or I could call this
“When will I Finally Get to the
Paradise/Promised Land/Higher Dimension
they keep Telling Me About?
Saleena: I have had my moments where I didn’t know if this is all worth it!
I swing back & forth between happiness, joy, on up to ecstasy &
feeling how gorgeously beautiful the world is we live in,
to unnamed uneasiness & sometimes despair
when I touch into all the challenges we face that need to change.
At some level I know what we are doing
yet the ride has been TIRING, WEIRD & LONG!
Today is another typical irrational day;
Angry upset irritation for no reason, on the brink of tears feeling a little crazy out of balance can’t focus or get anything done. These kinds of days I do my best to resist projecting it onto someone else. I use my skills, if I can remember. I go outside & wander around touching plants, eating flowers, of course with their permission, soaking up sun, talking to the Devas, playing in the water.
“Touching the earth – getting grounded, centered. There is magic in touching the earth and feeling her healing power. This is especially healthy to do during a troubling time when our minds are racing or can’t stop thinking or are locked onto fear or resentment. When I need to feel free I can go to the Mother Earth. The Mother Earth is full of life and love. She always gives her powers to those who come to her. The Mother Earth is alive.
Today, my Great Spirit,
let me remember to touch the earth.
Let me slow down and live just for today.
Let me be gentle, patient and kind.”
Some days I can’t even remember who I AM.
Other days I am living & playing
in the higher dimensions & that is really beautiful.
Sometime I wake up & the day is ecstatically wonderous,
everything looks & feels like the
definition has been turned up.
Then sometimes I wake up & it is all heavy & dreadful
& I forgot all my skills for awhile.
My body is changing. I am either ravenously hungry or I feel like I am living on light. Seems like some times I use all my skills & manifestation is instant & things are abundant, then there are days & weeks where it seems that in spite of all I do, nothing works. Just have to keep reminding myself to focus on what I want.
I have been so so so tired
& instead of looking like I am getting younger,
I have been looking & feeling like I am aging 100s of years rapidly.
Then I wake up one day & I look about 20. Strange.
So many strange painful body sensations.
Everyday seems to bring on something different.
Today my legs really hurt & my neck. Lately I have been relieved it is time to go to bed, then I have bizarre dreams. I killed someone last night when they wouldn’t stop stalking me & my family. I woke up & thought about it. Went back in & did Ho’oponopono until I was assured I had made some kind of fundamental change in me. Sometimes I wake up so delighted with the dreams I want to go back in & stay there.
During this weird energetic today, Marimar said he was programming & there was this side vision running in his head, as if he were working for a corporation as a contractor, computer programming. The manager was being emotionally abusive to everyone. He began to stand up for himself & others & went through all kinds of bizarre senarios to take care of this situation…. It seems like a parallel life running at the same time this is running, only they are converging…. Playing consciously at the same time.
Most of the time I attempt to stay fairly positive,
take responsibility for whatever is going on inside me
and use my skills to transform it ASAP.
Now I want you to know that I am mostly happy.
I have developed a very useful habit;
Happy for No Reason.
That gets me through with a lot of grace these days.
I have a wonderful podner, Marimar,
who has hung out with Angels & Arcturians for so long he acts like them.
He kindly reminds me of expanded perspectives when I get schrunched up
& blesses me with the most amazing unconditional love I have ever experienced.
I just felt like it was time to talk about this side of
the transformation
the transmutation
this ascension process.
I had no idea that so many are feeling similar!
Sounds like many similar strange things are happening to many of you.
I read Lauren Gorgo’s Think with Your Heart Blog Message today & tears well up in my eyes & feelings of the strangeness of it all almost overwhelm me. I relate to her message & to just about everything everyone is sharing after.
Recent & Radical Cellular Healing-the Arcturian Collective
thru Lauren Gorgo Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Many of us have been going thru a sincere rough patch the last couple of weeks…well, really this has been in varying degrees since the equinox…but the last 2 weeks have been especially unkind. In light of the many emails I have been receiving about this exceptionally gooey and physically taxing integration period, I decided to call on the support of the unseens to answer a particularly heartfelt question that I feel many would benefit from.
