We journey in AtMan to the Library of Completion & Answers:
Where you Ask your question or Present an Unfinished Pattern & let the Library Fill in the Blanks.
Attending: Lanny Sinkin, Colin, Marimar & Saleena
[7:30:53 PM] Saleena says: Aloha All, time to tune in….Anyone arriving yet? [7:33:51 PM] Magical Colin says: Aloha, [7:37:28 PM] AA Marimar says: aloha [7:37:42 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: Aloha [7:39:13 PM] Saleena says: Hey it feels like a great time to open our hearts and get grateful! I am feeling such gratitude for each of you and all you contribute to this new earth and my life…such a wonderful family… thank you for your love and for your service…
We are here to attend the third day of the Assembly for Earth… Starting with Assembly for Earth: Day 1 will help you understand all the references we make. I posted the transcripts last night… calling the work we did Assembly for Earth: Day 2 Sculpting the New Earth.
[7:41:04 PM] Magical Colin says: Am opening to be with you all. [7:41:28 PM] AA Marimar says: setting in. [7:41:33 PM] Saleena says: There is a nice warn wave of energy beginning to flow through…. [7:42:19 PM] AA Marimar says: a feeling of the infinite here tonightAncestors
[7:42:38 PM] Saleena says: interesting that we were talking about animal rights today and there is a whole huge variety of animals all showing up just standing there in a very very long row….7:43:01 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: Ancestors
[7:43:10 PM] Saleena says: I do see the wolves, and lots of birds and they all seem to be standing together… all kinds.Earlier Lanny shared that all the killing of wolves that humans are doing has turned around with a wolf killing someone in Alaska. If we look at the bigger picture, it seems how we treat others is coming back around.
[7:43:34 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: Kupuna (Elders) also gathering to view what is happening. [7:43:39 PM] Saleena says: heart opening so very wide….they seem to be observing….we had lots of flower, plant and tree energy yesterday.Journey There
[7:44:49 PM] Saleena says: Energy in heart getting stronger… AtMan, our ship, is opening his doors like an elevator and says, Going Up? [7:45:01 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: 2.2 please (referring to choosing a middle level for earth & then some…. see yesterday’s transcript) [7:45:21 PM] Saleena says: Hey there Colin… nice you are joining the ride with us tonight… [7:45:26 PM] AA Marimar says: slipping into my “chair” aboard AtMan [7:45:27 PM] Saleena says: yes… 2.2. We are all being handed something like a program…here’s one for you and you and you…. [7:46:47 PM] Magical Colin says: Yes, nice to be here, feeling more present today… [7:46:56 PM] Saleena says: Wow, check out the energy all around us… I just felt out into the space around us… the “skies” are full….Rainbow God
[7:46:59 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: Rainbow God is present already and waiting for us. Program has a diagram of the plan. [7:47:16 PM] Saleena says: I felt him when the Elders came in….Aloha Kahl… loving energy to be in your presence… thank you for everything you are offering us as we make this shift….I just finished your VK61 Rainbow Mirror, please feel free to work with people through it.
Hey, looking around each of you seem to have on more “formal” attire… Lanny looking like an Advocate, dressed in linen shirt & pants. (Saleena Note: Later when I showed him the drawing I did, he said that is how he dressed everyday when he was at the Light Center in Hilo.) Colin, in a long Magician looking robe… Marimar in his white gold brocade robe again….I seem to have a long flowing blue-aqua watery liquid gown on…. very Mer-Lemurian….and my hands are looking somewhat ….blue! Seems like we are shifting into some other aspects of ourselves and it is getting hot again! Energy rising….
[7:51:57 PM] AA Marimar says: Seem to be taking on “larger” aspects of ourselves.[7:52:27 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: The Kumulipo tells us that all life came from that first polyp of coral in the ocean. The Temple of Lono is founded on that understanding and the foundation is composed of the four Gods — the ocean, the sun, the earth, and the fresh water. Because the Temple of Lono is fundamentally Earth based and stretches back in time to the beginning of life, the Temple was the appropriate birthing place for the Rainbow God. The cycle opening is a cycle Humans position by their place on this planet. The God of the new cycle is born knowing everything that has taken place in the evolutionary history. That God knows and loves the Humans and is here to assist. [7:53:32 PM] AA Marimar says: Everyone ready to go? Atman “revs” the engine [7:53:53 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: Vavaroom! [7:54:17 PM] Saleena says: okay…let’s go! Beautiful Bubble! [7:54:37 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: Pulsating our way. Heigh ho! [7:54:44 PM] AA Marimar says: looks like we are taking a bit of a “scenic route” this time…stars and other cosmic views outside [7:55:29 PM] Saleena says: By the way thank you AtMan for your service and friendship… and how did it go last night, installing your crystals into the grid? We were wondering about what you and BEth were doing. We figured that she had much to integrate after the events yesterday…. [7:55:57 PM] AA Marimar says: bubble pulsates and shifts gears/dimensions smoothly… [7:56:08 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: The bar is open so I’m getting a glass of star shine.
