2012-07-06 Our World is Changing Very Quickly-Be LOVE-Help with BIG Energetic Clearing-SSeNewZ

SpinningStarS Update:

Newest Posts at Messages of Our New Universe:


July 5, 2012 - Today's Energy  

Our world is changing very quick...


Saleena Note: I had a very wonderful re-Birthday on July 3rd. Many wonderful wishes, lots of love and some pretty great gifts. (Thank you everyone who took the time to remember me!) A great full moon called the Thunder Moon. Even the Sun presented me something that day. There certainly has been some pretty intense and exciting energies and activities spanning the whole month of July so far. Someone sent me this message below, saying, "I'm sure feeling it......"  and I echo that emotion! I thank Claudia McNeely for such a great report about such intense conditions:


 July 5, 2012 - Today's Energy is tired and more tired.

We are more than overwhelmed by

all the huge Solar Flares that are pummeling us.



If the Sun was my birthday cake, then this flare was my M-class candle! Saleena Kí

Read More Link: www.vibrakeys.com/wordpress/2012/07/06/our-world-is-changing-very-quickly-be-love-help-with-big-energetic-clearing/


There are reports of...

...headache, neck pain, jaw pain, back pain, hip pain, foot pain, joint pain, chest pain, heart palpitations, difficulty breathing, muscle pain and cramping, hot flashes, sweating, burning skin, loud ear noises, high blood pressure, dizziness, feeling unbalanced, fuzzy headedness, confusion, anxiety, panic attacks, moodiness, angry outbursts, fatigue, insomnia, strange dreams, vivid dreams and of course, exhaustion. Animals are lazy and needy.

Saleena Note: I have had very intense dreams, some very frustrating, some just downright strange. My body is going through something like internal heartburn everywhere. It kind of moves around. Last night I knew right when the flare hit... my head hurt and I suddenly felt like someone unplugged me. I could feel a kind of shorting out feeling in my nerves. Today I was having a tendency to start blaming others for my frustrations, so instead I updated the Ho'oponopono & EFT page and practiced it. This is a simple and very magically effective was to shift how you are feeling. Even if I am feeling some of the symptoms listed above, I do it anyway. It almost always very quickly shifts the way I am feeling.

Read More Link:  www.vibrakeys.com/wordpress/tools-support/hooponopono/

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