Mercury Maximus
Feeling Intense & Lethargic?
Astrological Updates – Aug 18, 2011
Astrology Master – Michelle Karén, M.A., D.F.Astrol.S.
(with Saleena Notes inserted to
weave in some real life perspective)
Michelle: Dearest Friends,
You have always heard me say how much I love Mercury retrograde. I personally enjoy watching which of my friends I haven't heard from in a long time, re-emerge and remembering projects I may have left aside and forgotten about. When the planet of communication appears to go backwards in the sky, there is invariably an element of unpredictability and adventure.
But since August 3rd and until August 26th
when it will go direct again at 18º Leo,
if you feel that your world has
fallen into the worst chaos, you are not alone!
The reason why I am so late in getting you this, is because every time I started writing about it, I was stopped by my computer crashing in all sorts of different and strange ways! In the past couple of weeks, I have spent more time at my local Apple Store and the Auto body shop (that's another story!), than I have at home, working!
Saleena Note: The reason I am so late in getting this to you (August 19th already) is that everytime I thought about…see like that… I just had an interuption that lasted about an hour… everytime I thought about reading the Astrology report, my brian wasn't functioning or I was too tired or something… so finally…. here it is!
Basically, all the structures of our lives
are being destroyed so that we may
reconstruct ourselves in a way that is
much truer to our divine purpose.
If it feels like what happened in the
past few years seems part of
another lifetime, it's because… it is!
With only 10 weeks left to the
first ending of the Mayan Calendar
(October 28, 2011)
which completes the cycle begun on
January 5, 1999,
we are coming now at MAJOR crossroads.
A reincarnation without
leaving our physical body!
We simply don't have the luxury to float around aimlessly.
We need to know what our hearts truly want,
pursue our dreams and believe in our
ability to manifest miracles in our own lives.
Become the vision that you have for yourself,
and it will materialize!
Communication is worst than
during any other Mercury retrograde
because of the Opposition (180º aspect) with Neptune.
Loosing our keys,
receiving packages that are empty,
strange misunderstandings,
messages from our bank
that make no sense at all,
Saleena Note: We have been trying to get some resolution on a debit card that expired, doing all the "right" things and then it is sent back… then they cancel our account, then they tell us it will take forever before they can process our card again… then I lose it and start yelling on the phone… I don't usually do that… hmmm. I decided I will wait until this is past and start fresh… maybe that is the wisest strategy?
feeling off,
erasing messages before having read them,
loosing our address book,
landing in the wrong place,
mistaking an appointment date,
missing a plane,
misplacing an important document,
Saleena Note: I already told the story of my missing computer file… for at least a month… it was gone… disappeared… and suddenly a few days ago, after I started something new, it reappeared as if by magic!!! I was bemused wondering how that worked????
are just a few very normal occurrences.
Our heads are in the clouds.
Nothing is stable.
Neither within, nor without.
Saleena Note: I watch myself and others with a kind of detached amusement right now. Amazing what we play out. What emerges from our depths…. Some days I have the most intense feeling like I HAVE HAS ENOUGH of this experiment.
Other days I am soooo grateful that I am here during this most amazing opportunity to advance our souls and to experience one rare opportunity while large cycles end and new cycles begin. The potential for Quantum Leaping is HIGH right now… the potential for us to create what we want is aligned.
Our perceptions are changing.
New situations are suddenly and
unexpectedly replacing old ones.
Our reality is shifting.
We have no choice but to let go of the past and
surrender to the unknown.
We may feel strange anxieties
for no apparent reason, and
in the face of very real
life threatening dramas,
be calmly detached.
Saleena Note: HIGH STRANGENESS for sure!!! I am learning to take all these shifting feelings and symptoms as "part of the shift" and the Chaotic nodes. When I read of or hear what others are going through, I am reminded that it isn't so personal. Most everyone is going through something or another intense right now. It is wise to find yourself some understanding and perspective so you can assure yourself that it is only the old parts of yourself that are dying. It is a great time to use all your skills and acquire new skills to keep you balanced in these intense times. I have a section above here in the blog menu at the top called Useful Techniques and Tools. That whole section is filled with free ideas and supportive techniques to empower you.
Time could be simultaneously
accelerating and slowing down.
Saleena Note: I definitely have experience lots of this… weeks that fly by in record speed… days that slow down and stretch an eternity… right now this week has been ten thousand years long!
