SpinningStarS update 2012-12-12-HERE
WE GO!!! 2012-12-12 IS HERE!!! So Many Births
Saleena Kí: AWESOME life here on EARTH right this moment! Here we
go! 12-12-12 is HERE! I can feel the excitement in my whole body, in fact I
feel like a child, wide-eyed and watching with a big smile on my face clear
into my rainbow filled cells! I love these new energies. It is so strong right
now I really have to just sit with it… and BE…
There are so many meditations, groups, Teleseminars, gatherings
everywhere to choose from that span on thorough 12-21 and 12-22… more humans
focusing on one time period than I have ever witnessed before. I am so happy
that we are taking such profound advantage of this AWESOME OPPORTUNITY to
transcend duality, war, trauma, oppression, etc and
RISE! Together we ARE co-creating a BRAND NEW KIND OF LIFE ON EARTH. I am proud
of us!!!
There are so many astonishing people stepping forward and giving
to each other now! So many unsung heroes that the mainstream media refuses to
report. It is wonderful we now have our own ways of sharing what is going on
around us.
Here is one amazing example as one friend expressed it:
“Ah the brilliance of youth and super creation. Music from
Our OmniD Travel Adventure team has been bringing in New Life
Codes from Source, actually outside of our Source Creation Bubble… They are now
flowing in through the SUN into every cell of our bodies. We’ve been working
and playing with the new Rainbow frequencies of colors flowing in now… When we
really looked at what is happening it is really way beyond our linear
perception filters, yet when this energy enters the Earth Zone, they look like
12 new Rays. I asked an Angel of Color to help me to anchor in
a reference points for our human minds and so I can depict them in
one of the newest Vibrakeys still forming.
I am so excited I am about to publish these three new Vibrakeys
into these energies…
VK97 Bloom & Thrive-Landing the New Earth
VK100 Ascension Sun & New Life Codes
VK110 EYE of God & New Rainbow Colors
I will share more when the are birthed…
Here is gift from my sister Mary. She really wanted you to have it
today. It is attached. Enjoy! You can find more of her art and music
here: www.freewebs.com/maryangelico
From: Mary Angelico
Sent: Tuesday,
December 11, 2012 9:41 PM
To: Saleena
Subject: The Birth
Dear Beloved Ones,
This is our day- the
beginning of the 2nd coming of the Christ in us, as us, as ONE!
This is my gift to all.
Lyrics from the beautiful
work of Barry Martin Snyder and Karen Anderson - www.luminousself.com; Music
and Vocal - Mary Angelico
Saleena: Enjoy her journal of co-creating the painting Bloom with
Mother Mary HERE: http://www.vibrakeys.com/wordpress/soul-in-wonder-transformational-art/mother-marys-bloom-journal/
Enjoy more music free from the Divine Femi9: http://www.vibrakeys.com/wordpress/soul-in-wonder-transformational-art/divine-femi9-gifts/
In the next few days I will be releasing the new Vibrakey I
co-created with her and Mother Mary since the beginning of this year. It is one
the most beautiful ones to me. I have kept Mother Mary on my desktop constantly
this last year and have learned to enjoy her in a whole new way.
I will announce the release of VK97 Bloom & Thrive-Landing the
New Earth.
It will show up in the Birthing Gallery first where you can order
you very own:
Mary Angelico is painting a commission for our brother right now…
It is called “In the Garden” with her sitting in one of the New Earth gardens…
She says it is so much fun to be sitting in what we have been helping Mother
Mary bring in…
I am so curious as to how life will
appear after this shift is over, at least the dates we have all chosen to focus
on. I intend to be significantly different! I am removing-clearing all the old
programming so I can manifest my Bigger dreams this next year… I will be
sharing more of this soon….
Much love flowing to you ALL…
I love you all so very much,
Saleena Kí
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