2011-06-19  Eclipse-Cosmic Wave-Solstice-Eclipse-SSeNewZ


2011-06-19 SpinningStarS eNewZ update

Eclipse-Cosmic Wave-Solstice-Eclipse


Aloha Beautiful Beings,

I have so much to share and time to quickly draw your attentions to the last few blog postings.

Our Omni-Dimensional Travel Adventures Continues


Phase 1 – Cosmic Wave Arriving 18-19-20-21- Magnified Solstice Opportunity – Sophia’s Message


Phase 2 – Timeline Jumping – Mixing a New Essence to Create Cosmic Wave Filter


Phase 3: Growing the Cosmic Wave Filter – Visiting Paradise Earth


Phase 4 – Silvery Gift from Source Enlivens Paradise Earth – Belees’ Message – Our New Universe Birthing Again


Belees’ Message – 20 Days – Tactical Movements – Earth Movements



From the biggest solar flare in 5 years to the eclipse to a cosmic wave arriving to the ushering of the solstice I have been feeling squeezed, compressed, stretched, uprooted, disconnected, anxious, wired, interrupted & reset. Sometimes my brain just shuts down and I have to rest until it comes back on. Other times I have so much energy I can’t sleep. It is all amazing. I am very happy. I am so excited about what is happening right now.


For 4 Days 18th-21st we are getting bathed-blasted-rearranged-moved by a powerful Cosmic Wave that our attentions were drawn to by Sophia and then Belees. He also talks about the next 20 days and how important it is to focus on what you want. We are co-creating Paradise Earth so Mother Earth can move into her new body. We also co-created a filter to help reshape and capture the energy from this Cosmic Wave. Belees shares about how this will happen and how it will be just the boost to release our New Universe from the “belly” of the old universe… in other words, free the new to exist now independently of what was our host as we gestated and birthed our new forms.


Please go to What’s New http://www.vibrakeys.com/whatsNew.html to see all the new Vibrakeys and Pages I have added to support your ascension into higher vibrations.


We appreciate your support by purchasing some of our products or donations http://www.vibrakeys.com/donations.html


Making Medicines of Light is still one of my favorite ways to keep myself healthy and clear of all the stuff coming up as the energies support me to release more of the old… let go.. and open to much movement. Seems everyone is being moved in some way or another.


Medicines of Light HOW TO

Medicine of Light LIST


Here is one of my favorite stories recently:

An Interview with Inelia Benz


Enjoy: June’s Transformational Eclipse Cycle


Volcanic Lunar Eclipse – First Photos


Destruction & Creation – Can you Hold Both?


All my higher dimensional friends are encouraging us to be very attentive to what we are focusing on as our reality is getting shaped very easily through these energies and alignments. Focus on what you want. Start living as if you already live on the New Earth, Paradise Earth. Think like it… talk like it…act like it is already new and here now and it will be. Hope to see you there…


We will be attending a Time Travel and Teleportation Symposium all week so if you send an order or message it will most likely take me a few days after it ends to get back to you.


You can join the Solstice Solar Wave on the 20thhttp://www.kachina.net/~alunajoy/solarwave.html


Much love and aloha to you all…



Saleena Kí



Blog: Messages from our New Universe

Subscribe: Spinning-StarS eNewz here

Sessions & Readings:  Omni-Dimensional Travel Adventure Sessions


Please manage your subscription Herehttp://www.vibrakeys.com/news.html

Feel free to pass this on…thank you