We could experience emotions
ranging from mild to severe depression,
wonder where we are,
why we are living this way,
what is the purpose of it all.
Saleena Note: The conversation I just had with my mother reflected this to me… she is so ready to move to the other dimensions. She says she isn't depressed, nothing is wrong particularly, she has just run out of things that interest her here anymore. She feels complete and sort of stuck and ready to move into another dimension.
For her that means to transition out of this body and join my Father elsewhere. She had a dream after he died where he came to her and ask her if she knew that we could have anything we wanted? Then he told her that things were not the way that they had thought they would be. Then he said she would join him by New Years… and the dream ended before he told her what year….
It's almost as if we are simultaneously
in and outside of our lives,
observing the motions
without participating in them.
Our dreams at night could be particularly vivid.
We could feel we are dreaming
when we are awake and
awake when we are dreaming.
We should keep a dream journal
for valuable messages.
Saleena Note: I have been having some very lucid dreams. One where I knew that I was helping to bring some man, a kind of teacher's research here to Earth. He had created new energy templates for crystals and stones and we felt it was time to bring them to Earth. In the dream I was working very creatively to see how I could get them to feed into the Earth plane and inform it.
Our visions in states of meditation
could be very powerful.
Movie images could
stick in our psyche longer than usual.
Saleena Note: I have noticed that one repeating and increasing theme in movies and TV series is Humans with Super Natural Powers. It used to be a few stories about this and now it is weaving its way into so many of our stories. I was watching one called Alphas. A review said that they wanted a story where it wasn't so Science Fiction and more "normal" daily people either born with or waking up with "super powers." There super powers are all things we as humans innately have the capability for. We have been convinced and trained to dumb us down to our potential.
The secret is out! The cat is "out of the bag!" We all are gaining or regaining our "super human" talents and abilities, some faster than others. Some of the newer kids are being born with "eyes wide open." Full recall of all past lives and where they came from and why they are here. Some with full telepathy. One in particular I know, finds talking slow, archaic frustrating and wishes we would all get with it and start telepathing! We are working on teleportation now…
We could experience spontaneous telepathy
and truly understand how our thoughts
are affecting everything and everyone around us.
It is essential at these times,
that we live with the highest degree of integrity
and know that we are Masters.
Saleena Note: My dear friend and colleague, Colin Whitby, shared that he watches his loved ones and friends wrestling with all the fear that are being thrown at us. His town of Bristol, England, recently went through "riots" that turned out to be revolution scam with high robbery intents behind it. Many were afraid when that kind of violence comes close to your home. He muses that he wakes up every day and touches into the higher dimensions and flies around opening his heart, sharing love, sipping nectar and sharing bliss with his higher dimensional aspects before he goes into his work day. He feels more able to ride the intensities and energy waves and enjoy the ride, instead of drowning in the potential fears that are offered us from every direction right now.
There is always something we can choose to be afraid of if that is your choice of how to live… The biggest one for me is of stepping fully into my power and realizing clearly that I AM a Creator God and that it is me that is creating my own reality. No one else to blame. Taking responsibility for all of what is going on in my life and setting about to create my daily life as I desire it. Releasing all the old beliefs and structures and energies that are habits and left-overs from living in such deep density. Most of it I inherited and I choose to release it and replace it with brand new structures, habits and reality guidelines. I also realize that even what I consider new needs to be flexible and open for shifting and being replaced. Everything is changing so rapidly right now… I am excited to see who I remember I am by the end of this month!
We practice this allot by participating in our Omni-Dimensional Travel Adventures. We are able to feel like we are Creators and co-creating along with our higher dimensional aspects and friends, the Paradise Earth reality we all intend to have.
Nothing now is as it seems,
and yet we need to trust that,
even if it feels like hell,
in the bigger picture,
everything is in perfect divine order.
Saleena Note: A friend mentioned a few days ago in the forever of time, that she was guided to a book and DVD called "What if Everything Turns out Good?" I didn't even read the book and it reminded me of my friend, Colin's "What if…" habit. (look on the left side under Archives: What If..) What if everything turns out perfect? What if it is easy? What if I am the one creating my reality? What if I can change it to what I really want? What if it doesn't take long? What if…. This practice has been wonderful to implement in my daily life. If I am ever struggling with some energy or my own feelings… it will pop in somehow… What if you can long? cahnge it by what you think? Hmmmm…. What if I can change my reality by what I spend time thinking , imagining and focusing on? Hmmmm….
