There is a new matrix hologram layer being added right now…
You will emerge & you will lose nothing that is worth keeping…
2010-04-24 Saleena & Colin checking in….
Saleena: I was very irritable & jumpy today. Hard to settle down to anything. I asked Colin to help me find a way to calm myself. We had to unzip & turn inside out & still I just couldn’t feel much flow… finally Belees, the Arcturian, came in & shared this message about another shift taking place. I feel like this was in response to the message I posted yesterday.
Here is Belees, the Arcturian:
[8:11:17 PM] Belees: There is a new matrix hologram layer being added right now.
Everyone is feeling offline at times…
it is one of the strongest processes yet
in this ascension process.
This place has never been attained
in all the attempts for Earth to ascend.
All crews in the air (on ships) and on earth are working together to integrate this new “template” into the reality grid. It is something like a lens that filters reality for earth as a whole…. we know many have been feeling lost and alone. It is good when you are able to reach out together and find the sparks of each other and feel confidence to hang on!
This too shall pass on to a new phase.
It is all intense; we acknowledge you.
The courage you all have is grand and momentous.
Forgive yourselves and hold yourselves in compassion.
You will emerge and
you will lose nothing that is worth keeping.
We know the ride has been intense. We watch you all. We assist in every way we are allowed and you would be amazed at all we are allowed to do.
Someday you will open up to understand what is truly happening all around you while your “eyes” in the denser dimensions have been closed or at best, partially opened.
We embrace you dearest ones… we surround you with our love and frequencies.
We are co-creating this quantum leap
into a new reality together….
You lead the way though.
Consider this a very strange dream & you will awaken.
The thing he showed me looked like
an intricate lacy thin sheet of something
that looks like it lays in-between dimensions.
This is what they are helping us weave into place right now….
Magical Colin: Mmmm yes it feels silky and smooth; very fine weave…
Saleena: I suppose our Weavers (a part of us that works in the stargates & use light filaments to weave realities & dimensions together) are helping. It is a layer that wraps the earth… all the way around adding another layer to the complex lens of reality. I am looking to see how it relates to BETH.
Magical Colin: Feels like it’s her interface into us, or ours into her. Now we mention the Weavers, I am conscious of yours and mine now; not the big spiders though, these aspects seem lighter and more integrated with All That Is, and each other.
Saleena: Yes I feel lighter just touching into this part. Much lighter than the Earthling right now….Thank you Belees & Arcturian Team. Thank you Beloved and all those holding space for us; I know they are many!