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Have you ever come across timely events
saving you from desperate situations?
These aren't just meaningful coincidences.

These are signs from the universe,

They are important markers in your life.
These unexpected, meaningful coincidences are called



If you see beyond the immediate,
you will understand that
the synchronicity is actually
a blessing in disguise,
or a miracle in the working.


with synchronicities,
two heads are
NOT better than one.
It is useless to consult others.


You need to trust yourself
your inner voice

which tells you what the
synchronicities point to.


Also, a synchronicity
can appear as an irony.

The universe is so mysterious
that sometimes we feel
that a comical irony
is being played on us.


Taking advantage of
our synchronicities
means being

open to
that are calling.


And they may exist for us
for a long time
but remain unexplored
because we are too afraid

to step out of the




Love & Light, Stu



January 06, 2010

About the author

Saleena Kí

Omniversal Storyteller through her Art, Photography, Music & Word who LOVES Nature, Mother Earth & Assisting us ALL to LIGHTEN UP!