Here is one email:
“I feel like I’m so lost and I suppose faith will see me through but I can’t help but feel like faith got me into this mess, I gave up everything, including my heart, soul and every breath I have ever drawn to partake in the transition and now as I witness the crumpled pieces of what’s left of my mortal life, I wonder … is this all my fault, did I do something wrong, why do I find myself in this limited place where I feel like I have no choice but to continue on this path, that any plan I try to execute will be thwarted and I will have no choice but to come back to this place, where any kind of joy is fleeting but pain and suffering seem eternal.
I understand that we create our own circumstances, but I have never ever believed that me or my family deserved to live under such over-powering pressure, I feel like I can’t breathe, and I know that there are other light workers in similar situations, where it feels like we have given everything for this cause and we are left out in the cold, while others needs are meet, I just don’t understand?
I have always felt so clear about my destiny and who am I and where my path leads and now I cannot see the future anymore like it is blocked from me, I feel so alone and yet I feel many near me, but they are of little comfort when they are safe in divinity and I am here afraid.
Do you know why there are lightworkers like me who are in awful situations and lost places, my whole life feels like it never fit me, I am so uncomfortable, everything feels like a complete opposite to what I believe in and hold dear , it feels so traumatizing to wake up here every morning, it’s like ash in your mouth, there is no light here and nothing grows.”
Blessed warrior, be at peace. This journey is not for the faint of heart, no, and we assure you that though there is nothing left in this dimension for you to explore, that it is in fact, designed to be that way.
We share that though you are contemplating the direness of your situation at hand, in truth, what you are experiencing is the total opposite of this…that is to say that every part of you has arrived, has passed through the portal to your new vibrational experience, but with mere threads of your physical self left to complete the reconnection. This discordance…the extreme differences between what is real and what you are presently experiencing, leads to the absolute conflict, confusion and frustration of your current physical circumstances.
You are not alone in this, by far…many who walk beside you on this timeline are experiencing similar isolation and disconnection from truth. May we suggest that when you are undergoing a period of disconnect…wading through the void as we say… that you instead look to your external environment for clues to what is already on its way to you.
Often in these situations, when you are seemingly cut-off from your higher vision and the source of your expanded self, it is near to impossible to see the bigger picture or the many layers of your reality that are in fact supporting your higher intentions. In these circumstances, when you feel disconnected from what feels good…which has been your main gauge for truth throughout this journey… we provide you with the guidance to instead look around you, to look for and SEE the physical events taking shape in your outer landscape of life that lend credence to your divine truth. Yes, you are that close now.
For what is truly happening is this:
The last energetic ties to the old paradigm, the old earth and its ways of creation, are being severed, unplugged and removed from your energy field and you are simultaneously being fully replugged into the new matrix. This severing period places you in an energetic holding space for two reasons… so that you are blocked (protected) from creating any further realities from the expired (karmic) grid matrix, and so that you take the necessary time out to nourish and support your body through this radical cellular healing initiated by the biological restructuring and mutation into the crystal vibration.
Your physical cells are undergoing a deep transformations at this time. This cannot be overstated…for the physical realms that you are soon to participate in require the complete and total clearing of all 3d dimensional reality constructs and their ensuing cellular imprints.
This part of the journey is very taxing on the physical body, yes, and when your vitality is low, your perceptions, your out-look, is at risk. To keep your head above the rising waters of biological purification, we suggest that you remain as present as possible with what surrounds you and to engage in those things that are still able to bring you joy…for those few things remaining are the intrisnic parts of you that are true, the essence of you that will always remain in tact. Immerse yourself so fully in any pleasure that you can call upon knowing confidently that the rest is taken care of for you.
We realize that there are few words that we could share that would lift the suffering of disconnect, for you are creators and so your natural tendency is to create. To be blocked from participating in the creation of your desires is nothing short of a living death, and so we assure you, even if it is yet again through words, that you will come through this cellular integration with a renewed sense of life, a renewed love, a renewed desire to create, and a renewed sense of confidence in your many abilities.
We don’t pretend to to know the physical experience of your personal ascension process, but we do know that the only way around the process is directly through it. The intensity of your biological re-balancing and physical resurrection is contingent upon your ability to surrender to the changes fully.