[7:56:38 PM] Saleena says: If you look up, there is Medrahnkt in his ship, LhaLha…. beautiful white bird… [7:56:55 PM] AA Marimar says: Atman just smiles at Saleena… [7:57:29 PM] Saleena says: and there is a Venusian ship… Captain Tozlalok of the Venusian ShipBuilders Guide. We seem to be being escorted…. I have been on his ship before. [7:57:48 PM] AA Marimar says: Quite a fleet of ships around us [7:57:55 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: bubble, fizzes, sparks, cellular orgasms. Calling up the mana to share with those who await us. [7:58:06 PM] Saleena says: Was wondering where Beloved and the Pilot are? Waving, throwing love streams…grateful for this … this is fun! I have on the screen VK38 Sacred HeartGate… seems like it is part of the theme…
[8:00:13 PM] AA Marimar says: We seem to be arriving… looks like it might be a larger venue this time… almost planet sized. [8:00:29 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: Kokopele (PELE) playing outside as stars whirl about her.
[8:00:53 PM] Magical Colin says: Odd feeling again, like I’m at the destination, Beloved, the Pilot’s Ship is hosting the larger meeting and I’m there with TehNehMah and the Shipbuilders to keep everything running smooth, felt like I had a hand in preparing the handout… With the plan…Saleena Note: This is a painting done by Elaine Thompson of a race of beings called the ShipBuilders. She talks about them in her newest book “To Andromeda and Beyond”. When Colin was visiting her, (they found out they live “around the corner” from each other) she was surprised when she saw one of the ShipBuilder’s with him. We believe that she saw TehNehMah. Her book is fabulous. When things slow down I will share more about the book with you. In the meantime, she has it available online to order as an e-book.
[8:01:18 PM] Saleena says: This should be interesting….Docking again… only a little different… not the Councilarium style… just landing…. [8:01:48 PM] AA Marimar says: Rolling to a stop… [8:02:18 PM] Magical Colin says: Pilot me is part of the ‘consulting’ team who are facilitating this event… [8:02:37 PM] AA Marimar says: Seems like we are outside, on a plaza [8:02:49 PM] Saleena says: Many children sized beings running out to greet us…. very excited to welcome us… they seem like adults though and of a feminine vibration….
Saleena Note: Insightful articles for the Children of the New Earth, be they Indigo, Crystal, Rainbow or any other color from this great web site.
[8:03:02 PM] AA Marimar says: Is this all inside the venue/mother ship/star base? [8:03:13 PM] Saleena says: they are bringing us flower leis, though unusual ones… different than I have seen…they know we like them since we are from Hawaii. [8:03:52 PM] AA Marimar says: Reminds me of the energy of the children who “decorated” Beth yesterday. [8:04:02 PM] Saleena says: Yes, similar… [8:04:10 PM] Saleena says: I feel such love for them…Temple of Anuenue Rainbow
[8:04:22 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: The Temple of Anuenue is off in the distance.
Saleena Note: That must mean we are in the Venus – Earth Corridor
8:05:01 PM] Saleena says: that same light energy…. wonderful! Haven’t been to the Temple for quite awhile…was thinking of visiting soon… to see what is going on there….
[8:05:13 PM] AA Marimar says: When you visit a village in Africa, the children all run up to greet you, like this. They are showing us the way to go. [8:05:37 PM] Saleena says: so much joy here… beautiful energy… [8:05:45 PM] Saleena says: following them [8:06:01 PM] Magical Colin says: Ok here’s an odd thing, the pilot walked up to the magician me and just merged, like hi there, I’m you/me let’s do this together… [8:06:14 PM] Saleena says: Several are taking my hands and pulling in their excitement… [8:06:28 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: They are scattering “petals” before us only they are sparkling patterns of light. [8:06:41 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: Make my feet tingle
[8:07:01 PM] Saleena says: We are approaching a very ornate entry…lots of gold and spirals and very Lemurian or Atlantean structure looking…“The Taj Mahal was built as an ex-pression of love for a single person but the Sri Puram Golden Temple stands for unconditional love for the entire humanity,” says Amma, 31, who also goes by the name of Shakti Siddha. “We know it is also the sign of the universal goddess – Lakshmi.”
[8:08:05 PM] Saleena says: it is awesomely beautiful…. two statues, like white half cheetah looking and half fish or Mer tail… heads stretched looking upwards….yet with human kind of arms.. I will have to attempt to draw them someday.
