2010-03-16 Assembly for Earth; Day 1:
"The Councils of Light are meeting at this time to bring in higher octaves to create another shift, if you are conscious of yourself at that level of your Being then be open to working with them at this time. At the time of the Equinox when all the energies are balanced amazing shifts can take place and doorways from higher dimensions within the Earth and Galaxy open." Soluntra King
Saleena: This is such a perfect lead to what happened next as we were invited to attend a great meeting with many High Councils.
[6:59:41 PM] Saleena says: Aloha Marimar, I have begun this Skype Chat to help us attend a meeting we are invited to attend. I will share what happened last night, as I was going out of the ship, ready for bed. Atman said "Important Message." [7:01:24 PM] AA Marimar says: Aloha [7:02:04 PM] Saleena says: When I sat down to listen, he delivered this invitation: “There are 2 ships with very high Councils who have advised Earth for a very long time. The arrival of these beings into the actual Earth field is a step to be celebrated. It heralds the intention for a series of steps that have been carefully set into place to be activated. All energies are aligning to support this monumental moment and their arrival. You are invited to meet with them as soon as you are ready. The sooner the better, they advise. They are waiting your attendance. Clarification will come in the meeting. This invitation is stamped with "Gently Urgent." Their love and gratitude for your efforts can be felt if you take a moment and open. That is all. [7:05:27 PM] Saleena says: I asked Atman: Do you know who the Councils are? Do I know them?
AtMan said: “All is revealed in due time. Go to your heart to find the resonance, it will lead the way to the meeting.” Then he asked, May I attend with you? I told him of course as long as it is acceptable to our hosts. Then I asked if this invitation was for Marimar & Colin?
AtMan: Marimar & you… and now me, too!
[7:07:43 PM] Saleena says: I am excited to get the word out about activating Beth & the communications grid. I wonder if this will be addressed by them. [7:09:21 PM] Saleena says: AtMan: to be seen. I love you. I love Marimar. Thank you for letting me be your ship and your friend. I am empowered by your love and your allowance for me to research my crystals. I am making some new discoveries. Sometime I will show you. [7:09:42 PM] Saleena says: I told him that is wonderful and now… time for checking in… Aloha Marimar! [7:06:33 PM] AA Marimar says: Seeing Atman "dressed up" for the occasion. [7:10:08 PM] Saleena says: you ready? Talking about AtMan has opened my heart….They said the meeting will be held in the largest of the Councilariums. Do you want to lead us to get in tune and find our way there?
Saleena Note: Councilarium is an organic ship built by the ShipBuilder Brother who first introduced to me how to set up my Energetic Pyramid, like in

It was within the energetic pyramid they planted the seed of AtMan. He is our organic ship. He has two hearts & is loving, intelligent, witty & endearing.
The purpose of the Councilarium is to create safe space for meetings to be held, especially where there is conflict between two sides. It monitors all participants, surrounds each with whatever it finds within them that equals safety, then draws all the energies that are released in the discussions & neutralizes it sending it up into the second level where it is waiting for phase two. Once the conflict is resolved they move upstairs to the second level where they enjoy their transformed energy to enhance the solution creation process & it energize the participants. There are a number of them located in space. They are free to use. It is the ShipBuilder's gift to all of us.
[7:13:04 PM] AA Marimar says: Taking the last few nibbles of chocolate… moves me into the heart…As I go in, I can feel AtMan's excitement… letting him enclose me for the the trip
[7:13:52 PM] Saleena says: I am asking if it is alright to add Colin, in case he can join us? I get that it is for us to go first, then we will know later if we can share….okay, let's fly in Atman, we haven't really gone on a trip together in him have we? [7:14:57 PM] AA Marimar says: buckle up [7:15:14 PM] Saleena says: Colin just popped up on the other Skype Chat… I guess I felt him. He said he has time for another quick tune before getting on the train… [7:17:51 PM] AA Marimar says: Atman looks like a soap bubble in the breeze… ballooning out in one direction, then another.