This grounding period is indeed a very physical-based experience, and so the cellular rejuvenation has been nearly multiplied to allow for the full de-cension of your spirit body into form.
Be at peace with the end of life as you know it. Be at peace with the physical resurrection required to attain mastery. Be at peace with the unknown. But mostly, be assured that all of this is bringing to you exactly what you most long for.
We, the Arcturians, are a most proud and advanced civilization of the fifth density. We offer you a glimpse of the utopia that your future holds for you…an existence where love is the primary element of life.
We maintain unsurpassed love & deep abiding respect for all of you, as we honor the warrior in each of you. Your contribution to the overall plan is unrivaled, as is your ability to achieve your pre-planned & collective goal.
Farewell for now.
Telepathic Transmission thru Lauren C. Gorgo at ThinkWithYourHeart.net
It really is down to some really raw nitty gritty stuff!
I was going to post a “few” peoples comments after Lauren’s article
& I just kept reading & reading…
astonished at how so many have been feeling!
I didn’t realize!
Saleena: Here are a some of the comments.
Thank you everyone for sharing so honestly and candidly:
Anonymous said…
oh god, thank you so much for saying so…i thought I was near death this week…and now that I read this…I guess I am! Only from a different perspective. Timely as always Lauren..thank you for confirming my reality.
Much love,
Anonymous said…
wow…thanks for the confirmation Lauren. I could barely lift my fingers to type this…zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Anonymous said…
Boy…reading that was like a cool drink on a hot day. I was beginning to think I missed the damn boat again. The physical stuff has been EXCRUCIATING! -Marylen
Deborah said…
Again, Lauren, you of amazing timing, I thank you for your perfect ability to bring in exactly what so many of us need. I have been going in and out, in and out, of semi-bliss and semi-hell, all in the midst of the worst insomnia I’ve had since 2004 and a lovely swollen liver/gall bladder, in a sense busting my gut in order to integrate this new energy. Money trickles in, enough to keep a roof over my head and food in the fridge, but not much else. Can imagine a beautiful future when I have the energy. My love and respect go out to the Arcturians. Wish we could all have tea together. Thank you!
Anonymous said…
This is literal not metaphoric? right?
Astrid said…
What a relief. I am not the only one feeling so detached and alone, like living in a bubble. So much stuff happening and feel like nothing I do has any effect. And the psychical discomfort and tiredness….Thanks for confirming that I haven’t totally lost it. – Astrid
Anonymous said…
OMG, huge hugs & tears for this post.
So, do you guys think that anything is going to change or improve this year – or could it be a repeat of last year? – Just weirder.
So far, it is just dragging…After each retrograde period, I pray that something will shift or move – but no…
I do see a few lightworkers that are thriving and being continually supported. It seems like there is this huge gap between lightworkers that are thriving & those that are being held back…
It is so depressing to still be on the outside looking in.
Michele said…
I concur with all the above, I am feeling even more tired as I feel closer to re-birthing myself and my career anew. I can’t conceive of doing my massage and healing work feeling this fatigued. I am going to a naturopath to receive acupuncture to free up my energy meridians. I will see what tomorrow brings. I maintain my faith and hope and trust that all will unfold as it should, while I seek out help and support. I find going to the ocean, sitting on the earth, watching the water/sunshine helps. Just BEING in nature, connecting to Gaia, Keeping it simple.
Anonymous said…
like water on my lips after days in the desert……
thank you ga-jillions lauren and the arcturians, and to all my fellow participants at this stage of the game, ‘catch u on the flip side’
love beyond love
dawn (south africa)
Anonymous said…
I have felt so disconnected, so restless yet unable to move. It’s been difficult feeling this way, along with the physical stuff, when all around me, people seem to be bopping along quite nicely, thanks, and I felt left by the side of the road with no luggage, no map, and no idea what to do next.
While I’m less than thrilled to read I’ve got a bit longer feeling like this, it is somewhat comforting knowing that the end is in sight. Still…Any day now would be good for me.
Anonymous said…
Hello to all, and thank you Lauren for this message.
