Saleena: This morning I realized that with all the breakdown & chaos of the old making room for this ascending new earth, we are certainly along for a wild ride. Many things are occurring both “out there” & internally, as well as physically that could be frightening or devastating if we lacked any kind of insight or inspiration as to what might be going on & how to best align ourselves to ride through it all with a sense of grace & ease. With knowledge, hope, a sense of purpose & a handful of tools to help us keep our own internal balance, we can stay in a state of light & internal balance no matter what happens. The situation in Haiti is giving us all an opportunity to serve in many ways. I am grateful for all the world response to a people in such need in so many ways.
On January 12, 2010, Haiti had the most devastating earthquake she had ever experience.
This tragedy instantly drew the attention of the world to the most downtrodden and needy people in the western hemisphere. In the midst of the chaos Humanity opened our hearts and reached out to our sisters and brothers. Our differences became irrelevant and the Oneness of Life began to register in the hearts and minds of the masses of Humanity in profound ways. The love and compassion we developed when we witnessed the pain and suffering of our sisters and brothers softened our hearts and allowed more of God’s Love and Healing Light to flow into the Earth.
The collective consciousness of Humanity reaching out in love and compassion to our less fortunate sisters and brothers created a Chalice of Light that is now cradling the Earth and all her Life. This cup of Humanity’s collective consciousness has created an Open Door that no one can shut. The Light of God is now pouring in, through, and around every particle of Life on this sweet Earth. Humanity is being lifted up in energy, vibration, and consciousness in unprecedented ways.
Patricia Cota-Robles see full message below
With understanding we can cultivate our awakening sense of ONEness, unity, joy & appreciation for the impending changes. With even greater understanding, we find we are the ONES that are assisting to bring about these changes.
So many messages coming in daily; so many ideas & offerings:
Presented with the intention of expanding your perspective & for your discernment.
Follow your heart & embrace what resonates, bless the rest & hang on!
Haiti & the Chaotic Node: Hathors through Tom Kenyon
“… the general thrust of your planetary state is one of extreme volatility. Your magnetic North Pole is shifting its position in erratic and unpredictable ways. The photosphere is also showing signs of unusual activity, as yet undetected by your scientists. All of this is to be expected for a planet undergoing a movement into Ascension, and we liken all of this to the birthing pangs of Earth’s birth into higher dimensions.”
“What we wish to address, as always, are practical applications of multi-dimensional awareness.
It is the state of your vibratory field that determines your experience of any event. In its most simple form, the cultivation of appreciation for the smallest things in your life will give you the greatest results.
The various inner technologies we have given before will also help you navigate through this transition as well, but we realize that not everyone is capable of entering into multi-dimensional awareness. If you are one of these persons, do not concern yourself with it. The simple act of appreciation for what is in your life will shift your vibratory field faster and more effectively than any sacred geometry.
The task, then, is one of attaining a higher level of vibration. We do not mean physical vibration–the vibratory rate of your physical body–but rather we refer to the vibratory rate of your subtle energy body (your KA, your etheric double).”
Full Article:
Free Sound Gifts:
Hathor Pineal Gland Dimensional Attunement:
Holon of Ascension & Holon of Planetary Ascension:
LightBody Journey to Haiti:
Aloha Saleena, Thank you for your love-light and intentions in this matter. Here is a creative visualization that was inspired on 1/13/10 by the Reality Crafting Team’s desire to be of joyful service in this situation. Feel free to share it.
LightBody Journey to Haiti: 29 minutes
Blessings, Suzanna Kennedy
It is said
The Ancient Hawaiians
had a prophecy
that there would come
a time on the planet
when there would be so much chaos
it would require many to emerge
as Agents of Calm
It feels these times have arrived!
Read the full post at:
Are we there yet? Frequency Bursts & Visions of Paradise – through Aluna Joy Yaxk’in
“The last couple of weeks have been pretty interesting. There has been a sudden and quite apparent shift in the energy of the earth. You don’t need to be an astrologer, astronomer, or even psychic to know that these last few weeks, between the eclipse window of December 31, 2009 and January 15, 2010, multiplied by the Mercury retrograde from Dec.26, 2009 – Jan. 15, 2010, have been quite a roller coaster ride. Having an asteroid near flyby, and more intensified solar flares, didn’t do much to lighten up the situation either.