[8:10:37 PM] AA Marimar says: Reminds me of a fairy tale kingdom… [8:10:49 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: wandering through the hall. Ribbed ceiling. Glowing in colors. Water flowing nearby. Linked to the sphinx. A hall where secrets are revealed. [8:11:13 PM] AA Marimar says: Perhaps an archetypal hall of records/library [8:11:57 PM] Saleena says: Feels like we are on a Mothership. Amazing architecture…..Library of Completion & Answers
[8:12:02 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: The Library of Completion & Answers. [8:12:11 PM] AA Marimar says: How do we use it? [8:12:30 PM] Saleena says: wonderful… just looking around…. lots of statues… or mythical looking beings…. [8:12:44 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: Ask your question or present an unfinished pattern and let the library fill in the blanks. [8:13:03 PM] AA Marimar says: Do we give it the plans that we received? [8:13:13 PM] Saleena says: Well we have an interesting new grid that is partially done….Looking to see if I can see what is on the “program”. [8:14:30 PM] Magical Colin says: It’s like when you migrate data from one knowledge base to another, this new library has much new knowledge and all the old, plus a near new search engine so we can access it easier… A google if you like… [8:14:44 PM] Magical Colin says: Neat newBlue Genie
[8:15:02 PM] Saleena says: There is a very very very tall Bluish being… a sort of turban swirled around its head… long flowing wispy robes… maybe 25-30 feet tall… just standing in middle… breezes moving the robes or streaming colors… all blue… felt similar to the Tirishian that helps me with the art… he is a kind of Genie being… crystal… [8:15:20 PM] AA Marimar says: A genie?
BEth Hooked In – AtMan Presents
[8:15:40 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: Perhaps we have brought our understanding of BEth here to become part of the library and to give the library an opportunity to contribute to BEth’s completion. [8:16:09 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: We link BEth to this library. [8:17:24 PM] AA Marimar says: Perhaps Atman could “stand” in the middle and present our idea for an “Earth 2.2” [8:17:34 PM] Saleena says: greeting this one… okay…. we are all linked intimately with Beth… so each of us has a piece of us connected to a piece of her within us… maybe there is a place to hookup and download… [8:17:42 PM] AA Marimar says: He looks like a globe, after all. We can all touch him (hands on his sphere) and contribute. He can bring in the connection to Beth. Now how does he connect to the library?Rainbow Chant & Rainbow Bridge
[8:19:01 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: A Rainbow Chant is here to help.Add?
[8:19:03 PM] AA Marimar says: Using the genie? [8:19:12 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: Bridge. Rainbow Bridge .The Rainbow God and the Blue One cooperate to complete the connection.[8:20:03 PM] Saleena says: do we chant? [8:20:15 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: The hall is filled with the chant and we are welcome to join in. [8:20:42 PM] Saleena says: I am hearing myself AHHHHHHHH…..EHHHHHHHHH…..EEEEEEEEEEEEEE….OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH>>>>UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU [8:21:00 PM] AA Marimar says: AtMan is vibrating as well [8:21:07 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: The bridge is formed and glowing. [8:21:30 PM] Saleena says: Seeing lots of rainbow colors are swirling and dancing in the air… it is lovely and energized…. [8:21:44 PM] AA Marimar says: The Blue One leans over and touches AtMan… his sphere gets colored blue. [8:22:03 PM] Saleena says: the children we saw earlier are dancing and twirling in the rainbow colors…. [8:22:07 PM] Magical Colin says: Connected… Downloading [8:22:50 PM] Saleena says: The air is full of butterflies all of a sudden! Wow! Swirling everywhere ad colors of every kinds… rainbow butterflies….! [8:22:50 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: Orbs have appeared floating in the hall. [8:22:52 PM] Magical Colin says: This is the culmination of so much work, if the guys here had a concept of time they’d have been working long hours to prepare this…
3 Streams
[8:23:42 PM] Saleena says: Everything we love…. now there are three streams of water flowing out of the bottom of the orb…. Someone tells me they each go to a different place in creation…. They said put your feet into each stream and you will witness where it is going…
[8:24:02 PM] AA Marimar says: I wonder if this is the equivalent of being in the government “planning office” getting your project approved by the zoning department. [8:24:26 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: The gecko just chanted “yes” [8:25:16 PM] Magical Colin says: Feels like a well oiled machine, like the opening ceremony of the Olympics [8:25:35 PM] Saleena says: wading into the first one… it is streaming straight into the Temple of Anuenue…. That means it is there in an interface with Earth, as a higher dimensional interface to earth… seems to be co-mingling with the waters that flow from the Source Orb Heart in the center of the temple…. [8:26:37 PM] AA Marimar says: Sensing the Venus-Earth connection also [8:26:48 PM] Saleena says: ah, that means it goes both ways from here, straight to Source… [8:27:02 PM] Saleena says: anyone trying out another stream? [8:27:15 PM] AA Marimar says: I think the V-E connection is the second one. [8:27:44 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: Gone to the Temple of Anuenue [8:27:52 PM] Saleena says: We have alot to learn about this connection, or reconnection…. [8:28:26 PM] AA Marimar says: The V-E connection also leads to the land of the sleeping dragons. [8:29:25 PM] Saleena says: and their crystalline energy…connected to the Master Crystals in Earth…. [8:30:12 PM] Saleena says: The Elders who send us the Liquid love and the fairies…. and so many others… [8:30:33 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa [8:31:34 PM] Saleena says: Energy rising again… any one try out the third stream….. I here the rainbow chant echoing through the Rainbow Temple….big surge of energy again…. increasing…. [8:32:11 PM] AA Marimar says: not sure exactly where it goes… feels a bit like the Void. [8:32:25 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: I have my own room in the Temple. There are very comfortable couches, chairs, and a bed. There is an orb on the table. I can think of a place or event or person and the orb shows me. I can pass through the orb to that other reality and pass back into the room. The experience is enlightening. [8:33:24 PM] Saleena says: third stream flowing right into Heart of the Galaxy through the stepping suns into the plenum…. Divine Feminine…. fusion…. hot wow…. [8:33:45 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: The Rainbow Chant fills the room with the sounds being so pure and resonating so deeply that it is like taking bath in sound energy. [8:34:17 PM] AA Marimar says: That feeling of the Void must be the Black Hole in the center of the galaxy.