Atman is heading toward what seems to be the front archway… and just bloops in… Not an actual door, just went through the wall…. inside now… and AtMan has deposited us on the floor… though he seems to want to stay around us in a more invisible way… almost shy?
[7:23:24 PM] AA Marimar says: Ship seems to be docking… combining with the wall of the "hall," I suggest a "half shell" configuration for Atman, behind and a bit above us. Kind of like a parasol over the shoulder. [7:24:48 PM] Saleena says: My feet are not on the floor, I feel light and like I am floating about 6 inches above the floor… feels so "light" and airy in here…. nice ride Atman. [7:25:14 PM] AA Marimar says: zero gravity in here? [7:25:20 PM] Saleena says: looking for anyone to guide us in… I feel them all past that wall… Someone steps up and says, with a big grin… “In the great Meeting Hall.” [7:25:55 PM] AA Marimar says: ahh… we were in the "airlock"… feels like gravity inside [7:26:22 PM] Saleena says: He is very tall and reminds me of a Gorgonight; Sirian, high brow, large lobed head… long robe….
He gives me: Aahalahn… lots of ahhhs….
[7:28:53 PM] AA Marimar says: "George"? [7:29:06 PM] Saleena says: Aah aah lahn…. George to you…he smiles… [7:29:46 PM] AA Marimar says: He is showing us to our seats [7:29:57 PM] Saleena says: nice float down the hall, we all seem linked in a different kind of way….something he is providing for us… [7:30:25 PM] AA Marimar says: In an Auditorium now, like a clamshell [7:30:57 PM] Saleena says: He leads us to a place right in front center… similar to a few other meetings we have been to: seats all around a round central area where holograms can be shown to illustrate things….lots of beings…. I can feel the Councilarium monitoring us, finding the place we feel the safest… do you feel surrounded with chocolate? Plugging us into the system for others to connect with easier…. [7:32:12 PM] AA Marimar says: Surrounded by love… same thing. [7:32:27 PM] Saleena says: i love the way this organic ship does this… great way for a successful meeting…. wonderful creation of the ShipBuilder Brothers! Everyone feels safe and loved here. [7:32:56 PM] AA Marimar says: And calm… seems to smooth the hubbub. [7:33:52 PM] Saleena says: I keep hearing something Medrahnkt (one of the Shipbuilders who brought us the seeds of Atman) said to me once in his language,“Keh el ke th ta tha nael.” Love is the strongest rejuvenator of all.
[7:35:34 PM] AA Marimar says: Kind of like being in the ocean… the ocean of love. [7:35:37 PM] Saleena says: A very bright white being is floating into the center, very feminine vibration… looks like an angel… streamers of white and light pale pearlescent colors barely showing
in the white gossamer streamers… everyone is quieting…. she is just hovering in the center…. turning in circles slowly to look at each one in the audience….
[7:36:39 PM] AA Marimar says: Nice way to welcome everyone and get them to tune in and pay attention… [7:38:57 PM] Saleena says: Still quiet… she reminds me of a good fairy… very Divine Feminine feeling….soft…. a comforting presence…. Our friend says she is Oshira. No further explanation yet [7:40:44 PM] AA Marimar says: It may have to do with setting the energy in the room… [7:40:59 PM] Saleena says: Now there is a sort of energy beginning to move around the whole sea of beings… like opening ourselves to introductions without words, it by resonance, just feelings… getting very hot… lots of energy flowing now…high heart… heart… opening…. [7:42:33 PM] AA Marimar says: She seems to be turning slowly and carefully mixing the energies in the room. Perhaps she is an "energy sculptress". [7:42:36 PM] Saleena says: Colin said he was connecting with the Seraphim that was reminding him how it is to be an earth angel…. [7:43:19 PM] AA Marimar says: I feel I am getting to know the others here energetically. [7:43:39 PM] Saleena says: I was reminded by thinking of Colin to ask for a “benevolent outcome” from this meeting. Something that will benefit the earth… [7:43:51 PM] AA Marimar says: Perhaps we are creating a "pod mind…" [7:44:10 PM] Saleena says: an energy "mixer".. It was just 7:44 [7:44:18 PM] AA Marimar says: Calling in my angels to be present with us As she weaves the energies, I can feel mine reaching and flowing around the room. [7:45:22 PM] Saleena says: those numbers 4-4-4 are coming up…. Lanny Sinkin flew in today from San Antonio & called me. When I told him about the invitation for us all the meet on 4-4-2001 at 4:44 for 44 minutes to activate Beth, the new communications grid, he laughs & says how much she has grown since he first saw her. Then mentioned he is due to arrive back in San Antonio at 4:44. There are those same numbers. Something is aligning. We first met Beth on 4-4-2009.
