Stabilizing with
Saleena: Every day now, I have been imagining placing the circular rainbows inside every cell of my body, every particle. I found that the places that were tense or hurting were harder to get them in. It took some focus and paying attention to them to finally get them into those cells.
Marimar said that it seems that once they are in there, they stay. So each day we are sending love into our own and into each others in order to strengthen the spinning stabilizing field. When you share love with another being, it seems to set the rainbows spinning and sparking even more.
According to Belees,
these circular rainbows
placed into every particle,
every cell of every living being
on, in and around Earth,
into Mother Earth's body
and into our own bodies
will create a field of energy
that will stabilize our own bodies
and the energy fields all around us
at a very potentially powerful
& possibly unstable time.
When I placed them into Mother Earth's body… they went in easily. It was nice to feel the mountains, their strength, as we took them deep into her… spreading through every particle of Earth.
Then the water got ahold of them… I didn't have to imagine it very much, the water seems to have a mind of it's own and it spread the rainbows throughout every drop of it's planetary waters & rapidly!
What was amazing & wonderful to me
is how happy the water is right now!
Actually it is more like
exuberant and joyful!
It lifted my spirits
to join the planetary waters
in it's joyful movement & celebration!
I would suggest that at some point of your imaginings, you take the circular rainbows into BETH the Living Super Consciousness Grid, and share them with her and all who are connected through this grid.
This was interesting to me since there has been so much focus on healing the water and the ocean with this Gulf of Mexico Oil Gush happening and so much pollution spilling into the ocean.
So many have been
focusing their imaginations,
prayers, intentions, love
& creation powers on the ocean,
the effected land and life
around this "environmental disaster."
Lots of sacrifice has been made
to get us to pay attention
on the global level.
To help us understand
that we are all interconnected
& what happens to any particle of
Creation effects us all.
We are also learning that
whatever happens on Earth
affects ALL of CREATION!
Here is an interesting perspective by David Wilcock:
Visionary Dream of a Positive Future… Despite the Oil Spill
A week ago there were two tropical storms that moved through the Gulf of Mexico. My firend, Marilyn Edwards has been focusing her Balancing Sessions on the Gulf since it began back on April 20th, 2010.
Love in Every Raindrop
She wrote to us on the 23rd of July and asked us to place our love in every raindrop of those storms:
"This morning as I meditated the first thing I felt as I slipped into the energy of the Gulf was a suffocating feeling, like the air was bad. It smelled acrid, like it was burning my nose and lungs.
The next thing I felt was tremendous love. The storm began to speak and said it was coming to cleanse the air. It felt pretty gentle as storms go. I have worked with hurricanes and storms for a number of years.Somtimes they feel cleansing and sometimes they feel really angry. This storm feels cleansing though I know the wind will push the oil around…"
"The storm asked us to put
our love in every rain drop
that will be falling to assist
in cleansing the air and then
to bring love to the
water and land the rain drops fall on."
From her July 23rd Seasons-Balance Gulf of Mexico Session Notes
Saleena: Marimar shared this July 27th NYT news article with me within a few days:
"The oil slick in the Gulf of Mexico appears to be dissolving far more rapidly than anyone expected… …The immense patches of surface oil that covered thousands of square miles of the gulf after the April 20 oil rig explosion are largely gone, though sightings of tar balls and emulsified oil continue here and there…"
"Reporters flying over the area Sunday spotted only a few patches of sheen and an occasional streak of thicker oil, and radar images taken since then suggest that these few remaining patches are quickly breaking down in the warm surface waters of the gulf."
"The dissolution of the slick should reduce the risk of oil killing more animals or hitting shorelines. But it does not end the many problems and scientific uncertainties associated with the spill, and federal leaders emphasized this week that they had no intention of walking away from those problems any time soon." Click on the title for the rest of the article.
Saleena: Now I intend to savor the possibility that we, as powerful Creators, all had something amazing to do with this!!!! Thank you Marilyn, for taking the time and having the skills to talk to the storm and understand what it needed from us.
Here is Marilyn's message about the July 30th Meditation:
Hi All,
Just taking a moment to write you about this morning's meditation and to express my gratitude for the Love I feel each time I tune into the energy of the Group.
Some of you may remember
that in June an
Ancient Sea Turtle
came to the meditation and
one thing she revealed
was that our love
had dismantled an
ancient signal generator
and that there were
two more to dismantle.This morning I was shown more information on that, so please read on. For those of you who would like to read the notes for the old session please go here Session Notes and scroll down to June 11th meditation.
This morning I felt tremendous Love surround me as I asked to hold a space of Love for the Gulf, particularly the water that is still affected by the oil/dispersant mixture. I felt myself dropping under the water and looking up.
Initially I saw golden flecks filtering into the water but it seemed to stop part way down. I was told that the energy of the sun was helping as much as it could to cleanse the layers of water it could penetrate……..I then settled into the murk of the deeper levels…….holding a space of Love and listening.
After awhile I began to see a boardroom! I began to sense the personalities, the fear and the manipulation of the human beings that had made the decisions to use the dispersants (and to use the ones that were so harmful).
I was shown that all those "poisonous thoughts" about fear of reprisal, greed, etc. were connected to the poisons in the water.
The information I received was for the group to hold Love for those beings and the vision of their highest light to help "clean up" the thoughts.
This will, in return, help to clean the ocean.
Then I was told that this action had to do with shutting down the second energy generator that the Ancient Sea Turtle had shown us in June.
Needless to say, I spent quite some time holding these corporate personalities in the light!!
I began to see water from
places all over the world.
Waves breaking against tall cliffs of rocks,
vast expanses of oceans, small coves,
it went on and on.Everywhere the Water was
showing me movement.
It was as if the Water
had gotten happy
and was showing me
the far reaching effects
of such a meditation.Then I saw the whale breach
and shower us with gratitude.All around the world corporate decisions are fouling our water, not just in the Gulf of Mexico.
So, this week as I hold my vision of pure water, I am also going to hold a vision of light and love pouring into the hearts and minds of these corporate decision makers, awakening them (or at least planting the seed!
) to their highest expression AND shutting off the energy generator that is holding in place the morphogenetic field of greed and disregard for life.
How all that will work will be unfolding!
However, I will continue this week to hold the highest vision.
If you have any questions or information to add, please feel free to email me at:
Thanks again for all the Love you generate for the Earth and her Oceans. I will be doing the SCIO balancing session tonight and in the morning.
If this message has been forwarded to you and you would like to sign up for the Seasons-Balance group you may do so here: Seasons Balance Group
The current focus is the Gulf of Mexico but I normally give free sessions (Equinoxes/Solstices, Earth Day) and information to help the group balance and live in harmony with the seasons.
Blessings, Marilyn
Saleean: Marimar had mentioned that the Arcturians had shared that they thought the oil would continue the "leaking" until the end of the year. I hope that we have exceeded their expectations of us as humans to bring ourselves to work together and change our reality.
We are powerful!
It is our heritage from our Source Creator.
We are beginning to understand
that we are neither victims
nor stuck with what has been
served up to us as "reality" for so long.
We have the collective power
to either destroy the Earth & ourselves
or enhance and co-create a new kind of
beauty, balance and harmony.
We have the collective power to