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2013 – Time for ADVENTURE – SIT & SMILE – PLAY

Aloha ALL! I am finally feeling inspired to share in 2013! We did it! Made it through the ending point (between 12-12-12 and 12-12-21) of many old converging cycles and escorted the beginnings of many new cycles of various lengths. We are now the proud new “owners” of a NEW REALITY along with some kind of NEW OPERATING SYSTEM, NEW BODY SYSTEMS and much more to discover and explore. Some seem puzzled and are musing what this new reality is really all about. From the surface view, at some levels, things haven’t changed all that much. Some seem disappointed that with all the 2012 hype, expectation and build up, it has lead to this? So what is different?


This is a glimpse one of my newest Vibrakeys VK110

that is still growing and forming.

It isn’t even published yet.

To me the new energy is like this: 

There are LOTS of REPORTS out there speculating about what is happening and I seem rather oblivious to them. I AM more willing to just BE in the MOMENT and ALIGN MYSELF with a kind of new FLOW. I am enjoying living in this INSPIRATION which is rather CHILDLIKE, FULL OF WONDER and somehow more SIMPLE way of just BEING. It is some kind of deep inner shift inside me that almost defies being placed into the restraint of written words.

I am still doing “Light Work” yet it has to be in a LIGHTER more JOYOUS style than before to catch my interest. My ability to sift through the myriad of energy reports is limited and only when I am inspired to look at something or want some kind of assurance that I am going through this with others. My physical body is astonished by the impact of the new energies. It is TIRED ALOT and requires lots of sleep at odd intervals. Sometimes I have to lie down or fall over. Other times I have astonishing clear energy to create with.

In December 2012 everyone around me had some form of the next generation of a super duper flu bug. In my body it, slowed me way down and hit the sinuses and bronchials that hardest. It was long lasting, taking all my focused concentration to treat it. I still have a tight dry cough that hasn’t left yet after 5 weeks. My sister experienced being laid flat, with excruciating aches and pains. Her observation was that it was rough, debilitating, then one day it was just gone. She observed that is seemed to cleanse more than the physical. She feels different now. I, too, feel lighter now.


For 5 months now, since August 21012, I have been about family reconnections, visiting my Mother, Sisters, Children, and Grandkids. A deep releasing of old stuck looping beliefs and patterns cleared the way for a new deeper appreciation of who they are now. I didn’t plan it that way consciously, yet that is what happened. I had lots of time to reconnect to loved ones I hadn’t seen in years, renewing our relationships, finding new ways to express ourselves to each other, and responding to some very insistent ancestors and sort out and release the past.


It was interesting that as I was impressed to sort through and secure photos and information about my family, so was my partner Hugh experiencing this in his family. He laughed and said the ANCESTORS really must have an agenda for us right now. The process of looking through years of what seems like the past, from this linear perspective, certainly gave way to feelings rising and the opportunity for release. I let the feelings rise, observed them with curiosity and let them go as I muttered lots of HO’OPONOPONO.


My sister, Mary Angelico, shared that she is feeling a kind of QUIET SIMPLICITY, a sort of lack of the need to figure things out or go out and DO anything. Very interested in being more consciously aware of the moment, THE FIELD and being available to respond to what arises out of it. She shared some very exciting wisdom from her beloved teacher, ELLE, that tweaked my interest. It involved ADVENTURE! My attentions perked up since I love ADVENTURE!


My interpretation of Her interpretation of ELLE’s interpretation is this: Mary said the minute ELLE started talking about ADVENTURE as leaving the safety zone, she started feeling nervous. Time for letting go of habits of evasion, hiding and defense. Invitation to let go of our habit of pulling away from that which we are unfamiliar with. Time to explore by being aligned with “the field” and allowing one’s self to respond as inspired.


As Mary shared more of what ELLE said, I thought how perfectly it applies to our OMNI-DIMENSIONAL TRAVEL ADVENTURING. How much is it like this practice her teacher was encouraging us to adopt. Funny, when I hear of Spiritual Teachers, somehow I relate following them as something hard, difficult, restricting, disciplined and challenging (sheepish grin from my inner programming). Yet she was sharing something that was part of my own playful practice.


“If we do not adventure, we will not know much about our nature. We have a made up nature if we don’t adventure. Give ourselves into “trying it on”, it’s not the safe way.” ELLE Collier Re


Mary said, “She defines adventure as, well, like skiing. It you don’t know how, you just go on the hill and start going down.”