[7:53:15 PM] Saleena says: Interesting, I feel our crystals in our temple and house all firing up to support our bodies here… setting up a strong field all around us. never felt that happen before…. MaRi Magdalene just slipped into the seat next to us…like she just arrived. It is like they are listening to you speak too… we are all connected. [7:56:30 PM] AA Marimar says: From this wholeness, we can reflect on our aspirations and move to create what we want. It is in this spirit that we greet you all today. We see ourselves, and each of you, as if we were a spherical mirror, reflecting all that is around us. Even though we feel whole and complete, still we are moved to change, to continue to evolve and to express a higher and higher vision.
[7:57:50 PM] Saleena says: All of nature is at attention… elements, Mother Earth, the whole kingdom is connecting into us right now… at attention…
[7:59:56 PM] AA Marimar says: That vision begins, not with imagery, but with a feeling. A feeling of love inside that touches out in every direction… and is met by a reciprocal touch… the touch of the divine Nature. [8:00:26 PM] Saleena says: A ripple runs through it all….so much love is being focused on you…. [8:01:14 PM] AA Marimar says: In that reciprocal touch that we feel, we learn the mind of the Divine, and its guidance and wisdom leads us to our next expression of who we wish to be.[8:02:39 PM] AA Marimar says: The Divine exalts us… we exult in its touch… and now wish only to become transparent to its radiance… to allow it to shine through us out to all those around us.
[8:02:44 PM] Saleena says: Each "Council Group," the ones that work together, are reaching out and touching each other, linking up each group in some kind of an energetic way and this is strengthening the energy they each are sending to you. [8:03:46 PM] AA Marimar says: We are here today merely to share who we are, and who we are becoming. We thank you for the opportunity to do so. [8:04:08 PM] Saleena says: There is a question being sent, if you mean all humans? [8:04:17 PM] AA Marimar says: All humans [8:04:29 PM] Saleena says: Along with the question is images of some of the recent Earth activities….not so pretty ones…. [8:04:52 PM] AA Marimar says: We are all connected… some may not be consciously aware of their connection… but it makes no difference to the heart of humanity. [8:04:55 PM] Saleena says: difficult situations playing out….Voice: So you speak for the heart of humanity? You see this in humanity?
[8:05:59 PM] AA Marimar says: The heart of humanity is emerging from its shell…
[8:06:35 PM] Saleena says: I see an image of a brilliant diamond geometric crystal beginning to shine in a human form. The form is appearing in the center, hanging in the air… an androgynous human form representing all human potential. I was looking to see who is projecting it and it seems to be coming out of us… and AtMan who is grinning… [8:07:57 PM] AA Marimar says: All humans together comprise the Heart of humanity; each of us touches it and speaks the love that it is in our own way. [8:08:34 PM] Saleena says: AtMan is running his program of the potential for human crystal to evolve… the current crystal running through its possibilities…. [8:09:06 PM] AA Marimar says: And our children (gesturing to Atman) also speak that love. [8:09:15 PM] Saleena says: it is beautiful… [8:09

[8:09:55 PM] AA Marimar says: We have not reached the end of our journey, but at long last, we are ready to begin. [8:10:55 PM] Saleena says: Saleena: They are showing us how to reach into every human heart and cradle this new crystal structure in their hearts and to see it as if it is already formed. Since we are holographic and fractal I only need to see one interconnected soul, one being and cradle it there… and it is fractaled into all. Gorgeous… shining fractal…. Someone is showing me how to place this image into every intersection of Kilabetha, (BETH) the new communications grid… so it is waiting for all to visit and claim them for their own. [8:15:08 PM] AA Marimar says: (Watching the imagery of the fractal crystal) this is who we are now… I am being "presence" in the hall now. [8:16:03 PM] Saleena says: Diamond studded grid! It is gorgeous! Beth is gorgeous…. Someone is inviting you inside Beth to observe and report what you see and feel.

