2012-10-29-Sending Rays of Love and Waves of Gratitude to the East Coast-SSeNewZ Update

SpinningStarS Update2 2012-10-29

Another great focus to help!



From: go-gratitude@aweber.com [mailto:go-gratitude@aweber.com] On Behalf Of Go Gratitude
 Monday, October 29, 2012 3:55 PM
 Saleena Ki
 Sending Rays of Love and Waves of Gratitude to the East Coast


Greetings Beloveds - 

Let's gather in Gratitude and open our Hearts to send Love and Healing energy to the East Coast.  When you read this, please take a few moments to enter the silence, calm all the waters in the body and come to a space of Gratitude, peace and wholeness.

As you feel peace and serenity ripple through you, extend this healing wave of Gratitude to the waters of the clouds, the oceans, and the water bodies of all our Beloveds in the path of the storm.


In Gratitude, hold a vision of protection for All Our Relations and thank the elementals for guiding and transmuting the destructive potential of this storm into one of cleansing and purification.

Please continue to radiate of Love and Gratitude each time your thoughts are drawn to the East Coast.  Our collective prayers and energy, focused in a life affirming way, are a gift beyond measure.

Thank you for adding your Love, Light and Gratitude to the prayer stream.
Coming Together, in life affirming action, we make a world of difference!

Ukehi shi'bijii ... Thank you for being our Hearts!

Stacey Robyn
and the ground crew of Go Gratitude!

Go Gratitude
7650 s. McClintock Dr
Ste. 103-342
Tempe, Arizona 85284-1672

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