“There is a certain satisfaction exploring rhythm when doing repetitious work.
No matter where you live in the world we all work to universal rhythms.” Chris Charteris, 2004
Working Together:
“Almost like the scientific community in switching from pragmatic to divine intervention, especially in this day and age, while many of us simply “chose” the experience prior to the arrival!!” Mahealani Henry
Saleena: The day the 8.8 earthquake in Chile hit, the force of it created a potential tsunami that was aimed our way. This is another moment when the realization that we are all interconnected rises up! I received many emails & calls alerting us of this potential force heading our way. Many friends & family were praying & intending our safety. Thank you everyone for your focused love & powerful influence on shifting a potential disastrous situation.
We are safe & all is back to normal here. Well, back to riding the waves of change that are the norm now.
Chile Earthquake & Tsunami:

Devastation in the Chilean port city of Talcahuanao by the tsunami and earthquake. Photograph: Martin Bernetti/AFP/Getty Images
I send my love & supportive energies to all who suffered in the Chili earthquake & tsunami. Chili has many earthquakes so the intensity didn’t devastate them in the same way as the one in Jamaica. As Marimar pointed out, it is not the earthquake that kills, it is the buildings falling & destruction in the densely populated areas that do. Chili obviously was more prepared & so their buildings were constructed to withstand earthquakes. They were more able to ride the waves without as much devastation. No matter the degree, their lives are altered & they are in need of our compassion & creative support in whatever way you are inspired to participate. See Haiti Part 3: Ease Hunger, Eat Consciously, Live with Awareness
Benevolent Outcomes: Yesterday Colin wrote about Benevolent Outcome; asking our Angelic friends to assist with particular things in our lives. Concerning the tsunami that was predicted to hit our Big Island, Hawaiian shores on Saturday, I asked them to help with benevolent outcome for all who might be in its path. I was very peaceful the whole time, never feeling anything negative was going to happen. We live on the west side, opposite where the wave hit. At 11am we were watching from our porch, the shoreline below us. We live at around 800 feet in a neighborhood that rises from sea level to 1000 feet at the highway above us in just a few miles. The homes & communities at sea level all around the island were surely vulnerable.
The waves this winter have been spectacular! Crashing into our lava cliffs with such a force that we hear them almost every night while sleeping. That day they were splashing at least 30-40 feet into the air… these water fountains were awesomely beautiful & nothing unusual. We have seen 80-100 foot splashes above our cliffs below.
Photo from Paul Lieberman’s Blog. http://www.paullieberman.org/ Here is a wonderful sequence of photos from their recent adventure to several of the Hawaiian Islands. It is a great quick photo tour of the diversity & beauty of my Hawaiian home & neighboring islands.
These waves remind me constantly of the awesome force of nature! Nothing out of the ordinary happened that day. Later I received these emails that explain what others experienced & how so very many are using our skills to assist each other from all over the world. I am so grateful to everyone who focused on creating safety for us & the outcome here was certainly a reflection of all your efforts!
From my friend on Maui:
Skye Coe [mailto:mauiskye1@yahoo.com]
Sent: Sunday, February 28, 2010 12:46 PM
Subject: Tsunami
To all on the mainland wondering if ‘all is well’ the answer is ‘ae’ yes!
About an hour before the predicted hit in Hilo I was guided to connect in deep meditation with the ‘forces that be’. My usual practice when it comes to weather issues is to pray to Kala, the Hawaiian Goddess of the Wind. I do an open air market every weekend and when clouds threaten to dampen everything, I ask her to gently move the clouds aside. She has never yet not responded for which I am very grateful.
Yesterday Pele’s presence came in first. My understanding of her energies is of her powerful and assertive nature, but yesterday I somehow connected with a clear sense of her compassionate side.