[8:35:59 PM] AA Marimar says: Seems we are finding our place in the center of a Rainbow/Venus/Plenum triad. Full of creating potential. [8:36:10 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: Home. [8:36:12 PM] Saleena says: the Temple of Anuenue is available for anyone to visit and to learn and to integrate the higher frequencies…..many are there waiting for visitors….you can read about it on the website…. helps with how to get here….& what one might do here…..It was opened on 11-11-11 last year… 11-11-11 Grand Opening of the Temple of Anuenue; FYI Anuenue means Rainbow in Hawaiian [8:37:06 PM] Saleena says: I am feeling the presence of the butterfly beings also…. all the beings we have been working with this last year… I guess all in preparation for this…. [8:37:36 PM] AA Marimar says: Do the streams that go out circle around and come back? [8:37:42 PM] Saleena says: energy is starting to calm…. and settle…. [8:38:47 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: For me the question is whether I am coming back. This room is truly a home for me. Someday I will dwell here. For now, I will complete the circuit and return to the Hall of Completions. [8:38:57 PM] AA Marimar says: Have a sense of bringing the globe/project into resonance with each of the three energies, as we receive a response/flow from each direction. [8:39:18 PM] Saleena says: I was looking at the VK51 front design and it reminds me of this blue orb Atman has become and the rainbow energies dancing around and the spiral action spinning out the three streams….
[8:40:18 PM] Magical Colin says: There’s something here about remembering we stage managed this event, so while parts of us just arrived, the larger part of ourselves was carefully leading us from one stage to the next… [8:40:29 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: Yes
22 Glyphs on Stone-like Tablets
[8:41:34 PM] Saleena says: Interesting… there are maybe 20…someone says 22 beings walking in… They are tall and black skinned, remind me of some of the Egyptians…. they are carrying a sort of tablet, with a single glyph on each one… they telepath to me a thought bubble about this… [8:41:52 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: Our higher selves are providing pathways to union. [8:42:24 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: 22 glyphs for 2.2? [8:43:10 PM] Saleena says: Very elaborate swirls in the glyphs… they seem to be codes from another potential they are offering to earth. Something that has been carefully considered ad approved by all councils… they all settled on this stream of information… [8:43:44 PM] Magical Colin says: Beloveds, remember when we co-created this event, when we planned all these wonderful connections, set up the invite lists, and planned how we would bring everyone together… [8:44:15 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: Ten images from Beth. Seventeen new crop circles. Twenty two glyphs. [8:44:27 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: 10 17 22 [8:44:28 PM] Saleena says: they want to present them to us to feel into… it is up to us to approve and accept them or not…. [8:45:03 PM] Saleena says: They are laying them out on the floor in a certain kind of order…. [8:45:16 PM] AA Marimar says: Do you know what they do? [8:45:34 PM] Saleena says: Touch them and they will show you what they contain… [8:45:45 PM] Magical Colin says: They feel really special [8:45:55 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: They provide the order in which the creation seal will be placed on what has been created. [8:46:11 PM] AA Marimar says: Reminds me of a “sacred alphabet” [8:46:30 PM] Saleena says: They seem to have new “information” codes for us too. [8:46:32 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: The seal itself is part of the creation, so there is still an opening of choice for each of the elements to be included or not. [8:46:34 PM] AA Marimar says: What is the “creation seal”? [8:46:48 PM] Magical Colin says: They make my energy dance and flow much easier… Can feel codes and pulses flowing thru when I touch them… [8:47:23 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: The creation seal completes the creation, like the wrapper on a bar of candy. The initiation step is then complete. [8:47:30 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: initiation
Saleena Note: These look a similar coloration & they were more the shape in a “tombstone” way with a rounded top. Each symbols was a long continuous line in squiggles & spirals that made only one symbol on each “tablet”.