According to the USGS, there have been seven major earthquakes since the beginning of the year: In the Solomon Islands, the San Francisco Bay area and Northern California, surprisingly even in Oklahoma, and the massive one in Haiti just this week. There has also been some pretty impressive volcano activity.
I am not sharing all this with you to frighten you. I am sharing this, because we need to remember that the earth is constantly shifting and evolving . . . just as we are. The only thing that is constant in life is change.
We are all ONE with all life;
just like the new movie Avatar so beautifully portrayed.
Because we are so connected to each other, we feel everything that is going on in the world whether we understand this concept or not.
We are all God’s children. We are all part of God’s life force. What happens to one, happens to all. The closer we get to the shift of the ages, the more we will manifest exactly what we believe about ourselves, what we hold in our hearts, and what we think we deserve. The planet and the shift of the ages is intimately connected to the law of attraction and the collective consciousness that humanity holds.”
“The Star Elders say these sudden bursts in heightened frequencies are the cause of a yet another quick leap in evolution. They say there will be many more of these bursts, but they will be spaced in such a way that we can assimilate and evolve along with them. It will take some work on our part to allow the changes, and to stay positive while going through them. When these heightened frequencies arrive, the collective consciousness, all the way down to individual intent, the “law of attraction”, becomes quite amplified. Whatever one person, one community, one state, one country, or one planet’s core beliefs are, these intends will begin to manifest even quicker than before.
Our divine plan, that we came here to fulfill, is happening quicker . . . though it may not be the one we might have envisioned. It reminds me of what John Lennon said . . . “Life happens while you’re making plans.” Life keeps happening even though we are screaming for break.”
“I am being shown by the Star Elders, and entire legions of Light Beings and Ascended Masters, that we are NOT as stuck as we feel. We are actually hard at work in the inner realms. Many of us have already projected a part of ourselves out in the future where we are anchoring into the new world. We don’t know if we are awake or dreaming at times. This world is feeling less and less real. The only exception to this would be in the sacred sites of the world which are becoming more present and tangible, because we are beginning to match the energy that they have been holding for eons. The movie “Avatar” furthered a collective realization of the ability to bridge ourselves between worlds.”
For Full Article:
Aluna Joy Yaxk’in & the Star Elders
To all our Brothers and Sisters in Haiti.
We know that we could never fathom or begin to comprehend
the pain, suffering and loss you are enduring.
But I know that during these last few days, I feel I have been there with you,
along with so many other light workers around the planet.
For the last few days, I’ve been feeling the heat of the Sun,
the humidity and the dust in the eerie silence among uncountable cries for help.
The endless waiting and the feeling of being utterly trapped
and helplessly entombed has been very tangible.
I also can feel the strength while you singing praises to God, marching in the streets. The faith and resilience in inspirational and humbling
I know all the empaths, sensitives and healers all over the world
are sitting there right with you holding your hand
and gently brushing the hair from your tired eyes.
We are sending you Love, Courage, Strength,
and an immeasurable level of will to live.
We hope you know that you are not alone.” Aluna Joy Yaxk’in
Free Essence: Shock Trauma & Change Blend
I want to make an offer to all those that have been personally and directly affected by this earthquake in Haiti, and to their immediate families that are waiting to hear if their loved ones have survived. We know it is not much considering the magnitude of this event, but it is something we can do.
Sacred Site Essences is offering a FREE bottle of
~ Shock Trauma & Change Blend ~
Order at…
Enter in the gift code box (withlove) and pay only shipping ($6.)
Only one bottle per person please.
Offer good until Jan 31st, 2010
Free I AM Blessing Water:
I AM Blessing Water Essences is offering a FREE bottle of
~ I AM Strength, Power, and Courage ~
Order at…
Enter in the gift code box (withlove) and pay only shipping ($6.)
Only one bottle per person please.
Offer good until Jan 31st, 2010
Use the Violet Flame:
Date: Wednesday, January 13, 2010, 11:16 PM
Hello and greetings, Saint Germain asked me to send this message to everyone. Please share it with all of your friends, as well. Blessings, Troika
Dear Souls,
I ask for everyone to send the Violet Flame to Haiti — NOW!
Send the Violet Flame every day, as many times a day as you can.
The calls must be made from the earth plane.