All our vulnerable spots are being shaken,
allowing us to see where we
still need to work on ourselves.
Saleena Note: These energies are certain so intense that they flush out all the leftover feelings and habits still lurking in the depths or our being. Some not so deeply buried habits and behaviors that haven't been attended to… I find I am faced with them. For example if I am still projecting my displeasure or upset on someone else, the "universe" is pointing it out very clearly to me that it is me that I am having the feelings about and it is me that needs to change if I want relief.
Whether it's financial issues,
Saleena Note: Where oh where did the financial flow go????? I bet it is cyclic! Maybe it is these energies???? Hey, I have much to offer….
relationship problems,
career dilemmas,
location uncertainty
Saleena Note: We are preparing to leave Hawaii. I have been here for 12 years! We know where we will land and from there???? A few hints… and trust in the magic….
or all of the above,
we have to take a very honest
look at ourselves.
As the veil between the
visible and the invisible is thinning,
answers could come to us in surprising ways.
Saleena Note: I had an experience two days ago where I was given a message about how easy it is for us to be blind to things around us that are right in front of our eyes. Because of conditioning or beliefs, they are invisible to us. It was the same day that my missing files reappeared.
Then I was tired that evening and I lay down on the couch to rest. There was a book in the bookshelf "beeping" at me so I picked it up and it was called "The Dance." There was a piece of folded paper in it that was a print out of an email from my sister from 2006. In it, was three different references to things that had happen today!
Marimar said my past self must have put it there to remind my future self of the magic happening now when the dimensions barriers are melting.
For several days now I have been very aware that the past, present and future are converging. I have felt like I can stand at this nexus point, the now me, and reach out and touch the past and the future. I have done lightwork in these days that involved going back to attend a past event where our future selves were there and sharing things then that we knew would change the now moment which was the future then. And the now me knew that this would change the future for me also.
Our sleep could be restless.
We could wake up after only a few hours
feeling like we've been hit by a truck
or drank all night (even though we didn't!).
When ancient,
heavy thought and emotional patterns
are released, all the symptoms of a
major physical detoxification can be present.
Saleena Note: I woke up this morning feeling just like that… heavy…mind feeling cloudy… so tired… could hardly get up….there isn't any logical explanation… it is just the energies… I heard the hawks screech so ran for my camera… there were four of them out over the beautiful blue ocean soaring and screeching…
I filmed them soaring… that made me feel like I was soaring… then they moved up higher and higher into the sky until I was craning by neck and shooting the video straight up… then they swooped off and disappeared… It left me feeling alive and awake… refreshed by nature and "LOOKING UP!"
I had to smile and feel grateful for the reminder…. I spent the next hour with the flowers and birds and fairies… this always uplifts me and my heart is still smiling…
A lingering dissatisfaction could make us
wish to change our lives from A to Z.
Responsibilities could feel difficult to meet,
because basically,
we don't really care anymore.
Saleena Note: Do you know how many times I have said , …I DON"T REALLY CARE ANYMORE! in the last month??? I have to laugh because I thought I was unique!
It's a strange, volatile time
during which we should
avoid making any drastic decisions.
After the chips fall on September 10,
we should have more clarity.
And as if this weren't enough. to top it all, this whole month of August, we are also going through a T-Square between Mars in Cancer, Pluto in Capricorn and Uranus in Aries!!
This is not a time to count on anyone but ourselves.
Our temper could be explosive,
our need for freedom, intense
and our rebellion, dramatic.
Saleena Note: Marimar has been following the Libyan Rebellion or is it an all out war now? Just in the last week the advantage has finally turned to the people and now the Leader, who has been a heartless dictator, is getting just what he has been giving. I asked Marimar to check in here later and maybe share some of his insights on how these energies are being reflected there and in the world conditions. Maybe he will… He has been working on his own research fervently, getting it to a satisfying place where he can lay it down while we move…
Sudden changes and interferences are
affecting our course and creating much confusion.
We need to rely on our intuition
to see us through these times.
Saleena Note: I spoke about this in a previous blog, about how we are being guided to move into our intuitive right brained way of processig reality. According to an Andromedan, this is where our society culture is heading… to become a more intuitive based Culture. Time to practice… and that means trusting… learning that everything we need comes to us in the moment. No more logical tracking every movement and moment. Surrender while acting on our intuitive impulses and guidance. Great time to practice!