“Attune to everything around you. Something grander is overcoming our fears. Something enters, as if in advance, we are shown the where to put our awareness. If we don’t wake up and begin to adventure we will not have lived our purpose.” ELLE Collier Re


Mary said, “She was talking about our CONNECTION to THE FIELD. Being AWARE IN IT. Looking around. RESPONDING. Something shows us the SHIFT to take to stay in UNION with the FLOW. A way to go BEYOND OUR FEARS. Go to THE FIELD. SURRENDER.”


At that point I thought of an experience I created last year by SURRENDERING, admitting that I really didn’t know how to get somewhere new from where I was, and ASKING SOURCE FOR HELP; to please REMOVE ALL THAT NO LONGERS COMPLIMENTS MY TRUE EXPRESSION OF MY SOUL. That was big. HUGE! My life started changing immediately. That is when I began my 5 month ADVENTURE with family. Boy did I release a huge reservoir of stuff that no longer was complimenting me. I hope I now have more room for living an expression of LIFE that is COMPLIMENTARY to my TRUE SOUL NATURE.



The other day, I was awakened at an early hour. I rose and wandered sleepily into another room. There I was impressed to read the book I had been nibbling away on…. Eat, Pray, Love: One Woman’s Search for Everything Across Italy, India and Indonesia by Elizabeth Gilbert. It’s been entertaining, enlightening and a very poignant fun story. I am inspired by the revealing and humorous way she writes about herself. As a storyteller I love finding inspiration from others.


Then I found the part the early awakening and gentle nudging was about; she was sharing with and learning from a Balinese Medicine Man. His first assignment for her was something he called a simple meditation the Western mind could handle. He described it as a meditation where you just SIT & SMILE.


“To meditate, only you must smile.  Smile with face, smile with mind and good energy will come to you and clean away dirty energy.  Even smile in your liver.” Ketut Liyer,the Balinese Medicine Man


That made me SMILE! I can do that! So I did and it was wonderful! I let my face smile… easy…. then I smiled with my heart… easy…. then my Liver… odd and fun…. then my Stomach and my Gall Bladder. Now Gall Bladder likes to be bitter, so that was a new experience for her. Then I sent the smile to my arms and legs… FUN! Then to my Blood cells… wow! Smiles flowing through my whole body that way… Now this was feeling really beautiful! It made my body breathe deep sighs… tensions letting go.  How serious can all this be with everythign smiling?


Now this simple technique is right up there on my list of favorites along with  ECSTATIC STATESBLISS BREATHING, NOURISHING with SEXUAL ENERGY and going into the SACRED SPACE of the HEART. I shared it with a few friends who instantly got it. It is so easy and very sensational as those SMILES enter your whole system.


So as I continue on into this year of so much potential newness, I am OPEN, CURIOUS, SURRENDERED, OBSERVING, CONNECTING into this FEILD and intending to be more RESPONSIVE so I can to be used purposefully, while having lots of FUN and ENJOYING alot more this year. I really intend to PLAY more… and continue to LIVE and LOVE in a new way.


I am reprogramming my subconscious with some NEW TECHNOLOGIES: QUANTUM & HOLOGRAPHIC Programs that are really easy and very fun. I am cleansing the old cache of limiting beliefs using a myriad of techniques. I am planting NEW SEEDS to shape my experience of my reality. I am having a blast QUANTUM JUMPING to retrieve what I need to create a new kind of life. One way I am supporting this is changing my inner self talk. My inner repetitive mantras lately run something like this:

“Every day in every way my life gets better and better.

Every day in every way my love life gets sweeter and sweeter.

Every day in every way my health is more vital and sublime.

Every day in every way I have what I need when I need it.

Every day in every way I am now a wealthy woman!”

It is happening. My life and my experience of myself in it is changing significantly.


I AM already cued up for this to be one of the most ABUNDANT & FUN years of my life! You can quote me on that…


Love is flowing to me and through me easier now… since we are ALL ONE can you feel it?

So far, I really like what my reality feels like in 2013…. I hope you like yours.


P.S. One of my focuses this year is my ART… read on to the next blog post for that ADVENTURE…

About the author

Saleena Kí

Omniversal Storyteller through her Art, Photography, Music & Word who LOVES Nature, Mother Earth & Assisting us ALL to LIGHTEN UP!