Ask the Violet Flame to transmute all pain, suffering, fear, and other negatives into HOPE, LOVE, MIRACLES and BLESSINGS for all of Haiti. Please remember the animals, too.
Ask the Violet Flame to purify ALL who crossed-over so that they may receive their Ascension.
Be of Service to the earth and ALL life forms, for we are all ONE.
The Ascended Masters can not intervene unless you ask for our help.
Ask us and we WILL respond.
Blessings to All
I AM Saint Germain
Date: Wednesday, January 13, 2010, 11:23 PM
I just did what St Germain suggested in the following message and the amazing sense I had was that I felt cleansed and I still feel cleansed….well on the deepest level we are One, so this makes sense and it feels uplifting, therefore I am forwarding.
Love, Ursula-Maria
Saleena: Using the Diamond Fire & the Platinum Ray is another powerful way to clear things.
Wonderful Passionate Beloved Violet Flame Mantras
Video for the Children: Send your Love & Prayers
Our Love & Prayers to Haiti… Dear Planetary Partner,
(Recently) I received the guidance for a video for children, to invite them to send their love and prayers to those in Haiti…
I got up and made the video… posted it on YouTube… the responses are touching… I felt a little funny, who am I to make this video, yet we live in a time where, more than ever, we’re asked to implement our guidance! (Yes, that means you too!
“Beautiful-can’t wait to share with my 9 year old daughter! Will post her response”
“Me & my little Angelina send love & light to the people of Haiti”
“:) <— that’s from my little guy…we send our love to all the world each night”
Join me in seeing a wave of compassion from all of Humanity assisting the people of Haiti in rebuilding their country unlike ever before…
(See the video here)
Thank you for being a Planetary Partner!
Namaste! Joe
PS: Your love is transforming our world!
Léogâne as the Epicenter
Marimar & I began to discuss what all this is about. Since Marimar researches sacred sites on grid crossings & has a very expanded perspective of their placement & purposes, I ask him to look into this and see what was related to the area where the epicenter occurred. He found the town of Léogane & looked into the history there. Seems that there is a distinct link with the Divine Feminine & her relation to sacred sites connected to the whole earth system & the current oppression there. He found that several key feminine figures were born there & one male who was associated with leadership of Luciferianism.
We found there is a connection between Léogâne, Venus and Neo-Luciferianism. From a site on NeoLuciferianism:
“Luciferianism is the study of the hidden, occult forces in man and in nature. Neo-Luciferianism is a practical and result-oriented occult path for those with the will and talent of success. Lucifer was a Roman God. His name means Lightbearer. In Roman mythology he is the herald of Aurora, the dawn. Lucifer is the personification of the Morningstar, the planet Venus.
What is often termed a ”luciferian conspiracy” on fundamentalist religious sites is none other than an informal contact and sympathy between people who believe in education, unbiased research, nature preservation and human rights. There’re no central leaders, but the central plan seems clear: Increase freedom and possibilities for humankind, and make this world a better place to live.
This ”very evil world conspiracy” by nature works against fundamentalist religions as expressed in right-wing Christianity, Islamist fundamentalism, Jewish fundamentalism, Hindu caste-systems, oppressing religious observances against women, homosexuals and with racial issues, and many other religions, and of course in the extreme right- and leftwing political groups and other forms of extremism, where it is believed that a few men are entitled to rule the viewpoint and behavior of all other men. All men have a right to flourish and express their talent to the bettering of the world.”
Full Article:
Saleena: In my Christian upbringing I was “trained” to associate Lucifer with Satan or the Devil as an evil being who leads legions of dark forces to tempt us, who are out to capture, torture & destroy us & steal away our souls. This was all pretty scary to me as a child. From our research, we found a fascinating & enlightened perspective.
We found this being was demonized by religious organizations & institutions, creating dogma that was part of a plan that would keep us in the dark, giving away our power, resources & energies to the leaders to support their control for many many years. To me, this is similar to the story of Eve, Mary Magdalene & the Divine Feminine being demonized by the churches to take away the power of the feminine for a time. She is returning to the light & now this brings a new light to Lucifer & something new to consider.
2010-01-17 Our Lightwork; Freeing the Divine Feminine, Working with the White Rose Energy:
Since our attention is drawn to this place, Colin, Marimar & I traveled there to see what was happening & why the earthquake might have hit where it did. As we were guided in our light work, we found there is a powerful grid crossing that associates with the Divine Feminine: Marys, Maries & Rose energies It was disconnected, blocked & not allowing a special Rose energy to circulate freely.