I had a really rough time lately, physically speaking, like I was one step away from a massive panic attack. I was feeling so sleepy, so tired. When I was lying down, it felt like a powerful energy was entering into my crown chakra and getting out largely from my feet.. I almost felt strucked by lightening for at least 5 days!
Just before it started, last week, I had this dream…I was into space, having a view of our solar system, and I saw the sun turn black.. and sucking everything around it in a spiral movement…
Everything was suppose to go back to it, and I was scared because it was so powerful!
But I knew inside my heart, that this wasn’t really the end, and that there was something on the other “side” of the sun. That we would get “somewhere”, reunited into the light, where we belong.
I was very trouble at first, by this dream. But I think I understand now.
I need not to resist this.
I don’t really think that what I saw is physically going to happened, but again, I don’t know, but I think that the meaning of what I saw is that we, as individuals, are reuniting with everything that we are, have been and will be. Maybe this is what it is to go back “home”.
Anyway, it was pretty intense.
But I am felling very good now, since yesterday. The symptoms are gone (for now), and I guess I will see and feel the result of this “crossing” more clearly in the next few days and weeks.
I don’t know if this will make sense to some of you, but I felt like I needed to share it with you.
I send all my love and good thoughts to all of you, brothers and sisters.
Even if I don’t know you at a conscious level, it is such a comfort to know you’re there, somewhere on earth.
Anonymous said…
Thanks – it is very unusual for me to feel so absolutely without a future to go to. I had harder times in my life and have never felt so tired and worn out as I do right now. And feeling if I have lost all my zest for life and all my talents. My whole past feels if it has no worth at all. I only want to sit in my apt and surf the web. Point. I was sick with nausea, low blood pressure and a feeling of having no place where I could feel ok, no drive to do anything. The only place I feel well is my work with children. I teach small immigrant kids and we always have a ball. That keeps me alive.
But I also feel my crown chakra and the third eye very powerfully, it is almost disturbing sometimes. And meditating over it helped.
It is good to read that others feel similar.
Anonymous said…
Thank you so much Lauren. I have the feeling and I know now, I am dying since years on all levels… and now I am arriving in a space where I am so exhausted and I just and only want to be through this unbelievable physical, emotional & spiritual process. I can not and I definitely do not want more of this hell on earth and I do not want to go the last step alone. So pleeeease: People get up and let us go together – hand in hand – as we all know we are ONE.
Nicole (Germany)
Anonymous said…
Thank you Thank you Thank you! Clearly like so many others this is just what I needed to hear right in this moment. Honestly, sitting here reading all responses brings tears to my eyes – as the responses are the confirmation that I am truly not alone here in earthen terms. How many times have I reached walk away point in the last 8 years with this? Recently, seemingly every day and yet whilst I mumble and grumble and groan about it all – I cannot and do not and could not change who I am, I just wish there were more moments lately in my life where I understood exactly who or even what that is! Having spent so long eradicating ego – I feel like I now want some back!! All mail orders with such would be most appreciated! (Aussie perverse humour here). Despite the time differences, I will make more of an effort to frequent the chat area in here – perhaps now is the time for us to start chatting more about this so that we can get it all out of our systems and begin to move beyond the ouch factor.
Anonymous said…
Thanks again for your perfect timing!!! yes felt every inch of that persons pain as my own. My life is so disconnected these days, i have little desire to do anything, even my healings I do have been very flat for me, good for the clients, but not for me etc… usually the energy buzz’s but not lately….. and soooo tired….. and tearful….. yep all the above…….
thanks from Karen downunder….angel hugs..
Anonymous said…
Thank you!!
As I was waiting for my computer to start, just some minutes ago, the thought went through my mind ” I give up…it´s not going to happen, is it? I just have to learn to live with that somehow, nothing makes sense anymore, I have come so far in 3 years, I felt it so strong the change, the energy in me and now….I can´t find it. I wake up in the morning and feel heavy although I know that I have so much to be grateful for. It stands still, nothing is happening, my life has come to a dead end… and I who thought I was so close… I´m more lost tha ever…I give up”
Then I read your message. Thank you, it is good to know that I am not alone and that it is a change that we are doing together not just me alone attracting all this heaviness in to my life. OK I´m not giving up just yet…I have the strength to get through this.