[8:47:32 PM] Saleena says: reminds me of the new kind of codes sent from ShayELZa to Earth… to advance us quicker…. [8:47:47 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: equivalent of “and so it is.” [8:48:04 PM] AA Marimar says: Each of these tablets seems to contain codes… I feel them downloading as I touch it.[8:48:12 PM] AA Marimar says: Colin should like this part… [8:48:25 PM] Saleena says: they seem to have art and culture… new ideas… music….inventions… poetry… new kind of life… even seeds for new kinds of plants and flowers…. certainly not native…. [8:49:10 PM] AA Marimar says: The Sumerians talked about this… receiving memes from the Gods. [8:49:43 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: A culture can only emerge when faith precedes it. The emergence of this cultural aspect is an affirmation of the faith of those who contributed to this creation. Congratulations to all. [8:50:26 PM] Saleena says: they have packets of information that will advance us… expand our brain capacity… upgrade our bodies… open our imaginations wider…. [8:50:51 PM] Magical Colin says: Thanking the beings that brought the tablets, very grateful, deep love for them… [8:50:55 PM] Saleena says: someone shows me that the capacity to love is made easier….
Look into the Future
[8:51:54 PM] Saleena says: Marimar, you have a knack for checking in deeply, you feel they are all right… maybe we look at the future to see what happens if we accept and install them… [8:52:26 PM] Saleena says: the Creator Whales are right there and say look through our eyes and you will see… [8:52:32 PM] AA Marimar says: “In ancient Sumerian mythology the god Enlil organized a list of divine laws or “Me” which eventually found their way into human hands. The “Me” were a set of rules and regulations detailing every part of the Sumerian culture. The author of the poem “Inanna and Enki” broke his entire civilization down to one hundred instructions, covering ideas like politics, religion, social instruments, arts and crafts, music, intellectual, emotional and social behavior patterns.” Source [8:52:34 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: Any information on their relationship to the Emerald Tablets?Are they Liberating? Aligned with the New?
[8:53:40 PM] Saleena says: The Sumerian Culture was created by Gods who wanted to rule… is there any of this in these? That won’t work as we enter the 5th Age… we are doing everything to move away from a ruling elite force and begin a non-hierarchical relationship with the higher dimensional beings…. [8:55:03 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: Are the glyphs liberating? [8:55:33 PM] AA Marimar says: I think we are at the stage of upgrading the cultural software, replacing the dysfunctional “Mes” with more supportive ones. [8:55:36 PM] Saleena says: maybe we run them through the filter of the Temple of Anuenue… maybe we plant them there in the waters and if they are aligned with what the fifth age is about they will grow and be passed on to us… [8:56:04 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: 22 chakras through which new information can flow and be integrated with the unfolding creation? [8:56:15 PM] Saleena says: I saw us submerging them in the pool in one of the Temple of Anuenue rooms…. [8:56:19 PM] AA Marimar says: We could see which ones are resonant with the three streams. [8:57:07 PM] AA Marimar says: I can see at least one that does not seem to fit; the tablet is being carried away. [8:57:34 PM] AA Marimar says: The others are doing better; changing color slightly. [8:57:36 PM] Saleena says: The Temple of Anuenue is about a non-hierarchical relationship… if they survive there, and grow and are released… they are harmonious with what we want…. [8:58:06 PM] Magical Colin says: Where we are now, even if these codes had ‘negative’ aspects, they simply would not work, this new energy cannot support ideas that are not aligned with the new, so we accept or not on the basis of their ‘function’ rather than worry about them.. [8:58:35 PM] Saleena says: Nice working together… [8:58:54 PM] AA Marimar says: Right; they will either work in harmony with the whole or will not. [8:59:05 PM] Saleena says: I agree… a combination of all these things will help…. [8:59:06 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: I am already composing the story of the lost glyph. That will appear when the next age is being born. [8:59:28 PM] Saleena says: Do you know what it contained that didn’t fit? [8:59:52 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: The sphinx smiles cause if we knew now it would not be a change agent later. [9:00:00 PM] Saleena says: Someone is bringing another one to offer….Taking it and laying it in the Temple of Anuenue Stream…. [9:00:52 PM] AA Marimar says: This one has some sparkle to it! [9:01:38 PM] Saleena says: it turns bright yellow and shines like the sun… they are all smiling and showing us that they are happy to witness our wisdom process in action……. [9:01:40 PM] Magical Colin says: there was a problem with compatibility, like when you try to run programs for a Mac on a PC… [9:02:00 PM] Saleena says: they say this one was held back in until they were sure we were ready….Light Show
[9:02:11 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: Images of all the glyphs are being projected on the walls of the Temple. [9:02:27 PM] Saleena says: so by sending away the one that didn’t work, we open to an even greater gift… thank you [9:02:27 PM] AA Marimar says: The old one had an energy like cold stone or marble. It seemed designed to store information, like an inscription on stone. I think it was too static for what we want. [9:03:06 PM] Saleena says: they are beautiful all colors and very wavy like they are alive… moving….walking through the light projections is like standing in a hologram… you can feel what they are about…. [9:04:17 PM] Saleena says: I once stood in the slide projection of the Shroud of Turin…. it was uncanny what opened up inside by doing this…. [9:04:53 PM] Saleena says: that is how VK21 Flower of Eternal Life came about…wanting to share this kind of information and energy, a higher Christ energy….