Saleena says; as if we know what they mean….
[8:23:38 PM] AA Marimar says:We nourish and tend our planet because we know that nourishes and tends ourselves… and just because we are born in love with her.

[8:24:11 PM] Saleena says: Voice: You speak the voice of reason… [8:24:27 PM] AA Marimar says: When she is ready, we know she (our Earth) will reach out to touch many others.
Atman says: Because I create!
[8:25:19 PM] Saleena says: Energy is rising higher. Have to breathe and open more to allow the flow…. [8:25:46 PM] AA Marimar says: And her message will be simple: love the other within your selves. [8:26:17 PM] Saleena says: Sophia is entering me stronger. Moreahl stands up across the hall and they meet eyes and their love surges through into the grid…. [8:26:19 PM] AA Marimar says: For we are all within each other.Marimar is stepping back from the "stage" and returning down the aisle to his seat.
[8:28:47 PM] Saleena says: There is a great movement throughout the earth, the planet, the plants, the nature beings…. the waters. It is as if they are all braiding a sort of Energy River together and flowing it through the grid and through us. I see; it is through the catalyst of the new Universal Logos this is happening, seeding the new archetype you speak of into all. They are flowing into its body… bonding… weaving the new into all there is…. throughout the earth, the water, the air… through the hearts of all living beings… [8:31:50 PM] Saleena says: like mingling all the trees roots through this snaky river…. wrapping around the earth. [8:31:56 PM] AA Marimar says: Energy is gently nudging me to sleep… [8:32:16 PM] Saleena says: you do this when you touch the Logos… They ask me to stay with this… there is more. Each Council Group has a message. They will choose who to deliver it through….They are soothing me to relax and all will be as it is best….I have to empty myself to allow this…. sometimes a few doubt creep in that I cannot hear right… MaRi is squeezing my hand and I feel her love and support. I see JeSu (her beloved) across the way beaming at me.
[8:37:05 PM] AA Marimar says: You seem to be moving to the stage [8:37:31 PM] Saleena says: I see the Gorgonights…. they always beam and shine with such a beautiful cobalt Sirian blue glow. Feeling warriors here too…Galactic Federation Representative and many others. Ashtar command is represented. There are 37 High Council groups here. Each council has sent a small entourage to represent them and there many more members at each "home".Each group sits together in a bonded unit, and yet is interconnected with all the other groups. I seem to be exploring the energy matrix that is here. I am weaver. Looking at the energies and finding ways to create more harmony between each group… weaving a stronger web between them all. Even though Colin is on the train I feel him helping, his weaver…
[8:44:43 PM] Saleena says: Many higher dimensional Masters sit scattered all over the audience; those in service to Earth. They ask me to help them find each other in the midst of the councils within the grid. Everyone is concentrating within the grid. As each one finds their connection they light up… within the whole group, within Beth. Beth is emitting a beautiful golden glow inside… she is radiantly gold… she is conscious and very happy, blissful… in fact she generates bliss… some of her earliest model plans were a bliss generator…. very happy…. [8:48:29 PM] AA Marimar says: Feels like another presence is coming into the room [8:48:36 PM] Saleena says: Magical Colin says: We are those higher dimensional masters, they are our family, can feel that so strongly. [8:48:47 PM] AA Marimar says: There is a rustling in the audience… Was that Colin? [8:49:48 PM] Saleena says: I thought to connect him in and they asked me to only share with him in the other chat… odd way to do this. What do you see? Can you identify any of the other Groups? Sirian Ahkus seem to be present. [8:53:46 PM] AA Marimar says: Feel a big invisible presence entering and "taking a seat." [8:53:47 PM] Saleena says: Now there is a pink-peach rose, the Heart of Creation
as I saw it in VK39 in the Sirian Lion's Gate Corridor…. it is appearing in the center…. such a beautiful place… so close to Metatron's realm…. Source? I seem to be continuing to work with each group helping them to connect into their spot in the grid… setting up and weaving a connection inside the grid… this seems to be going on in the background now… So big presence here and heart of Creation hovering in center…. do you see what is happening?