We are being prepared for a
whole new beginning,
on a whole new plane of reality!
It's as if we have boarded a plane that will land
on a first exotic destination on October 28, 2011
that we had until now never even known existed!
Saleena Note: This reminds me of an email I received about a certain South African airline that doesn't take themselves seriously… it is funny and reminds me of the ride we have been and are still on!
"After a particularly rough landing during thunderstorms in the Karoo, a flight attendant on a flight announced, "Please take care when opening the overhead compartments because, after a landing like that, sure as hell everything has shifted."
"In the event of a sudden loss of cabin pressure, masks will descend from the ceiling. Stop screaming, grab the mask, and pull it over your face. If you have a small child traveling with you, secure your mask before assisting with theirs. If you are traveling with more than one small child, pick your favourite."
"Overheard on a Kulula flight into Cape Town, on a particularly windy and bumpy day: During the final approach, the Captain really had to fight it. After an extremely hard landing, the Flight Attendant said, "Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to The Mother City. Please remain in your seats with your seat belts fastened while the Captain taxis what's left of our airplane to the gate!""An airline pilot wrote that on this particular flight he had hammered his ship into the runway really hard. The airline had a policy which required the first officer to stand at the door while the passengers exited, smile, and give them a "Thanks for flying our airline. He said that, in light of his bad landing, he had a hard time looking the passengers in the eye, thinking that someone would have a smart comment.
Finally everyone had gotten off except for a little old lady walking with a cane.
She said, "Sir, do you mind if I ask you a question?"
"Why, no Ma'am," said the pilot. "What is it?"
The little old lady said, "Did we land, or were we shot down?"
"Welcome to Johannesburg, if this is not where you were intending to go then you have a bit of a problem."
Saleena Note: It has been such an intense ride this year. I am happy to find something that make me laugh!!! It feels so good. I looked around to find where this came from and found that someone had checked this out as an "urban legend" and at least found that the photos were real. Hoax-Slayer
Now Imagine when we get through this and land, you might hear, "Congratualtions Ladies and Gentlemen and Children, too. After the rough weather, and complete reality shift, you can unfasten your seat belts now. We have arrived. It has been our pleasure to attend you during our hellish flight and we are very happy we have arrived still alive! We will be opening the doors soon for you to exit this flight and enter your new life on PARADISE EARTH! Wave goodbye to your old life and enjoy your stay on NUE PARADISE EARTH!
We are being asked to
purge ourselves of destructive patterns.
We could feel that certain circumstances
or people are closing in on us,
forcing us to a decision we are not ready to make.
It is essential that we
meet challenges with ingenuity
and if we have reservations,
keep our involvement impersonal.
Intense commitments have the power now
to turn our reality inside out
which is a good thing if it is in alignment
with our hearts' desires.
We are completing old cycles,
and circumstances ask of us that we
cooperate with everybody else's efforts
for the good of all.
As we are evolving individually,
all of us, as a group, are being affected.
Oneness is not just a nice philosophical concept.
It is becoming a more and more tangible reality.
This month of August is about
rebellion against false perceptions.
Saleena Note: Signs of this are already in full swing all around the Earth. Many countries have gone through or are still going through rebellions and protests. Some have won new freedoms. The Rebellion in Libya has turned into a full-on war for freedom from a crueal and corrupt dictator. This week the "battle" has finally turned. What this leader has heartlessly and ruthlessly given out has turned tide on him and now he is getting what he has been giving. I have asked Marimar to share his expanded perspectives on this, as he has been following this event. He has been totatly focused on his research attempting to get it to a tate where he can leave it until we move, so don't hold your breath… in fact, breathe deep and be grateful if you are working out your conflicts in a much milder fashion.
Chaos is the forerunner of a new reality
found in asserting our independence
from conditionings
that have blinded us to our light.
Now is the time when each one of us
needs to start shining again in the
brilliance of our truth.
Michelle Karén, M.A., D.F.Astrol.S.
Astrologer, Shaman, Author of
Astrology For Enlightenment
Final Saleena Note: True to the energies… when I was finished with this message, the whole first part of it had dissapeared! So I just redid it and going to update and hope it all stays in place and doesn't dissapear into some other dimension! This has been a fun weaving and I hope you enjoy the journey with some added perspective… Aloha…see you soooooooooon on Paradise Earth.