We are Interconnected: Who is Eating the Strawberries?
Saleena: More and more we are seeing, understanding & remembering our interconnectedness; how powerful we are to influence others and how they, in turn, influence us. This to me is one way we co-create our reality. Becoming aware of this is one of the most exciting things in the now moment! Any way we can practice living more informed in every moment is wonderful! We have been methodically trained to forget that we can see, or know beyond what we perceive as the tangible “real” “solid” world! It is time to open up to a more expanded view of this!
Here is a story from Raphael: The other day, while meditating, I happened to be thinking about the people of Haiti and their current strife with not having access to food and being hungry. A thought popped into my head about a very easy way to help which was tied to my past experiences and teachings with the Blackfeet & the Lakota. Let me explain . . .
At certain times in any one’s life, we all face uncertainties and “forks in the road”, and we search out to find answers to those pressing questions and situations. One of the ways that Native Americans go about finding their truth is to do a
Hunbleceya, or what is commonly known as a Vision Quest. This vision quest involves being put up on a sacred mountain, with no water and no food, from anywhere to 1 to 4 days. There, amongst other things, they will pray to Creator for guidance.
I have been blessed to be a helper at some of these Vision Quests. A helper would help in any way they could for the person going through the Vision Quest, with the exception of making physical and eye contact with that person. Ways to help included prayer, drinking water (very important) and . . . eating. Yes, I said drinking and eating. Since the person going through the Vision Quest was not allowed to eat or drink, in order to provide that person with the strength to go through 4 enduring days, the helpers were instructed to eat and drink for that person. This involved being very present when eating and drinking, and to eat and drink with the intent of nourishing the Vision Quester.
Many times when a person came down from the mountain, he/she would ask “Who was eating strawberries? They were delicious! Thank you!”
It is all about our intent and being present when eating and drinking.
So I ask all of you, when you eat your breakfast, lunch and dinner in the coming days, center yourself and ask your guides to send the nourishing energies of the food that you are eating, and the liquids that you are drinking, to the people and animals of Haiti. Be very present when eating with the intent and the knowledge that this occurring.
I know that this may not fill the hunger and thirst void completely for those starving in Haiti, but it may very well be enough to have them hold on until the food supplies can get to them. So if you are not in the position to send money, clothing or food, or if you are not an experienced healer to send energy healing, you can still send love and nourishment. Just food for thought . . . pun intended
With Love and Blessings,
Raphael www.iamblessingwater.com/healings.html
Saleena’s Note: Thank you Aluna Joy for passing this on. I was touched by this insight. Thank you, Raphael for sharing. Thank you Lakotas, thank you Blackfeet, I will do this… I found myself feeling thirsty, so I went to pour myself a glass of our special treated water. I held the cup in my hands and felt a connection to the Liquid Love & showed the water how happy I was that it was able to quench my thirst & bring rejuvenation to my body and calm any trauma I was feeling. I felt such a peaceful feeling as I drank it… I remembered a picture of one woman who was being given a drink after the earthquake….
I sent this on to anyone in Haiti who was feeling thirsty.
I am excited that we are waking up & understanding that time and space are illusions.
We can touch each other through our hearts, our imaginations & our intentions.
Here is a personal example of this: I remember once, when I first discovered muscle testing.
Someone showed me & my partner how what each of us was thinking & feeling about the other could actually weaken or strengthen them physically!
They had me stand in front of my partner. Had him turn around & close his eyes so he couldn’t read my face. They showed us how this kind of muscle testing involves testing your muscle strength by pushing on an arm and being asked to hold strong. Checking for differences in your ability to hold your arm up while the one testing was pushing lightly on it. Without telling him what we were doing, they had me project positive loving thoughts to him. They tested his arm strength and he was strong. Then had me send negative diminishing thoughts to him. He was weakened to a point we were both astonished!
Simple Muscle Testing: Muscle Testing is a way to begin to communicate with your own body or others.
This is a very simple technique that anyone can do at home if you have some uncertainty about anything you apply to your body or ingest or inhale. A particular food, drink or supplement, cosmetics, cleaning products, etc. You can then find out whether something is beneficial or weakening you in the moment to you. A food which is good for one person is not necessarily good for another, and some foods are better for us than others and also react different at different times in our lives. Our bodies are constantly shifting and changing through our various ages, and the daily stresses and strains we put onto it. Exposure to toxic chemicals can create sensitivities to many other things. It is very important to listen to our bodies needs, and muscle-testing is one way to help us do this.
How to Muscle Test
Based on the understanding and belief that the body is connected to a universal intelligence and loves sharing with you, you can communicate with it by asking questions with a ‘Yes’ and a ‘No’ answer.
The person being tested holds a sample of food or drink – in their right hand close to the chest and extends their left arm out to the side. (See Fig.22) The tester places their left hand on the persons right shoulder and places their right hand onto the person’s left wrist.
A tension needs to be set up here where the person being tested resists pressure from the tester who is trying to push the arm down at the wrist – don’t be too strong though, a medium pressure and resistance is all that is needed.
The person being tested asks: “Is this _______ beneficial for me?” If the answer is “Yes”, meaning that it is beneficial, there will be a good resistance, but if the answer is “no” there will be weakness.
Before starting, try experimenting first with some obvious foods or substances that you know will be harmful to you, such as furniture polish or a bottle of turpentine. You only need a small sample of food e.g.; butter in a dish, a piece of fruit or use it whole, like an apple. With some fresh foods you may need to peel it first e.g. a banana where the fruit inside may be beneficial to you but the skin will be harmful. So be precise with the food and questions you are asking, and you will receive the correct answer.
Saleena Note: Muscle testing works for some. I decided to train myself to get my own answers inside me. So I trained myself. I showed my body-mind-energy system, that when the answer was “yes” it could give me a mild jolt or surge through my nerves. I feel it and it always makes me blink! Then I showed it how when the answer was “no” to just do nothing. It was fun and intriguing to see that my body-mind was so enthusiastic & eager to communicate, Later I have encountered body-minds that were so relieved that someone was finally listening! We practiced this for awhile until I felt confidence and there was a consistency. I beleive that what I am talking to is a higher consciousness that resides between us all & knows all about everyone. So I can use this to ask questions about me, you or others, too.
When I test others I am careful about how I phrase the question. Your answers are literal. When I am asked to help someone select the best Vibrakeys, I ask “Which Vibrakeys will best serve this one in alignment with their highest soul’s purpose and mission?” I run my finger along a series of thumbnail images of my Vibrakeys, which are my form of art, to see which ones I get a “beep” or “surge” from. I noticed that the surges can be stronger or milder, so the intelligence is communicated in subtle differences of strength.
Sometimes I wonder, who is training who? LOL…
So, what this is all about is living with more awareness.
Stepping up in your power to co-create a world reality where everyone is considered and cared for and we can assist in this everyday in many ways.