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Wayseer Wayshower Show The Way Know The Way Be The Way

"Love. The major motivator of change.  

 It is the Power that is now infusing All Souls. 

There are no exits from its 

Total Manifestation. 

It's Showtime. 

It is The Way!!"


"Everything the establishment

has told you is wrong with you –

is actually what's

right with you…"


Saleena: I watched this with cheers erupting from my internal team, my external team and my heart! I certainly recognize myself in about every line and many of my friends. 


I actually got chills all the way through and a few times felt like crying with relief that someone is saying all this OUTLOUD and so CLEAR… Thank you! Just the insiration I needed to launch me into a brand new art piece, VK77 Divine Mother's Garden.



Wayseer Manifesto – V Edition


"As a 50-something Wayshower, me and my kindred have been holding space and energy for all you amazing, remarkable, long awaited Wayseers! Underground for so long, almost losing faith, leaning on one another quietly but powerfully to hold the precious energy of The Way. We rejoice in the coming of age of you ragingly talented and outspoken Indigos and Cystals and profoundly thank you for your powerful participation! We know you're coded for it — own it — stay clear of fear — be love."



Love is the Way


"The Way is the eternal substrate of the Cosmos. Also known as the Will of God, the muse, the Holy Spirit, reverse-entropy, Divine Order, implicate order – Grace. Wayseers are the ones who are most naturally open to receiving guidance from the Way. Due to their lack of neurological repression, Wayseer minds are exposed to the unconscious and the super-conscious through which they become sensitive to the Way. Recent fMRI brain scan studies reveal that Wayseers regularly have essentially the same bain scan patterns that most people only achieve when they are "falling in love". Wayseers must continually tune in to love in order to express their full brilliance and overcome the traumatic effects of disociation associated with being a Wayseer in this day and age."



ATTENTION: All you rule-breakers,

you misfits and troublemakers

– all you free spirits and pioneers –

all you visionaries and non-conformists …


Everything that the establishment has told you is wrong with you
– is actually what's right with you.


You see things others don’t.

You are hardwired to change the world.

Unlike 9 out of 10 people

– your mind is irrepressible –

and this threatens authority.


You were born to be a revolutionary.


You can’t stand rules because in your heart

you know there’s a better way.


You have strengths dangerous to the establishment

– and it wants them eliminated,


So your whole life you’ve been told

your strengths were weaknesses –

Now I’m telling you otherwise.


Your impulsivity is a gift –

impulses are your key to the miraculous,

Your distractibility –

is an artifact of your inspired creativity,


Your mood swings –

reflect the natural pulse of life,

they give you unstoppable energy

when you’re high and

deep soulful insight when you’re low,


Been diagnosed with a "disorder”?

That’s society’s latest way to deny it’s own illness by pointing the finger at you. Your addictive personality is just a symptom of your vast underused capacity for heroic, creative expression and spiritual connection. your utter lack of repression, your wide eyed idealism, your unmitigated open mind – didn’t anyone ever tell you?! these are the traits shared by the greatest pioneers and visionaries and innovators, revolutionaries, procrastinators and drama queens, activists on the social scene, space cadets and mavericks, philosophers and derelicts, business suits flying fighter jets, football stars and sex addicts, celebrities with ADD, alcoholics who seek novelty, first responders – prophets and saints, mystics and change agents.


We are – all – the same – you know
‘cuz we’re all affected by the way –
We are – all – the same – you know
‘cuz we’re all attracted to the flame –

You know in your heart that there's

a natural order to life, 

something more sovereign than any 

man-made rules or laws could ever express.


This natural order is called "the Way."


The Way is the eternal substrate of the cosmos.

It guides the very current of time and space.

The Way is known by some as the

Will of God, Divine Providence,

the Holy Spirit, the implicate order,

the Tao, reverse-entropy, life-force,

but for now we’ll simply call it "the Way."