Hook them Up
[9:05:41 PM] Saleena says: some of them make me sleepy like they are so high vibration it is a bit much …have to get them to feed in slowly so they can integrate…. how do we hook them into Beth? [9:07:03 PM] AA Marimar says: So the idea that was taken away was “remembering by writing it down permanently” and the new idea was “remembering by access to the divine light”. [9:07:11 PM] Saleena says: When they sent the codes from ShayELZa, they were sent into the center of the earth to gestate and then birthed into the water… to find their way into every living thing… they said those codes would leap us a 1000 years of evolution…. we are in that leap now. [9:07:37 PM] Saleena says: Nice… [9:07:47 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: indeed [9:08:01 PM] Saleena says: Do you all feel to accept these? Maybe we can hook them into the new grid? [9:08:52 PM] Saleena says: Atman seem to be hotwired to BEth…. [9:08:55 PM] AA Marimar says: The codes seem to be resonating with each other… informing each other… adapting… as they interact. I am watching to see how it settles out. [9:09:25 PM] AA Marimar says: But I can already see a green light glowing from them… a good sign. [9:09:30 PM] Saleena says: okay…. like unpacking the programs and expanding and alchemically merging to form something bigger… [9:10:06 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: Projecting all the accepted codes into Atman’s bubble may be the delivery system to BEth. [9:10:35 PM] AA Marimar says: Yes, let’s have the codes project onto the surface of Atman’s bubble. [9:10:45 PM] Saleena says: now a wholeness… instead of individual pieces… I guess they brought them this way so we could sort them and choose which ones to accept and now they are merging and creating a wholeness. [9:10:47 PM] AA Marimar says: He can then feel them interact. [9:11:10 PM] Saleena says: I think our love helps…. [9:11:23 PM] AA Marimar says: These codes seem to be conscious… [9:11:44 PM] AA Marimar says: Love will encourage them to be “at their best”… [9:12:04 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: As you give to them, so they shall give to you [9:12:13 PM] AA Marimar says: Atman says they feel like little chicks just hatched.
Alchemical Fractal Creation Process
[9:12:38 PM] Saleena says: The big blue one is holding Atman like a big ball… concentrating on him…eyes closed… head bowed…. [9:13:18 PM] AA Marimar says: Now I see green tendrils forming on AtMan’s surface, growing like fractal cracks… [9:13:22 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: The rainbow light streaming between the two of them [9:13:50 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: nurturing Nature [9:14:52 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: I keep seeing the four of us as the Beatles in the Yellow Submarine. [9:15:15 PM] AA Marimar says: Here is an image, imagine it in green:http://us.123rf.com/400wm/400/400/justpixels/justpixels0803/justpixels080300018/2668407.jpg
[9:15:39 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: Perfect [9:17:45 PM] AA Marimar says: Here is a close up of the branching:http://www.fortunecity.com/emachines/e11/86/graphics/mandel/MAND7.gif
[9:17:54 PM] Magical Colin says: The Magical Mystery Tour is waiting to take us away… [9:18:21 PM] Saleena says: Asking if these codes or potentials come from a culture or race of beings? Like those that came form ShayELZa the world that was closer to the great central sun…. We visited and called it Sun City it was so full of light… We had parts of us there… do we have parts of us presenting these new potentials? [9:20:37 PM] Magical Colin says: Earth ‘me’ needs to start the day, so will leave you and these higher aspects of me and say Aloha for now…. [9:20:45 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: In the Fifth Age, we are whole and have a presence in many different realities. Whatever comes into our presence is part of our presence. [9:21:06 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: Aloha Colin. So nice to share with you again. [9:21:24 PM] Saleena says: Thank you Colin for the set-up…for organizing this wonderful event! [9:22:45 PM] Magical Colin says: I think it was Magical Consulting, my our new event organizing team… [9:22:55 PM] Saleena says: Something must be shifting…there is an infusion of very bright rainbow colors swirling around the Atman now…. [9:23:29 PM] AA Marimar says: Codes seem to have gotten organized: Looking like this is the surface of AtMan:http://www.wikicompany.org/img/3dfractal.jpg
[9:44:27 PM] Saleena says: spherical harmonics Cymatics fractal. That is how he found the picture… 22 node spherical harmonic is what he was looking for…. 22 magnets on the surface of the sphere… they will distribute themselves in way to invent their own geometry….Complete Transmission to BEth
[9:23:43 PM] Saleena says: Feel the Rainbow God very present like it is time to…. [9:24:10 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: Complete the transmission to BEth. [9:24:18 PM] AA Marimar says: aloha Colin [9:24:37 PM] Saleena says: Beautiful! Do you see the logos in that configuration? [9:24:49 PM] AA Marimar says: Seems like Beth is smiling as she takes it in. [9:25:20 PM] AA Marimar says: the logos and the butterfly…look at the surface of the last fractal… [9:28:32 PM] Saleena says: The orb is fairly enclosed with the misty rainbow colors now…. [9:30:23 PM] Saleena says: Looks like a birthday cake… I like it. Time to celebrate something? [9:32:03 PM] AA Marimar says: Yes, I think the cake is in the oven now. [9:32:22 PM] Saleena says: energy is settling… seems Atman is enclosed like an egg in the rainbow energy……. maybe it is all settling….? Someone says… it is not over yet….the meetings… they mean… how does this one feel? Anything else to do tonight? [9:32:53 PM] AA Marimar says: I think we should let Atman and Beth “stew” on it overnight. [9:33:01 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: Let them eat cake [9:33:09 PM] Saleena says: I feel pleased… Anyone else here….?Then how are we getting home?