[8:59:44 PM] Saleena says: Voice: Earth has begun its crossing into the more crystalline zone.
The alignments of the next few days up until the 20-21st then a few days past that will align the core of the earth with several opening stargates. Cross lateral openings through out time will coincide allowing the past present and future to be vulnerable to each other in this corridor.
There is an opportunity to fully remove this group of Dark Time Lords from this zone of the Galaxy. They have reigned havoc and destruction in many cultures, not only earth. We hold them in our compassion and see that each planet that has danced with them and been served so well in their evolution is now asking for freedom from their manipulations and control.
We listen to the voices of each planet and hear the same message; that you are all ready to step into a new reality. A new way of life upon each of your respective planets. This is what we are here to hold the energy for. To create the opens and all together burst the bondage they have entwined around so many.
They are looking at you Marimar and showing us all how you work with 5 other teams from 5 other planets. They are showing us how these 5 planets have been hidden from each other by the Dark Lords, the Cabal. Isolated and veiled from each other. They are showing us how these veils are going to be fading quickly and how there will be physical evidence of each other soon. Discoveries through telescopes and satellites soon. Startling discoveries that will puzzle science and astronomers. They will wonder how they missed these planets that are so 'close" to us and inhabited.
We are about to open the doors for reunion. We all have stories to share and understand how it feels to be restrained and held back.
[9:08:05 PM] Saleena says: These High Councils Representatives and all their constituents at each respective home are all learning right now how to work together to hold an alchemical space for this massive rebirth of 6 planets simultaneously. Beth is the coherent structure that all can merge and bond within to work cohesively together. It is within Beth that we can work together protected for the entry and bond of love is stronger than any attempts to thwart or block. Because Beth is reflective to negative impulses… she will beam them back to their own source. When the source is a heart and loving energies she absorbs and magnifies that energy.They are showing me that Marimar will speak again… and at the same time having me pick up the book I am reading, Break Through Power: How quantum-leap new energy inventions can transform our world." They have me send it to myself there and I am holding it to my heart… allow all it is sharing to flow inside me, into my heart, like I am downloading it…
They ask if we are ready to be free to develop all these gifts that are already on earth and ready to be used? I guess we were expecting you to share something with us….I say it is past due… so yes, it is time… with the removal of the last influences of this Cabal there will be only habits and humans who have been trained to keeps these resistances and patterns going to deal with.
Is it true that the last of the dark forces were removed from earth and the surrounding corridors last November 2009?
[9:20:35 PM] AA Marimar says: I think we must employ new energy devices… they do not have to be high powered at first. This will encourage the development of distributed rather than centralized energy and control. [9:21:27 PM] Saleena says: There are enough Creatives now awakening we can deal with any left over habits and focus on benevolent outcomes…. [9:22:02 PM] AA Marimar says: Each building might have its own source of power. [9:22:35 PM] Saleena says: lots of conversions; gas to free energy or renewable energies… [9:23:58 PM] Saleena says:Voice; We see, many are thinking it through… looking how to introduce it with ease and grace, attempting to blend it in so there is lessened resistance…You will be so happy to know how many are developing plans and dreaming it in as we speak….
[9:26:32 PM] AA Marimar says: I think it is best not to have a new device that generates an enormous amount of energy… it would be used for weapons and continue the destruction of the environment. But something that made each home and building self-sufficient would empower us while keeping us attentive to maintaining a balance in our activities. [9:26:44 PM] Saleena says:Voice; more is aligned on this earth than you see with your mortal eyes…. much is already in place… this alignment astrologically and energetically will begin wheels turning that have been brought into place… there will be a massive movement begun this next 7 days…and then continuing for 3 more until a vast movement is underway… this will be for everyone of the 6 planets…brought into place. your progress is mirrored in each place… we are meeting with each planet.
