ART ASCENSION PROCESS Energy Weather Report Exopolitics NATURE Omni-versity Real Life Story Saleena Ki

2021 Saleena’s Update-What’s Happening?

Aloha! Can you believe 2021 is almost over? Wow, the last 2.5 years have been AWESOME and INTENSE with all the NEW ENERGIES flooding our EARTH and our BODIES, pushing us to WAKE UP, let go of OLD STUFF and embrace the NEW. So much has changed, my focus has changed, my perspective on LIFE, on what matters, has changed.



And CONNECTING WITH NATURE to stay in balance!

2021-03-03-SALEENA with Beasty’s Daffodils

Beasty is my first Sugar Maple TREE FRIEND here in GARDENSONG2 Tennessee.

So much TIMELY DISCLOSURE is happening NOW to bring to LIGHT the TRUTH of what is really happening here on EARTH and in our local SPACE. So much of what you may have considered SCIENCE FICTION and FANTASY is now coming to light that it is REAL. We already have STAR TREK TECHNOLOGY, it just has been withheld from the general public for 100 years. Hang onto your HATS, we are about to get a FAST TRACK boost in TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENTS that will catch us up to where we were meant to be now. No matter how much I thought I knew, there are many surprises as more and more is revealed. So many are WAKING UP now. We are close to FREEDOM here on EARTH. We have a lot of CLEAN UP to do.

Most exciting EXOPOLITICS NEWS posted today by our friend, MICHAEL SALLA, about Global Elites Surrendering, New Financial System, New Technology, the effect of the Photon Belt on us and more. READ HERE. We are excited that Michael and Angelica just moved to Tennessee, a 4 hours drive from us! We look forward to visiting them soon.

There have been tough times this last year when I, in this ULTRASENSITIVE BODY, wasn’t sure that I would make it through. It is a good thing I have SKILLS and FRIENDS and FAMILY who help me when I need it. I do the same for them. With GRATITUDE I can rise above most difficult days and ride the NEW WAVES instead of drowning in them. Affirming that I have a BENEVOLENT SOURCE CREATOR and I am provided with everything I need and desire to live a HEALTHY CREATIVE LIFE keeps my VIBRATIONS HIGH. Actually most days I am pretty BLISSFULLY HAPPY for SO MANY REASONS.

2020-11-08-SALEENA KI ART-Dandelion Dance

Lots of CREATIVITY & ARTING with my daughter, Angela and my sister, Mary Angelico,  keeps me HAPPY and SANE!!!

We offer OMNI-D LIVING SKILLS & LEARNING ADVENTURE eCourses to assist in more gracefully and creatively in these amazing changing times. Visit Omni-versity to see OUR COURSES

2023-09-28 Note our Omni-versity at Teachable is closed now… and sometime before the end of 2023 we will announce a brand new OPENING….

HUGH has had a rough year or so with health challenges. His mother was ill for most of 2018-2019 and transitioned in Nov 2019. We miss her. We both went through that sickness that has been going round and round. Luckily we both have pretty much recovered now and are enjoying our immunity. He is excited about BITCOINS, predicting that this is where the future of our new FINANCIAL SYSTEM lies…


Here he is gazing out from the FLOWER PORCH into GardenSong. We live in such a BEAUTIFUL place on EARTH. He, as HANDY HUGH,  helps me a lot in our GardenSong Project when I need it and he enjoys when he can get away and work/play at our 3 acres we call 42 where he has begun planting TREES to support the rarer Butterflies and scattering SEEDS to encourage more FLOWERS to grow and nourish the POLLINATORS. He takes care of all the properties for his family and likes to run.

2020-08-03-GS-Handy HUGH Hunting Butterflies

About the author

Saleena Kí

Omniversal Storyteller through her Art, Photography, Music & Word who LOVES Nature, Mother Earth & Assisting us ALL to LIGHTEN UP!