Saleena Note: Learn more about Hawaiian Goddesses
Skye: Another friend with me, an elder with Native American roots, picked up on my quietness in the midst of everyone else’s busyness and the two of us sat in silence visualizing a positive outcome for nearly an hour. I felt a strong sense of connection with all of those watching and praying along with us world wide. The predictions of potential damaging up until the surges had passed did not seem positive, so it was a pleasant surprise to have the outcome be one of little or no damage.
I have no doubt that the worldwide attention to issue and intention in prayer by those watching made a difference. I remember hearing that in the beginning the tsunami that eventually hit Sri Lanka in 2004 was originally headed toward Hawaii and that many accredited our not being affected by intentional prayer sent out by many. I am sorry that Sri Lanki was affected instead and since then have been more careful about asking for protection only for our sake.
The coalescence of community and sense of ‘ohana shared by all was a wonderful experience. Knowing that our communications systems were adequate in informing all, and the response of all with kindness, patience and aloha is comforting and assuring. Mahalo, mahalo, mahalo! to KPOA on Maui for being living examples of this.
Saleena: I add this article for perspective: Was Hawaii’s tsunami warning overblown?
“Did authorities in Hawaii overreact to the tsunami threat on Saturday, which was triggered by the deadly magnitude 8.8 earthquake in Chile?”..
“It wasn’t a false alarm,” Cummings emphasized Sunday. “It was a real tsunami event and tsunamis are dangerous. And the way Hawaii officials and the public responded was extremely valuable to us. We learned that we are ready to deal with these situations. We evacuated as many as 50,000 people..”
“It’s a key point to remember that we cannot under-warn. Failure to warn is not an option for us,” says Dai Lin Wang, an oceanographer at the warning center. “We cannot have a situation that we thought was no problem and then it’s devastating. That just cannot happen.”
A tsunami is a series of waves caused by a sudden displacement of water, usually by an undersea earthquake. The waves can travel at speeds averaging 450 (and up to 600) miles per hour in the open ocean, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. As the waves approach the coast, their speed decreases and their amplitude increases.
Some wave heights have been known to be over 100 feet high. However, waves that are 10 to 20 feet high can be very destructive and cause deaths or injuries. About 230,000 people were killed by a tsunami in southeast Asia in 2004.
Saleena: On Saturday, waves in Hilo, on Hawaii’s Big Island, were predicted to reach 10 feet, yet only reached 3 feet. The reason for the discrepancy?…
Saleena: We did have a very devastating tsunami in 1946 from an earthquake in Alaska:
For those who want to understand more about what we are dealing with here: Tsunamis: More than Big Waves
Lightwork-Co-creation: Our Unified Efforts do Change our Reality
Here is a reflection of the kind of Lightwork-Co-creation that is possible. Mahalo (thank you in Hawai’ian) to all!!
On Sat, Feb 27, 2010 at 9:28 AM, Theresa Longman <thunder-5@wavecable.com> wrote:
Aloha Uhane,
Our thoughts, love, and Prayers are with our Ohana right now. Be safe. We love you.
Theresa, Will, Tahnee, Anthony and Woody – Washington
Mahealani is a spiritual teacher who lives on the Big Island.
Saleena: The first time I heard about her, was from a friend who had attended a Sufi Camp. He said that she recognized all the “older hippies and flower children” as the Lemurian Elders, returned to their homeland, Lemuria (Big Island is believed to be the tip of MU) to assist in the transition.
—– Original Message —–
From: Mahealani Henry
To: Theresa Longman
Sent: Saturday, February 27, 2010 12:36 PM
Subject: Re: Tsunami
Mahalo nui, and we’re not in the evacuation zone, so we’re ok here in Pahoa. The most destruction from the waves will strike our Hilo Bay areas and Haumakua coastline areas. So, they’ve all been evacuated. Our daughter Nani Girl in California woke us up at 6am by phone along with the civil defense sirens blasting us out of our beds.