We have kept from naming councils and from telling you what is going on because we are here to support you. We are here to serve you. It is by Divine Decree we balance our influence and assistance with your freewill. With your evolutionary opportunities.
Much of the responsibility lies within your own hearts and minds. Action is encouraged that emerges from inspiration, form your own soul's impulses. We are here to assist in this and magnify it to create a monumental surge to move you all forward as you have requested.
[9:32:13 PM] AA Marimar says: Imagine, for example, a new kind of paint that generates electricity. You would paint the roof or walls of your house to generate what you need. Appliances themselves might be painted as well. [9:32:45 PM] Saleena says: Voice: it is possible with harmony and alignment with the magnanimous creational forces that are aligning now. [9:34:13 PM] AA Marimar says: Some people are already working on that idea.[9:36:09 PM] Saleena says: I am feeding in the book and words and intentions and energies. I remember the movie we watched last night… and touching into all the grassroots groups and emergence of new ideas… Lanny’s group for Solar and a million other little groups with their intentions and ideas… [9:36:12 PM] AA Marimar says: And here is another one [9:37:13 PM] Saleena says: As I am doing this… I am seeing the Councils and Masters are all forming a kind of grid together that is like a honeycomb… six sided chambers, or points of consciousness all connected together… they are all concentrating on this…the "air" all around us is full of this honeycomb configuration… do you see it? [9:39:31 PM] AA Marimar says: feeling into it… [9:39:40 PM] Saleena says: Seems like all the ideas and desires and intentions and dreams that align with bringing heaven to Earth. Paradise restored or made new… are being reflected on the surfaces… like a house of mirrors… it seems that any ideas that are compatible from any of the six worlds are being sorted out and intermingled…
I see Mother Earth completely healed and thriving… all water, soil, climate s rebalanced ad beautiful again… or more so than we have ever seen…this is being reflected into the mirrored surfaces too. Water new… by the way I did feel the Ambassadors presence enter 15 minutes or so ago… New structures in the crystals throughout the earth….
[9:43:35 PM] AA Marimar says: pure water… clear information… no distortions… [9:43:45 PM] Saleena says: new life forms emerging… harmony between us all… joyful living together… [9:44:09 PM] Saleena says: respectful sharing… loving each other in all the diversity…Voice: Ahhhh, the diversities of earth are astonishingly beautiful when the battle is over and peace reigns… you all have many to get to know when the boundaries are erased. So much to share with each other. Such beauty and diversity to share. You will relearn life and create it anew.
[9:46:56 PM] Saleena says: No one seems to want to identify themselves, just sharing as a sort of group mind….Voice to you, Marimar; Do you care to speak of the politics and the governing bodies? Of the Exopolitics? How do you see this resolving?
Another Voice: Earth in her ascended glory will surpass all other jewels in creation.
[9:50:08 PM] AA Marimar says: I see a network of information informing more and more people. A shared aspiration for living together in peace. As the citizenry in a country reaches critical mass, the politicians will react and start to align with them. Meanwhile the old control structures loose their effectiveness. Propaganda is seen for what it is. Attempts to control backfire. [9:51:06 PM] Saleena says: Caravanah: we are magnifying your visions, your desires, your wisdom, thank you. [9:52:01 PM] Saleena says: As MaRi Magdalene once said to me, the rest unravels out from under them until there is no more ground for them to stand on…. [9:52:06 PM] AA Marimar says: More and more, any attempt to manipulate just serves to shine the light on the hidden manipulators. So they have to stop. What the people discover is that everyone wants the same thing, and that common aspiration starts to "move mountains". [9:53:48 PM] Saleena says: Someone is showing me a group of 6 glowing white light beings standing around Pres. Obama creating a very bright shield of this same 6 sided mirrored geometry, matrix around him…. [9:54:00 PM] AA Marimar says:What was once considered impossible is now thought of as a simple choice.
It used to be impossible to communicate with someone on the other side of the planet. Now it is a simple choice.