After we worked yesterday to free it, we saw the most beautiful white rose energy configuration & energy from a Master Crystal in the Temple of The Alighted Flame which sits below it; begin to spread out from there again. We reconnected it to Venus. See Venus Earth Reconnection:
New energy began to flow out from this important point in our Mother Earth’s Grid.
Lucifer was called Son of the Bright MorningStar & associated with Venus. I believe that bringing out the truth of this is associated with the new Masculine Archetype coming into its fullness. Seems this is a missing piece of the puzzle. This is such a surprise to me, or is it? Something very important began to flow freely there at the energy grid site again.
Frankly, I was feeling somewhat nervous to even bring this up, since there is so much strong opinion & judgment around this topic. We are presenting it for each of your own discernment. To me, this comes at a time when all kinds of information & disinformation is surfacing for us all to look at & see how it resonates within us. Go to your heart & find what is your truth. So much untruth has been fed to us all to keep us in the illusion of fear, weakness & de-powerment. There are going to be some very startling revelations coming very soon as our true history is uncovered. This is another piece of the wonderous puzzle coming to light.
See Part3 for the full Omni-dimensional Lightwork Adventure
SaLuSa 20-January-2010-Mike Quinsey
“Your continued magnificent response to the Haiti tragedy, emphasizes what we have been telling you regarding your remarkable increase in the levels of your consciousness.
Instead of relying on Governments or charitable groups, you have leapt into action and contributed directly to the relief funds. It shows your level of concern and compassion for those souls who are suffering. It is also noted that your generosity has come about from genuine concern, for you see them as much a part of the Human Race as you are.
We hardly need mention that there are others who are less understanding or aware. They judge worth from a different set of values, that are often based on color and creed…
As you become more aware of world events, the wider picture begins to grow and tells you the state it is in. Economies are still uncertain as to the future, and the effects of the financial collapse are far from finished. Yet for all of this there is light at the end of the tunnel, because it means that there will have to be an entirely new approach to find the answers. They can of course be summed up by the creation of fair and just policies that put the people first. The power to achieve it lies with you, and you must relentlessly press on with your demands for change.”
Full Message:
by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
2010 is being referred to by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth as the year of manifestation. I know from outer appearances things seem confusing and even overwhelming, but day-by-day we are moving forward in the Light. Please take a few deep breaths, and feel your consciousness expanding to take in the bigger picture.
In the midst of the chaos, miracles are happening.
The Beings of Light have revealed to us over the years that very evolved souls have volunteered to embody on Earth in the areas that are reflecting the greatest pain and suffering. The hope was that these souls would have a better chance of awakening quickly. This would create an upward flow of consciousness that would lift Humanity’s focus of attention, thus helping us to awaken and to reconnect with the Realms of Illumined Truth.
The painful experiences that are being pushed to the surface all over the world involve lifetimes worth of hatred and violence. These distorted behavior patterns have been perpetuated by our fear-based human egos for aeons of time.
Since we are all One, every particle of Life is interrelated, interconnected, and interdependent. There is no separation. What affects one facet of Life affects all Life. What this means in very practical terms is that the accumulation of Humanity’s negative thoughts, feelings, words, and actions has to be brought to the surface and transmuted back into Light if ANY of us are going to be ready to make the shift into the 5th-Dimensional Realms of Light.
Energy cannot be destroyed. It can only be transformed. We cannot just say “cancel, cancel” and clear lifetimes worth of our egos’ abuse of power. We have to become aware of our past transgressions of the Laws of Divine Love, Reverence for Life, and Oneness, so that we can invoke the Light of God and transmute these gross mutations back into their original perfection.
Humanity has created every abominable human miscreation. We have done this by misusing the precious atomic and subatomic particles and waves of energy our Father-Mother God have given to us as our Lifeforce.
Through our free-will choices, we accepted our gift of Life and then distorted that harmonious energy into all manner of pain and suffering through the misuse of our thoughts, words, feelings, and actions.
Now, in order for us to move into the 5th Dimension with the rest of our Solar System, there is no other option than for us to experience the results of our miscreations, so we can transmute them back into Light.