Funny thing is, is that I called my sister on O’ahu island at 9am this morning, they live way up and out of the evacuation zones, and in their cocoon bliss, and didn’t hear the news about the tsunami, until I called them. She said she heard the civil defense sirens but didn’t think much about it. We just heard that the Marquesa Isles which is south of us and the only islands between us and Chile, and the Marquesa Isles reported 7 foot wave height. Of course the scientist say that the wave builds the farther away from the earthquake center. On O’ahu island, they are letting the hotel guest stay in the hotels from the 10th floor up. Hmmm, I don’t think I would stay in the hotels. Our island cruise ship are staying out at sea. But most of the boats in the harbors are going out to sea. The news report said that last tsunami warnings we had was in 1994. Anyways, it’s suppost to hit in about 45 minutes. I think this time should the tsunami hit Hilo town it’s not expected to be as devastating as was in the past when we didn’t have the huge sea wall built in the Hilo bay.
Anyways, alls well with us!! Hugs ‘n blessings.
On Sun, Feb 28, 2010 at 12:56 AM, Theresa Longman <thunder-5@wavecable.com> wrote:
Aloha Ohana,
So glad to see everything went smooth, we’ve been following BCPenn Skype camera. He’s. a friend of those guys on KAPA,. Well good practice for everyone I guess. Love you guys. Time for me to go to bed I don’t think much more gonna happen. I been watching and praying. YEAH!
Aloha Theresa and your Washington Ohana
Mahealani Henry <alohaspirit23k@gmail.com>
28. Februar 2010 21:03:12 MEZ
Re: Tsunami
Mahalo nui for your focused prayers on “mahalo-blessings!!
The scientist have little to no explanation why our islands were not hit by the tsunami which accordingly, should have happened, considering it was an 8.8 off of Chile.
Of course they are still baffled by the October 2006 earthquake that we had a mile off of our Kona side of the island that registered at 7.3, and did little damage and no tsunami. Whah-up wid dat, eh???
Personally, it’s just “evidence” that not everything is explainable under the microscope per se, because not everything falls in that one realm, and that’s where the “confusion” befalls the mana’o-mind center, man’s intelligence, which at best is limited, after-all. However it is “evidence” that since no disaster occurred in our islands, in our experiences provides us with the choice that we obviously weren’t meant to experience “disaster” in our neighborhood because (here’s the choice) fear factors did not over-ride prayers of blessings, etc.
I, myself visualized our Big Island of Hawaii, and was told to see a golden lei of lights around the outside of the whole island.
Are such prayers and positive visualization powerful enough, obviously in our neighborhood it is, and was.
And yes, this includes the fact that our volcano fire goddess Pele who lays dominate claim to our south eastern side of the island is a daily reminder of nature’s forces in action has her place in the neighborhood too, and indeed “owns” the neighborhood with nary a protest from her human neighbors. Besides, there really isn’t a place in the world free of some natural and risky force(s).
My oldest daughter mentioned that she still felt like there was “something” unsettled about this tsunami event. I asked her how her animals were doing, and if there were any birds nearby, and could she hear them chirping or anything. She said there were birds, and her animals were fine. I told her that animals are very sensitive to nature, and if there were any pending natural disasters, the birds would be gone and her animals would be very restless, etc. She was still unsettled, so I told her to ask her guides for clarity, and to take a pen and paper in hand and see what words come through automatically, like ghost-writing. The words were negative. I said, she had the choice to be unsettled or not, and that perhaps, she was feeling some left-over energies of pending disaster, or even a future unsettlement, considering, that this event does not free us from future threats. Sometimes, it’s just a challenge to change gears that only time can do.
Almost like the scientific community in switching from pragmatic to divine intervention, especially in this day and age, while many of us simply “chose” the experience prior to the arrival!!
Bring on the HUGS!!
http://www.alohaspiritaunty.com, updated 1/30/10
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V¨`·.·´¨)¸.·´ Blissings
E`·.¸.·´ to All
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