[9:54:08 PM] Saleena says: they are creating an interface for him to see into what we are creating…. [9:54:47 PM] AA Marimar says: So the same will happen with the idea of feeding, sheltering and clothing everyone. A simple choice. We decide to become a planet we are proud of. [9:55:13 PM] Saleena says: brightening his mind… enlightening his spirits… easing his 'burdens" weaving him into the new grid… to cause a greater support all around him….
Now I see a string of light filaments going out from him to all the leaders who are already full of light and new ideas. Ones that are open-minded and in their hearts. They are being connected in and supported. I saw the Japanese leader and his wife (she has been to Venus) were there…. very bright souls…
There is much light flowing into this new connection… lighting up these mirror surfaces… six sided… six planets… the geometry of home…interconnected… more and more filaments flowing out like tiny webs interconnecting through all the levels of governing bodies… from the simplest villages to the most complex megatropolis'…
Interesting, in the center of each mirrored honey comb is appearing a bright light… they are the new children coming in…it is as if we are creating corridors for them to move through to birth in….
[10:00:56 PM] AA Marimar says: the whole seems to be pulsing rhythmically [10:03:26 PM] Saleena says: I saw a funny sight… it was like someone very big was gathering up all the negative players and historic events as if they are plastic figures like kids play with… and placing them all in museums… and they are becoming a thing of the past… memories fading and becoming some unbelievable things to come visit and look at and wonder how this could have really been happening…I saw The Dark Lord and the nuclear weapons and all the war machines…and the Soldiers, the banks and Wall Street and poverty scenes… all set into the museum displays… the destruction scenes like we saw in the movie last night… deforestation… all things of the past… museum displays…. stuffed extinct animals and scenes of the barbaric behaviors… the secret government’s inhumane experiments… and the twin towers… all in the past… unbelievable to those living now and looking at these scenes… how could they? They think, because their world is so different…. it is like a Ripley's Believe it or Not of that slice of Earth's evolution… or was it devolution?Something is happening to Mother Earth's Lightbody… there is some kind of action, a spinning of the geometries similar to ours… we have set something going…
[10:09:13 PM] AA Marimar says: Well, I guess it made us who we are now. And now we feel free to follow our hearts to a true expression of what we want. [10:11:03 PM] Saleena says: am hugging you and feeling so joyful we are over that part of our experience and on to the unfolding of such a delightful co-operation and joyful restoration process, all working together and free and intermingling with our Star families…. learning how to become Galactic Citizens and responsible earthlings…. at the same time… [10:15:52 PM] Saleena says: Is there anything else? [10:16:20 PM] AA Marimar says: Wondering that myself… have the sense of an adjournment… perhaps we will pick this up tomorrow [10:17:44 PM] Saleena says: yes I felt the meeting wasn't finished and I am tired… this has been wonderful and a lot! Someone is asking for us all to touch into together and share a feeling of joy and accomplishment for what we have done…are co-creating together….Someone says this is just the beginning of a new relationship and a new era of freedom from the oppressive standards we have all experienced for many lives. [10:20:37 PM] AA Marimar says: Had an image of everyone reaching a hand into the center… Thank you everyone! [10:22:00 PM] Saleena says: someone else says that this is the first time that this many councils & callings & beings have been able to work so closely & intimately together without personal identities getting in the way. Someone laughs and says evolution moves through all circles…There is lots of warm hearts and laughter being exchanges… everyone seems pleased with what has happened so far….now I feel everyone moving and mingling and seems for today the meeting is at a pause…
[10:25:06 PM] Saleena says: our Sirian host, Aahalahn, is bowing to us and thanking us. He is asking our permission to keep us linked in during the continuum of the meeting. I ask if we can share this with Colin? He says that is permissible. I ask if I am to share it with others yet… he says that is permissible, to use our own intuition as to how. I saw it might be a running article leading up to the invitation. I ask if I am to publish the invitation for 4-4 and he says that is still forming. I ask if I can publish MaRi's message yet and he says that is a good idea. He asks if there are any other questions?I am content for now and know I can ask any other questions that arise and they will be answered.
To be continued…