Diamond Platinum Light Clearing
for Body-Mind-Home-Property
You might like to do this meditation-energy exercise
sitting in a central place in your home if you intend to clear it.
Imagine a brilliant Diamond infused with Platinum Light filling your Heart & Solar Plexus Stomach area.
Intend to connect it to Creation3 and draw this energy into it.
You can read about that here: Creation3
Breathe and get it shining and sparkling as much as possible.
It can even be slowly rotating so it catches the light and sparkles even more.
Declare (intend) this Diamond will push out and cleanse everything out of your body, mind, then your home and property, that is less than for your highest safety and wellbeing in the past, present and future.
Declare that no one is welcome here from the Control and Domination Demiurge system.
Declare that only dimensional beings aligned with and coming from Love in the Free Will Universe and Creation3 are welcome and only if they have specific business that is aligned with your soul’s highest purpose and mission.
Add anything else you like.
Then imagine it expands slowly until it moves through your whole body.
When it reaches the edges of your skin, turn it inside out a few times, then keep going…
Slowly imagine it expanding into the room, moving through everything, furniture, artifacts, walls, everything, getting bigger and bigger and dissolving and pushing out anything that is less than your intentions.
Turn it inside out a few times more, then keep expanding until you reach the outside walls of your home.
Turn it inside out a few more times and keep expanding it until you reach the edges of your property.
Turn it inside out a few more times and breathe deep letting your air out forcefully.
You can leave it there as a kind of protection, energy boundary if you like.
Intend it remains as a boundary to continue on holding your intentions in place.
Use this technique anytime you feel you need to clear
your body or your home again.