Helen said…
Thanks Lauren and the Acturians for enlightening me about the events of the last few days…I thought I might be dying or about to come down with some major disability but it always passes…the insomnia has been something else lately…still moving between agony and ecstasy and nothing manifesting no matter what I do. I aim to do things I really enjoy everyday (i.e. eating out, sitting in the sun, watching butterflies, trying to connect with others via the internet) and this helps lessen the impact of the biological upgrades and accompanying depression.
Let’s keep on keeping on.
manu said…
thank you lauren and arturians…you rescued my life and faith one more time…this time the pain was just so deep that i thought i was going to die…
lots of gratitude and love and light to all the lightworkers and to you lauren
Anonymous said…
shaefer22…….these past 2 weeks have been some of the most physically painful (neck & back) that I remember. Also..feeling the same disconnection many others are noticing. What direction next.. am I on my path or did i get lost…thank you
Anonymous said…
I am so grateful to have this means of contact with others who are going through this powerful and challenging process. Yes,yes,yes.. I am experiencing severe physical, emotional, mental and financial distress, disconnection from my “old” life and extreme sensitivity on all levels of my being. These past weeks have been particularly severe.. my legs are very troublesome and I have a sense of being very wired or charged.. have experienced energy surges through body. I have felt causeless joy and dark despair.I have felt like going back to sleep, and that I don’t know my own heart. I have opened to love for the first time in my adult life and not been seen or heard. I have felt such a strong vision of how my life will be. Somehow this all stays just out of reach, like that speck in your vision or eye that shifts no matter how hard you try to look at it. I seem unable to find my place, my group, my purpose, my lover, my self.
I am finding it difficult to express in words what it is I am experiencing.
Thank you all for sharing.
I feel I can say a heartfelt love and light to you all and know now what this means.
Anonymous said…
Thank you Lauren. Lot’s of love and light to everyone. Hang in there!
There have been so many times when I catch myself crossing over between worlds and I say to myself, “Man, I must be going nuts, I’m losing my mind.”
The potent shifts between the highs and the lows…. holy cow!
But, universe always sends me a message, either in the form of a picture (in the strangest freak’n way) a movie, or a song….and I tell myself, lil sister, your alright!
I love you and I thank you.
Anonymous said…
Thanks, Lauren, for your post!
I am so glad that I am not “the only one” who is facing a seemingly newly arising darkness, as if the days of reasonless happiness and elevation are over. And I blamed myself for this, for the often immense fear which arises shortly after waking up in the morning, where I sometimes don’t get a ground under my feet for many hours, this feeling of emptiness around me, of no purpose, of having lost perhaps my path, of frequent struggle with connecting to the depth of my own heart. Which was not an issue before.
I haven’t felt fear for many many years although I went through many losses and changes and even lived (and still do) pretty much isolated in a foreign country without the means available to return to my own country, so to speak, living in exile.
Yes, isolation, but using it for concentrating on the REAL and connecting with THAT.
But now, everything became lately so strange, so very much difficult. So I learn not to identify with it and try to consider this newly arising fields of darkness just as something I have to work with (as a “lightworker”), like cleaning a really dirty house, you know a kitchen, which hasn’t been cleaned for months, or even a dirty toilet, and it seems you will never ever finish this disgusting cleaning job. Please, all, excuse this rude images, but what I also feel is that we are connected to humanity’s collective consciousness (“we are all one!”) more than ever before. It’s the cleaning of the earth or root chakra of humanity, of which we are part of. We are responsible for our collective human-ness, and now we are to do the most dirty cleaning up ever. As we are part of the One, of course it is “ours’ as well.
So thank you again so much, Lauren, for bringing this into the open, so that we can feel that we are still together, even in this!, and that the experience of isolation is just another issue of humanity, suffered so long, to be purified, and the anxieties and fears, and desperation, at the root of the human race for millenniums as well.
Blessings to all!
And much love!
Anonymous said…
You are all so beautiful! Know that you are so close to merging fully into the place called home. When you are caught up in the thick of it all, locate your thymus, tap it like a heart beat and affirm that ‘all is well…all is well…’ Enjoy your place of power.
susie_walker said…
Last night I felt lower than I have done for months (and that’s saying something). I read Karen Bishop’s latest post and it made me feel worse (first time that’s ever happened, normally she helps). I just thought – what is the **** point of this and when will it **** end??