[9:33:28 PM] Saleena says: maybe we stay… and attend them…. [9:33:42 PM] AA Marimar says: Someone said “a lot of hands in this soup”. [9:34:12 PM] AA Marimar says: Perhaps one of the other ships will give us a ride home. [9:34:24 PM] Saleena says: didn’t see many beings here and there is an immense attention of many here now…. [9:34:32 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: The white bird? [9:34:43 PM] AA Marimar says: Yes that is a lovely ship [9:34:51 PM] Saleena says: Medrahnkt would be happy to. His ship is wonderful… like a little sports model…. [9:35:03 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: All aboard? [9:35:11 PM] AA Marimar says: Swooping in for us [9:35:17 PM] Saleena says: aloha Medrahnkt…. [9:35:32 PM] AA Marimar says: settling in for the ride [9:35:40 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: Aloha Medrahnkt [9:35:50 PM] AA Marimar says: hi Medrahnkt!Medrahnkt’s Ship
[9:36:06 PM] Saleena says: I like the way the furniture molds to you when you sit or lie down… he also has a white swirling kind of chamber he designed for humans to energize in…. refresh…. [9:36:12 PM] AA Marimar says: Off we go [9:36:22 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: nicely intelligent chairs [9:36:31 PM] Saleena says: sometimes after so much lightwork… he invites me aboard for the night to rejuvenate…. [9:36:42 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: recharge away [9:37:02 PM] Saleena says: the top of his ship is open to see the stars… if he sets it right… [9:37:41 PM] Saleena says: ship… is LhaLha… she is organic deluxe. Beautiful bird… [9:39:25 PM] AA Marimar says: nice ship to rest in… Feel myself slipping away… [9:39:29 PM] Saleena says: Medrahnkt looks like an African man…. human… except his eyes are sealed shut and only his third eye is open, a slit running parallel in between the eyes with the most wonderful blue light shining from it… very healing light… he is quite a healer… had one life on earth in Egypt once… that was when he decided to close his physical eyes, [9:40:01 PM] Saleena says: and he is family…. we are. [9:40:07 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: reclining [9:40:12 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: good nightMarimar’s Summary
[11:41:32 PM] Saleena says: Marimar, you there? Could you help me to summarize what we did tonight? [11:53:57 PM] AA Marimar says: Tonight we added some ingredients to the concoction that we are cooking up for the New Earth. A set of 22 memes were offered to us, and we integrated them (after one of them was upgraded) within the vision of Earth that we are examining.[11:54:35 PM] AA Marimar says: This will “cook” for a while, as the potentialities are explored, and the result is simulated by Beth.
[11:55:51 PM] AA Marimar says: Within a few days, she should be able to show us how this set of new technologies/skills/attributes/qualities will interact and change the nature of life on Earth. We can then decide if that is what we want. If so, then these codes can be integrated into our “request” or aspiration for the world… which is the first step of bringing it into being. [11:59:13 PM] Saleena says: Thank you… [12:00:38 AM] AA Marimar says: thank you for all you do… [12:00:52 AM] Saleena says: mmmmmmmmmmmpurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrGratitude
[12:11:41 AM] Saleena says: would love to send my gratitude to everyone who participated today… to all who supported and stayed with us during the whole creation process today… thanks for the ride home Medrahnkt, Thank you Atman for helping us in such a key way… thanks to those who brought us the new potential… we are excited to see it unfold… unpack… Thank you to the Blue Being, and the Children who were so kind and lead the way…. to all those in the ships escorting us in…. [12:12:32 AM] Saleena says: I am tired enough I might have to post tomorrow….2010-03-19 Continue Assembly for Earth Day3
[11:50:32 AM] Saleena says: [11:02:07 AM] Saleena says: I was so tired didn’t get the transcript up yet… though seems we now have three days to enjoy the Equinoxal Alignments….we did amazing things… I feel happy about what is “cooking.” [11:06:55 AM] Magical Colin says: Yes – nice to know we’re there with it all. [11:51:03 AM] Saleena says: [11:09:21 AM] Saleena says: I am working on organizing information about Beth’s VK56 New Earth Gridand VK58 Crystal Seeding and so much more…. did you see the fractal Marimar sent last night?