Knowing the urgency of the hour, our Father-Mother God issued a Cosmic Edict that gave highly evolved souls permission to intervene in the purging and healing of Humanity’s miscreations in unprecedented ways. For the first time ever, these selfless Sons and Daughters of God were given permission to embody on Earth and to join their efforts with the efforts of the Children of Earth. They were allowed to actually take on some of the mass consciousness and the collective karmic liabilities Humanity has been miscreating for millions of years. This meant that these evolved souls would have to embody in areas where the densest frequencies of pain and suffering were being played out in the lives of Humanity.
These powerful souls willingly embodied in every corner of the world. Many of them made the sacrifice of incarnating into the most oppressive frequencies of darkness on the planet. They knew that the areas where Humanity’s human egos were inflicting atrocities upon each other would have to be exposed in the Light of God and brought to the surface to be healed. Our Father-Mother God and the Beings of Light believed that these highly evolved souls would be able to transcend the pain more easily than the Children of Earth who had been beaten into the pits of despair by these painful situations for millennia.
When we look historically at the horrific experiences Humanity has gone through during the past 100 years, we get a glimpse of the sacrifice our sisters and brothers have made on our behalf. They assisted the Children of Earth and brought our human miscreations to the surface by volunteering to experience devastating wars, religious persecution, plagues, natural disasters, poverty, hunger, hatred, greed, corruption, violence, and the unbridled abuse of power by our human egos. Through their lives and often through their deaths, these precious souls brought to the attention of Humanity the rampant miscreations our human egos were inflicting on this planet.
Some of these selfless souls awakened in time to consciously remember why they were going through such painful experiences, but many of them did not. Nevertheless, they God Victoriously went through the experiences that they volunteered to heal. Their sacrifice purged a great deal of Humanity’s collective negativity and catapulted the Children of Earth forward in the Light.
The events that are taking place in Haiti are part of this necessary purging process. This catastrophic event occurred in Divine Timing. On December 31, 2009, we experienced one of the most powerful Full Moon Lunar Eclipses we have ever encountered. The influx of Light from this Eclipse blessed the planet with powerful frequencies of healing and transformation. We were told by the Beings of Light that this Light would increase daily and hourly until the New Moon Solar Eclipse, which would take place January 14-15, 2010. The influx of Light from that Eclipse would empower all of the patterns of perfection for the New Earth and catapult this planet forward in the Light, thus paving the way for the physical manifestation of the New Earth.
On January 12, 2010, Haiti had the most devastating earthquake she had ever experience. This tragedy instantly drew the attention of the world to the most downtrodden and needy people in the western hemisphere. In the midst of the chaos Humanity opened our hearts and reached out to our sisters and brothers. Our differences became irrelevant and the Oneness of Life began to register in the hearts and minds of the masses of Humanity in profound ways. The love and compassion we developed when we witnessed the pain and suffering of our sisters and brothers softened our hearts and allowed more of God’s Love and Healing Light to flow into the Earth.
The collective consciousness of Humanity reaching out in love and compassion to our less fortunate sisters and brothers created a Chalice of Light that is now cradling the Earth and all her Life. This cup of Humanity’s collective consciousness has created an Open Door that no one can shut. The Light of God is now pouring in, through, and around every particle of Life on this sweet Earth. Humanity is being lifted up in energy, vibration, and consciousness in unprecedented ways.
When the powerful Solar Eclipse took place on January 14-15, 2010, Humanity’s open hearts and our deep feelings of love and compassion allowed a greater influx of God’s Love and Healing than the Earth has ever been able to receive. The precious souls who embodied in Haiti, and those who were there to assist with this facet of the unfolding Divine Plan, are blessed for the extreme sacrifice they made on behalf of all Humanity.
The people who left the physical plane were escorted into the Heavenly Realms by Legions of Angels. Those who were left behind have a long road ahead of them, but Beloved Mother Mary has enveloped each one in a mantle of Divine Comfort and Love. Angels from her Regal Court will remain with every person in Haiti to help them with their healing and transformation. Haiti will never again be the forgotten and abandoned country she was in the past. The masses of Humanity have been lifted up through this experience, and the Oneness of ALL Life has been encoded in the consciousness of every man, woman, and child in previously unknown ways.
©2010 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
Watch for Article Here Soon: