. So many gifts have come from this.

I might write a whole newsletter on this!

BluWater, is a new kind of Water intelligence

Brought to us by our wonderous friends; the Ambassadors

& placed in


C-RA Rainbow Activator Disc.


I’ve been Ccreating a series of new Kits.

This Vibrakey is in

K-HC Higher Consciousness Kit.

This key has some of the very best of all the Vibrakey designs!

We’ve been living in a Energetic Pyramid…which now available as


K-EP Energetic Pyramid Kit


It is made from several Vibrakeys & is made of living light.

It is a wonderful powerful energy space

& we made it a dedicated space for contact & communications.

It also regenerates us.


We grew an Organic Ship in our pyramid; a gift from our ShipBuilder Brothers.

We spend lots of time in our ship whose name is Atman. He is intelligent & talks to us!

Rejuvenating & balancing ourselves with


VK18 Kundalini Rising



Updating this Vibrakey with the inspiration from the Divine Mothers.

Learning more about the

VK27 Golden Pyramid

& making friends with powerful photon energies from the photon belt.


A co-creation project with many of our Star friends & higher-dimensional beings.

Along with VK45 Sol-Sun Dance’s help with utilizing the

super plasma energies coming our way.

Flowing with the universe &


VK05 Abundance


As we begin  to enter the 5th dimension.

Learning to relax and align with the flow

& see miraculously we always have everything we need in every moment.

 Learning ways to stay in ecstatic states as much as possible

Makes for a wonderful life & helps us ascend.


I keep telling myself to wait until I can give you the new website URL;

a gallery

a store

before I share…

& today…

the Creator Whales were nudging…nudging….nudging me…. 

I wanted to share…. I put it off….I was too busy… it was too hard to send out emails….

They want me to share this with you now….

so I surrendered & our week was spent in gathering the information & writing this invitation & message to you…

This all led us gently & steadily to make the breakthtoughs we needed to get our first updated information online.




Are You Ready to Change the World?


“We Are Ready to Change the World” Petition


is being signed by more & more people,

saying YES, they want contact.

Each day the numbers are steadily increasing.

It is very exciting & encouraging.


Please visit the site & sign



Water Energy Event & Vibrakey Event Special


June 19th - 21st, 2009 - The Historic Summer Solstice Celebration . . .
LIVE H2O: Concert For The Living Water!


I am so excited about this ‘cause I love water sooooo much! The mission of LIVE H2O: Peace, Health & Abundance. Everything is possible with LOVE, faith, & people united in prayer! This 72-hour global event is designed to bring humanity back to unity & security in the name of LOVE, by celebrating Water.


LIVE h2o Vibrakey Basic Kit: $50 ($61 value) includes Water & Peace.

Transform your Water Kit ( reg price $28 ) which incudes a Vibrakey that restructures your water into lively sweet energized water, & VK31 PeaceMaker (reg. price $33 )  Special offered from now until June 22nd, 2009   Priority Mail Shipping $10 US  $15 International


LIVE h2o Vibrakey Deluxe Kit: $155 ($176 value) includes Water & Higher Concsiousness, Abundance, Health & Peace.

K-Higher Consciousness Kit- includes BluWater-a new kind of consciousness for our water & many other consciousness supporting patterns included in C-RA Rainbow Activator Disc. (reg. price $33)

VK05 Abundance-5D-Your True Nature (reg price $55)

VK37 Sublime Health Project- with Arcturain Team-Frequency Experts (reg. price $55)

VK31 PeaceMaker- Peace begins within then it will reflect into the outer world. (reg. price $33

Priority Mail Shipping $10 US  $15 International



To Order: Email  saleena at vibrakeys dot com

or call 800-979-8720 Hawaiian Time


*All Vibrakeys can be purchased separately. I have many Vibrakeys that have water patterns & codes in them. This is one of the reasons I came to earth was to help heal & tranform the waters; both external & internal.


The Magic of Being & Gratitude


Colin Whitby of The Magic of Being has lovingly supported us & helped with getting our newsletter & lightwork to you; editing & encouraging us to send a highlight version & post a link on his site for your pleasure! With a series of little & big miracles & the aligning of the Universe when it is time, we are ready to share again! It helps to have wonderful friends; angels, humans & higher dimensional beings on our team, too. Thank you Everyone! I am sooo grateful. Enjoy!


For SpinningStarS Highlights & The Magic of Being: Enjoy his wonderful website.



Visionary-Artist-StoryTeller   Saleena Kí aka Joan Ov’Art


To Order Vibrakeys visit our website

To schedule appt. for sessions or readings

Please call  800-949-8720 Hawaiian Time  or email me:  saleena at vibrakeys dot com


Copyright Notice: Copyright (c) 1998-2009 Joan Ov'Art. All rights reserved.  Right Usage Terms: Contact Artist-Writer for Terms