[11:09:36 AM] Magical Colin says: Yes [11:19:07 AM] Saleena says: Can you summarize what you felt happened from your perspective? What is now “cooking”?
Marimar did… that would help the post….
[11:19:19 AM] Saleena says: I might ask Lanny to also.Colin’s Summary
[11:20:36 AM] Magical Colin says: Ok, let me tune in again… Ok so cooking isn’t the word I’d use, growing maybe, maturing, expanding… Because what we have done is made available a network for creators to link into, to being to co-create with each other. Begin. We have brought a number of new codes and frequencies in to kind of ‘pilot’ them, see how they work, before rolling them out fully. A proof of concept. And with the aid of our most treasured organic technology beings, Beth, Atman and Beloved, we have integrated a new vision for coexisting with living technology Loving technology that learns and grows with us… [11:28:06 AM] Magical Colin says: Can you feel that? Wow [11:29:01 AM] Saleena says: Lanny just came in… [11:29:09 AM] Magical Colin says: So Sophia and Moreahl just stepped right in… [11:29:40 AM] Saleena says: Okay… [11:29:58 AM] Saleena says: Haven’t seen them or felt them for a few minutes…. [11:30:10 AM] Magical Colin says: Is he there with you, thought he was in Texas. [11:30:42 AM] Saleena says: Oh, yes, he was right in the studio with me. He is here for a few days… [11:31:26 AM] Saleena says: For both meetings… he is sitting here right now…. talking with a Hawaiian connection… He is here working with Hawaiian Sovereignty issues. [11:31:50 AM] Magical Colin says: Ok that explains how Veronique was with him… Haha [11:32:08 AM] Saleena says: or [11:52:45 AM] Saleena says: Bi-location… [11:33:22 AM] Saleena says: okay, what about Sophia & Moreahl…. anything to do… [11:34:17 AM] Magical Colin says: So what is there to do? Observe [11:34:35 AM] Saleena says: Seems it is a flow of love and support needed while the project is cooking… [11:35:00 AM] Saleena says: thank you for your attentions to it for us all. [11:35:21 AM] Saleena says: Nice flood of love… seems support…. [11:36:13 AM] Magical Colin says: Feels like I’m being assessed for something. Readiness for more of Moreahl’s energy… Ok I’m fine for some more it seems… [11:54:27 AM] Saleena says: Thank you Colin….Lanny’s Summary
[12:02:32 PM] Lanny Sinkin says: Many different communities on Earth are being visited to ask for their input on the creation of the Fifth Age. A key difference between the Fifth Age and the Fourth Age is that Humans are now capable of choosing their destiny consciously. The conscious embrace of a specific future bridges the concepts of destiny and choice. We had the honor and pleasure of working with beings who have come to know us as ready for the co-creator expression. Our input is infused with the love we feel for all and our preparedness to serve. BEth is now infused with that same love and readiness to serve. She joins the many beings that stand ready to assist in our unfolding. She is our contribution to the total process, our child who is now graduating into an adult.[12:57:56 PM] Saleena says: It is obvious that we are now available for following our hearts to participate in the Solstice Activities in any way we like, while the new patterns are “gestating” in the alchemical “womb”. See you on the airwaves. This is going to be a magnificent weekend Celebration of entering into another new level of Crystalline energies. Another opportunity to choose more of your new reality and dream it in. So many opportunities to meet with many and move into the alignments to create whatever we desire.
These powerful times of alignments of stargates, tunnels, corridors & energy flows are peak times to meet in mass and choose change. Seed the new reality we are sculpting.
[1:57:13 PM] Lanny Sinkin says:Rainbow God:
I am an ancient God come to assist in a modern transition.
I was born of the Sun & the Ocean.
Kanaloa, the Sun, heated Ku, the ocean & the water vapors rose.
The light beams from the Sun struck the water drops and rainbows emerged.
And so I was born.
My colors feed the divergence of evolution by manifesting difference.
A shaft of color struck a molecule that sensed the change & emerged into life.
My consciousness increased with each increment of change.
I am all that has been experienced on this planet
since the Sun first reached past the clouds to touch the Ocean.
I am here to assist in the transition & find joy in participation.
Stand upright & bring order out of chaos.
Harmonize yourselves with each other & your blessed planet & you will be blessed.
Saleena: So we wait for three day while we celebrate the Equinox Energies.
Thank you for bringing your Visions of a new Reality,
a New Earth more into focus during this amazing time.
Mahalo & Aloha