Now I’m sitting here in tears. Thank you, Lauren and everyone. That’s it, just thank you, thank you, thank you
Anonymous said…
Thank you so much for this information, i am so happy to hear i am not the only one that is going thru the most weird feelings of depression, aloneness, no – creativity, wishing to die – already feel dead, shaking legs when sleeping, strange rashes, strange dreams, etc etc…i can only pray and meditate and play with my cats, look at them and observe how they are just going thru this all with such peace. Grateful tho for still being able to connect on the net and getting feed back, i will hang in there and awaiting our time of LOVE PEACE BLISS HAPPINESS!
sula said…
wow – not so alone as i thought with all of this stuff – been disconnected for twelve years – cant channel etc etc – having ascension symptoms for about that long too – thought there was something wrong with what i was doing/not doing – guess its all how its meant to be – have to say last two weeks have been a bit weird – oddest feelings/ odd lights in peripheral vision, fuzzy eyes, neck ache etc etc – last night felt like i was sort of melting – v odd and the lack of sleep is getting a bit much – also getting fed up with reading about all of the ascension stuff – i want to feel connected again and to be able to do – at least i know i am doing energy work now – but its not a conscious thing and that is what i miss – its strange so many of us feel so alone and cut off when there are so many of us feeling like this
lots of love – sula
Anonymous said…
In response to the person who posted at 3:57 p.m. about the current astrology: Yes, 2010 is a rough patch astrologically speaking. Some refer to this as the ”Cardinal Crunch” or the Cardinal T-Square, with anywhere from 3 to 6 planets/asteroids aligned at right angles or in opposition to one another at various times this year. Essentially, this configuration represents a period of very tumultuous change, a dramatic transition from the old to the new, including the rupturing of societal structures and reflected in events including earthquakes, volcanoes, financial meltdowns, etc. On the personal level, this can manifest in ways too numerous to mention. The most intense part of this should be over by Labour Day or so. Also the ongoing near-conjunction of Neptune & Chiron (throughout 2009 & 2010) means everyone has to deal with old wounds, ancestral and familial karmic patterns, ”issues,” etc. — whether or not you feel you’ve ”done” your clearing and healing! (Sorry!) In 2012 and for several years after that, there will be a series of 7 or 8 Uranus-Pluto squares that will bring continued disruption and jarring change. This is majorly ass-kicking stuff. I have had Kundalini (”ascension”) symptoms since 1998 that have sent me to the ER more than once – and I never go to the doctor! – but have found that over time they have subsided. My only advice is to be as positive as you can, take care of your body, practise the LOA and do whatever you can to stay grounded, ’cause in my personal view things will not get easier any time soon, at least not from a global perspective. Love to all.
Anonymous said…
Hello again Lauren & friends; I wanted to add something to what I wrote above about current and future astrological influences, including the 7 or 8 Uranus-Pluto squares in 2012 and beyond. To be sure, on the challenging side, Uranus-Pluto is about compulsory(Pluto) change (Uranus), which of course can be uncomfortable to varying degrees, depending on how much we resist as a collective or individually. On the plus side, this historic planetary conjunction is about the 1960s becoming permanent, as one astrologer phrases it. He calls it ”mandatory integrity” meaning authenticity. So anything we do to manifest more in 3D reality of who we are at our core (aligning self and Self) will help us during this monumental period of transition to a new age. Also, as one who, like many of you, seems to have chosen the path of enlightenment through the body, I can attest it has helped me to embrace that path consciously and wholeheartedly, rather than with resistance. One technique that has helped immensely through my 12 years or so of consciously (chosen) accelerated transformation has been to maintain my attention or awareness, gently and lovingly, on the part(s) of my body that are hurting at any given time. This frequently results in a transmutation of the pain into bliss and even at times states of ecstasy that can last for days at a time. I believe some of us – and not all of us, by any means, are experiencing the transition physically and materially to the same degree of intensity – may have chosen the path of enlightenment through the body as a way of learning intimately and thoroughly the art and science of transmutation, as in the transmutation of lead into gold through alchemy. If you look at it this way, we are learning how to manifest in the most basic, elemental, literal, concrete and profound way, by practising over and over again what my guru always said about how we create our reality: ”what you focus on grows in your awareness and becomes your reality.” Just wanted to put a more positive spin on the transits this time. xo
Hi beautiful people,
Well, I’m learning to love & embrace the fact that I’m irreverent, slightly pissy at time, and burned out with spiritual metaphors. Middle finger flying in the breeze some days… At times I just don’t feel like I fit in with the “spiritual community” of lightworkers. It’s a paradox. Anyone with me here?
