Choosing Non-Toxic Alternatives

Intro to Non Toxic Choices

My purpose for sharing this article is to offer you information and some new nontoxic possibilities and alternatives. I love this Earth and I want to live in a sustainable world where all life is considered and honored and taken care of. Most everything I do has to do with this…

If you had no idea about what I am about to share, it may be shocking and disturbing when you first begin to realize the bigger scope of what is happening to us and the Earth.

Once you really start waking up to what it happening, you might go through stages… at first it might be full out denial or simply being unaware. Once you open up and start letting yourself see what is happening, the picture can get rather overwhelming. You might even ignore this all for awhile until something happens in your life to put it right in front of you where you no longer can ignore it.

Gradually, after a period of denial, turning away from it and talking yourself out of looking at the truth, or letting yourself only see and accept part of it, you find yourself beginning to get used to the idea that you are going to have to make changes, and that isn’t always convenient nor popular. Eventually you might realize that you and your family are important to protect so you begin to take the time needed to understand what is going on so you can make new choices. Then you let more in…

Every little new choice you make leads you to better
health and well-being.
You are worth it! 



I understand that it is a step by step process, I have been at it for years… The fact that you are here seems to indicate you are ready for new ideas and maybe for taking some new steps. Really all you have to do is clearly set you intention that you want better health and well being and you will be guided to everything you need to help that come true.

You may be unaware that you and your family, even pets, could be slowly and not so slowly being poisoned by exposing yourself to a barrage of toxic chemicals everyday. These toxic ingredients can make you feel sick immediately or buildup to slowly damage your health and weaken you immune system. These can lead to many diseases that arrive and wreck havoc in your life when your system is out of balance or compromised. 

These toxins come air borne as air pollution, in drinking and bathing water, and in foods we eat and products we use. They can be out-gassing from the building materials or the furniture or carpet or other decorative products we live around everyday. Believe me, as an ultra and chemical sensitive I have to be aware of all of these things. I almost died about 3 years and have brought myself back to life being aware and choosing differently. Here is something that happened just recently: 

My partner did the shopping at a new store the other day. This is a chain of grocery stores called Krogers. The one I shop at in Tullahoma is great, they stock a good supply of organic foods now and I don’t get overwhelmed by chemicals as much there, as long as I don’t go down the Cleaner isle or Laundry isle. I have to hold my breathe and run through it.

When he brought the food home from the Krogers he shopped at, in a new town on his way home from somewhere, he smelled like someone had sprayed his clothes and hair with very strong cleaning chemical!

That happens, depending on how sensitive you are, you will begin to notice that certain stores smell way worse than others. I almost fainted from lack of oxygen and being able to breath one day when I went into a Dollar General Store. I felt sorry for those working there. I literally had to go outside, take a deep breath, run in and get what I needed and get out as fast as possible. Another store like that is Harbor Freight. OMG! SO TOXIC!

Anyway back to the groceries from Krogers in Murfreesboro, TN. All the bags smelled like a kind of chemical perfume. All the packaging smelled like it too. It was very distressing to a sensitive like me… I was shocked at how invasive it was when it came into the house! I usually keep the bags and reuse them and had to wrap these all up, all the bags and cartons, and put them in a sealed container to recycle later. My wonderful partner kindly stripped off the chemical laden clothes and showered. That is love for you!

Why Would you Choose Less Toxic Ingredients?

These toxic ingredients can: 

  • disrupt your hormone
  • lower your sex drive
  • cause infertility
  • cause various kinds of cancer
  • weaken your immune system
  • compromise your ability to breathe
  • cause pain
  • cause skin disorders
  • Cause various disease symptoms
  • cause psychological imbalance
  • and much more.


These toxic ingredients can be found in your own
personal home space in products such as:

  • Food
  • Drinking Water
  • Cleaning Products you breathe and touch.
  • Body Care Products you apply directly to your body and put in your mouth.
  • Beauty Products you are using to look nice.
  • Clothes you wear next to your skin.
  • Materials you sleep in every night or hang around your home.
  • Car Products
  • Gardening Products
  • Art & Craft Supplies

You know that your skin is like a sponge and anything you put on it soaks right into the inside of you and enters your bloodstream. Lots of these chemicals build up and are hard to get out of your body without some conscious cleansing with the right things. We use different supplements to cleanse heavy metal toxins from our system. Here are some ideas. Supplements for Metal Detoxing There are many ways to do this. We also use Waiora drops regularly to clear out the same and other toxins. My body loves Chlorella and Hawaiian Spirulina. They both clear heavy metals from your body. 