The Way is reflected in you

as the source of your inspiration,

the source of your passions,

your wisdom, your enthusiasm,

your intuition, your spiritual fire – love.


The Way takes the chaos out of the Universe

and breathes life into it

by reflecting divine order.


The Way, when experienced by the mind,

is genius,

when perceived through the eyes

is beauty,

when felt with the senses

is grace,

when allowed into the heart …

is love.

Most people cannot sense the Way directly. …

But then there are the Wayseers.

The keepers of the flame.

Wayseers have an unexplainable knack

for just knowing the Way.

They sense it in their very being.

They can’t tell you why or

how they arrived at the right answer.

They just know it in their core.

They can’t show their work. So don’t ask.


Their minds simply resonate with the Way.

When the Way is present, so are they.


While others are blind to it, and society begs you to ignore it, “the Way” stirs you inside. Neurological repression blocks most people’s awareness of the Way – censoring all thoughts and impulses from the unconscious is their prefrontal cortex – the gestapo of the brain –  nothing which violates its socialized programming even gets through;


but your mind is different.

your mind has been cracked wide open

to the Way –

by some miraculous genetic trait,

some psychotropic chemical

or maybe even by

the will of your very soul,

your brain’s reward pathways

have been hijacked –

dopamine employed to overthrow

the fascist dictatorship

of your prefrontal cortex –

now your brain is free of repression,

your mind free of censorship,

your awareness exposed to the

turbulent seas of the unconscious –

through this open doorway

divine light shines into your consciousness

showing you the Way.


This is what makes you a



90% of human civilization is populated with those who’s brains are blocked to the Way.  Their brains are hardwired to enforce the social programming indoctrinated since birth. Unlike you they cannot break out of this programming, because they have not yet experienced the necessary revolution of mind. These programmed people take social institutions and rules very seriously. Society is full of games programmed to keep peoples’ minds occupied so they will not revolt. These games often cause sick fixations on peculiar protocols, power structures, taboos and domination – all subtle forms of human bondage – This distinct form of madness is not only tolerated by the masses but insisted upon. The programmed ones believe in rules so forcefully they become willing to destroy anyone who violates them.


Wayseers are the ones who call their bluff.  

Since Wayseer minds are free to

reject social programming,

Wayseers readily see social institutions

for what they are – imaginary games.  


Wayseers comfort the disturbed

and disturb the comfortable.


Helping those who are lost in these games

and refuse to help themselves is a

calling of many Wayseers.


Since Wayseers are the ones

who keep contact with the

original source of reality –

they are able to disrupt societal conventions

and even governments to

realign humanity with the Way. 

The Wayseers are an ancient lineage.

A kind of priesthood –

carriers of the flame –

ones "in the know."  


There must always be Wayseers

to reform the dizzying psychotic

spinning gears of society –

giant mindless hamster wheels

obscuring the pure blue sky,

keeping humanity shackled

in a darkened cage –

so Wayseers are called –

to shed light on the madness of society –

to continually resurrect the

timeless transcendent Spirit of Truth – 


Wayseers reveal this divine truth by

devoting themselves to the

birth of some creative or disruptive act

expressed through art or philosophy,

innovations to shake up industry,

revolutions for democracy,

coups that topple hypocrisy,

movements of solidarity,

changes that leave a legacy,

rebellions against policy,

spirit infused technology,

moments of clarity,

things that challenge barbarity,

watersheds of sincerity,

momentous drives for charity


We are – all – the same – you know
‘cuz we’re all affected by the way –
We are – all – the same – you know
‘cuz we’re all attracted to the flame –

This is your calling, Wayseer. 
You’ve found your tribe. 
Welcome home


More here: Wayseer Manifesto Website





Wayseers Show – Coming Soon..


About the author

Saleena Kí

Omniversal Storyteller through her Art, Photography, Music & Word who LOVES Nature, Mother Earth & Assisting us ALL to LIGHTEN UP!