Lauren C. Gorgo said…
“At times I just don’t feel like I fit in with the “spiritual community” of lightworkers.”
This feeling is normal.. especially for starseeds and peeps under 40…we are transcending the spiritual realm as we enter into galactic consciousness so for many, even some hard core “light-workers” the “spiritual stuff” no longer has any pull.
And this is a good thing…we are out growing so much!
Paulien van der Krift said…
Ohh I feel so much better after this.. I’ve been trying to keep my eyes on the true ways and my mission throughout all this, but it’s really tough… We have so much coming at us at the moment that we have to endure, that it swallows up all of our focus and energy and we barely have any to spare for ourselves and what we’re meant to be doing. The last few days I’ve experienced an exaggerated kind of physical tiredness, it was sort of ridiculous, actually. And yea, I suppose we are sort of dying right now, to be able to resurrect any time soon… Personally, I’m currently working some on my own stability and further developing some skills, rather than try and struggle my way free from this situation.. When the right moment comes, the fierce current will take us to the new ocean of possibilities and we’ll have a new world to explore and experience. I suppose we really are near done with this dimension…
And they’re nothing really left that we can create or fix on this level. When we reach the next, that’s when we can finally rock and roll again! Perhaps until that time, all we can do is persevere and prepare ourselves; take this opportunity to rest and ground properly before we’re blasted off again. We’re literally being ‘pulled back to earth’ again, after all the spiritual growth and enlightenment, it’s time to go back to the ground floor… I have no idea how much longer this is gonna take, but we have to stand strong, my friends! Try to keep gazing towards what is truly Real to you, don’t lose sight of it, while we’re being dragged through this tunnel… There’s Light at the other end and I’m dying to touch it!
Anonymous said…
Thank you to “Anonymous 7:47” for your astrological input. I put so much idealistic faith & hope into 2010 being the year of miracles, renewal, regeneration, reintegration, etc…(remember the endless promises of “the Council”) And instead, this year has been the opposite… I just don’t know if I can survive another year of this hell. Something has died inside me. How do you have a human experience & live inside a body when the Universe has cut you off from friends, family, joy, creativity, union, money, passion, health, etc…and it’s been going on for over well over a decade now (for me at least). The human spirit can only take so much. I’m a zombie…
Anonymous said…
why is there so much pain? I read the posts and it seems on some level a “punishment” when you have spent your whole life helping others and then you have to endure the toughest trials, loses, and misplacements of your core being, your identity, your life – is this it ? How many of you just wish a bloody space ship would come and take us away, even if where we were going was unpredictable and unknown —- i know at this point, I ask almost every day —- im over earth, it feels like it has little to offer anymore – the meaningless of it all is tangible, and its nice to get reassurance that others feel the changes so deeply also, but for the love of allah, tzaphkiel, moses, when is this madness going to end, or is this it ! hmmmm yes stay positive, been positive all my life, charming, helpful, adoring, and sometimes i want to sell my soul to the devil, as it forever seems that the evil doers are prospering —- i wish everyone on this site gets prosperity and peace of mind in the next 7 days, dont think any of us could endure another year of this ! Yes, realists would say — grow up stop whining, but those people seem to lead these boring predicable lives that always flow nicely, unless your IN this space and HAD this life – you cannot understand this, so Im grateful for this site, maybe we will meet one day — clarabo
…Perhaps, just maybe, the change we are looking for will materialize right before our very eyes and we will laugh at ourselves, vaguely remembering the hell we have just been through.
Love and light to all my brothers and sisters!
At least I feel like I am part of a greater happening now.
Seems we are ALL in this together