Understanding Underlying Causes

Unraveling the Mystery of Mysterious Symptoms

One of the reasons I discovered to keep the heavy metal levels down is that VIRUSES, like Epstein Barr and Candida and Herpes all FEED on it! Since none of these guys have your health and well being in mind, it is good to starve them out. They can do a lot of damage under the radar if left to run free.  If you are looking to add to your understanding of what might be happening to your health, reading Medical Medium by Anthony Williams is a must. He addresses the mostly unknown underlying causes of the epidemic of MYSTERIOUS DISEASES and CONDITIONS that have us and the Doctors stumped. It wasn’t until I applied some of his suggestions that my HEALTH finally made a comeback to a new level. For me it was a MAJOR PARADIGM SHIFT.

Non Toxic Alternatives

This website has several list of chemicals to avoid and some alternative resources and much more.

Safer Chemicals

This website seem pretty comprehensive resource going in many directions to help inform and link you to resources and products for a safer way of living.

Avoid These 14 Chemicals of Concern in Cleaning Products

Get the list.


You might start by visiting 

or reading my

To GMO or Not to GMO


Having nontoxic and good tasting drinking and cooking water is very important to you health. Making sure that the water you bathe and shower in is also very important.

A wonderful thing is to have a really good whole house water purification system. There are many out there and with all the research I have done this company is the one I chose to buy my products from: 


I have their shower filter with a refill every six months.

I would like to eventually have a whole house water system. Here is the one I plan to get. I like this one because he uses similar principles like the ones I use in my Vibrakey designss to bring water to a more natural healthy supportive state: 


– Clayton Nolte Talks about Structured Water

They can be expensive and there are other alternatives…

My Vibrakeys

I also use my own Water Structuring Art Designs to treat all my drinking water even though I get it from a pure Spring Water source. It is good to start with the purest water you can get. Then expose it to my designs that radiate their water changing frequencies into the room and change anything that has liquid in it, which is most everything including your body. They make the water taste better and feel silkier and seem to help the body use the water better. These designs structure your water and there is more to them that supports your overall well being. Learn more my

Water Portal 

Living Water Theme 

Living Water – Higher Dimensional Technologies

My favorite combination of the best Water Structuring and Health Supportive designs I have is offered in this special: 

Elixir of Liquid Love


I also use glass to store my water, not plastic. If I do use any plastic for storing water, even storing foods, I use BPA-free. 

A Safer Kitchen’s in the Bag

I use MMS for Water Purification in water that hasn’t undergone some kind of purification and in all my Humidifiers during times we use air conditioning or heating.

If you haven’t any way to purify your water, you can use 1-2 drops of activated MMS to purify a whole Gallon. It is relatively cheap and is an AWEsome thing to have in your medicine chest.

Upgrading & Protecting Your Home/Work Environment

Safe Haven Kit

Create a Clean, Clear, Safe, Energetically Enhanced Space to Live In

Environment Enhancement Kit

Clear Energetic Pollution & Restructure your Water


Even though I love ALL Art making supplies I have learned to choose supplies that are less toxic over ones that are damaging my health. Such as using Acrylics instead of Oils. Limited use of Sharpey Markers (the fumes are dizzying). And I make it a habit to read up on any new kind of paint or craft supply before buying it. I love the brilliance of alcohol based inks, yet, I read that the fumes are so bad I wouldn’t be able to use them. Disappointing… and I find other alternatives.

There are so many conscious and sustainable living blogs out there now, here are a few I found just searching for non-toxic art supplies. It seems that it is conscious parents looking for alternatives for their children: 

Click on the pic


Non-toxic Art Supplies

Well, this is a start and certainly haven’t even begun to cover everything, yet maybe I have started you on your way to thinking differently and on a path to greater health and well being in your life… and I may add more later…

AWEd OD Living eNewz

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