"Someday you will all understand
the nature of your sun clearer.
It is much more than most understand."
Belees, the Arcturian
First Message:
5 Day Sun Transmission-Infusion from Source – Arcturian Message
Sunday May 23 3:20pm HT

Sunspot 1072 was starting up yestereday. First one after an exceptionally long quiet sun spotless time. It was predicted by now we would be in an increasing solar maximum. Yesterday was the beginning of some new activity.
Saleena: Belees, are you still available?
Belees: Yes, we are attending the process now. We have laid the crop successfully… it is the middle of the night there. The morning will reveal the discovery.
Saleena: Anything to share? I just posted your message. I am feeling a lot of pressure & slight headache in my head…slight feeling of nausea…. Is this the transmission?
Belees: It is increasing….
There is some sunspot activity.
Someday you will all understand
the nature of your sun clearer.
It is much more than most understand.
I know that you have been through it
& understand the multi-dimensional nature of it.

Codes from Greater Central Sun
Receive Higher Frequency Formulas for Living & for Creation from the Greater Central Sun & through the Stepping Suns to Earth.
This glyph contains new code streams from the Greater Central Sun, I call it Helios. These run through all the stepping-down suns and frequency stairs and brings these new codes to us on earth. Comes from 2009-08-29-Wayland-Smithy UK crop circle.

Saleena Note: He is referring to a number of times; a recent Reality Crafting teleclass where I joined Suzanna Kennedy and her team. We were invited to journey through the sun through some gates and we experienced many "stations" until we reached one of the greater suns. It was a fascinating journey. Colin & I have been through the sun on several occasions. I have seen dimensional cities inside our sun. I have seen videos of ships actually entering the sun and exiting it.
Saleena: Please support me through this… I will appreciate it greatly…. Anything you can do to help us ride this easier. I feel the intensity beginning to ramp up…. Anything else to share?
Belees: It will be forth coming… your idea to share the Sol Dance Symbol with everyone is a very good one…
Consider giving it as a gift at this time….

Saleena: Is it a good idea for us to connect with the Sun at this time? I know it is a living being.
Belees: Yes, your positive & loving intentions to get to know your sun is a graceful thing to do right now. Your Golden Pyramid is also a powerful device to assist anyone to glean the most from these intense solar & cosmic energies flowing in at this time…bathing the Earth & you.
This is another Quantum Leap moment for you all.

Contains many evolutionary codes and energies. Much to discover. Learn to be in harmony with & thrive with the photon belt energies & the increasing plasma from the sun. Create a space of energetic resonance & harmony to live in.
Saleena Note: I will see if I can get the information together to share the meditation guidance the Ambassadors gave me to use VK45 Sol Dance. It is still in the Birthing Chamber & hasn't had the information written up on it yet. When I do I will share it with you. Here is a link to our Solar Connection Theme.
Monday May 24th
Where is the Crop Circle, Belees?
Saleena: Belees, Aloha… I was just wondering what happened to the crop circle? Did I misunderstand you? There hasn’t been one reported yet since the 22nd, UK time around noon. That was before our last talk… It has been a quiet & strange energy day. .thank you supporting me during this transmission….it has been another one of those, can’t really focus & think deeply days… just drifting… Colin said he felt strangely disconnected. You able to talk?
Belees: (sounding like he is far away…) Saleena, we are riding some really big energy waves… having to stay focused for now… will explain things about crop circle later…. It is best you surrender to rest…. We can talk when you are more refreshed… the energies will remain strong & may get even stronger in the next few days. We are grateful you shared our message. People are affected by your articles & words beyond what you will know at this time…. These energies are particularly affecting the brain… go easy with yours right now… much love to you Saleena… back to the focus now…
Saleena: Thank you… I am holding the doors open for the explanation.
Canadian UFO Spiral…
Real, Hoax or Disinformation?
I had a few intriguing moments today when I first discovered the video and pictures of what was being called the Canadian UFO & Spiral . by the end of the day there was a posting by a man admitting it was a hoax.
The Canadian Spiral Ship-UFO seems to be a very well done Photoshop animation to see how gullible Americans are…. We were are not sure at first… except something felt off every time I watched the video… so wasn’t surprised when it came forward as a hoax.
Sometimes when it is real, the media will come out with disinformation to confuse the facts until no one is really sure if it is real or not…Sometimes they even hire someone to write up a false story that makes things confusing.
Marimar sent me this today:
Tues May 25th
Sun Pulses & Purple Element
Saleena: 6:30pm HT Today I felt irritable for no reason…. edgy uneasy for the last few hours…
This morning couldn’t wake up… slept and slept…. then found myself aware of a sun looking like a portal with pulses coming out towards me in concentric rings….
Then somehow I found myself knowing that there is some kind of missing element here on earth for us to adjust and thrive in the higher energies coming in so I asked for it to be sent to us…
I saw a BIG purple feather in front of me…. very dark purple almost black and more of a bluish purple… to me a feather always represents a message from Spirit or Source.
Then a kind of liquid purple light started flowing to earth, to me, to the plants and all earth….
We make love bubbles for each other before we get up. They seem to come in colors we need for the day. Today we made purple love bubbles…. looked like I was floating in a great big transparent concord grape…
Colin: Was this a dream or had you woken by this time?
Saleena: It was in that in-between place…not really a dream and not really awake…though I was lucid….
I asked Colin to check and see if he could see what is irritating me. He found it was to do with a DNA upgrade. We worked together, with the help of Moreahl and Sophia until it was balanced and I was soothed. At one point Sophia said:
Sophia: Oh, Saleena just got a little twisted up today… a part of her still holding on to thinking there has to be something important about all this….that part needs some loving assurance that it is alright to do what ever you do and it is perfect and it is not important…. so relax and have more fun please….
Mauna Loa Solar Observatory has very interesting little videos of the sun.

Wed. May 26th
Saleena Note: May26th 10:20pm Still no new crop circle has been reported. I don't understand why yet…. It has been quiet from Belees. Many people are working with the one that was discovered around noon of the 22nd in UK. Lots of excitement about the potential of the coded messages.

Lots of fun reports and speculation: Comments & Articles
Thurs May 26th
Saleena: For 5 days starting Sun, May 23rd HT, there have been strong energy transmissions coming in from the Sun. Today, Wed 26th is the second to last day. One more day to go… My experience of it has been lots of sleep, strong dreams, a few days feeling reality wobbling, slight nausea, pressure in head & acute awareness of my DNA. Last night after I worked with Colin & Moreahl, I slept in a semi-conscious state for three hours, much earlier than I usually sleep. I dreamed of sections of something that looked like DNA up close, twisting by with spiky looking pastel lavander growths on it. The spikes looked like ice crystals or a furry caterpillar. I was aware that it had an inverted side to its reality. The one I could see was darker & the one on the other side was lighter…
AURORA ALERT: High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras tonight. A coronal mass ejection (CME) is heading for Earth and it could spark geomagnetic storms when it arrives on May 27th or 28th. The following preview comes directly from the geographic South Pole:
Sunspot 1072 is quiet and poses little threat for strong solar flares. Credit: SOHO/MDI
Saleena: I went to look for the videos of the Earth Sized Objects seen in the Jan SOHO Sun images…& I found this one. They don't say who it is, but I know it is Nassim Haramein. He lived here on the Big Island for many years and we spent some personal time visiting.
He liked my Vibrakeys,
his favorite one was VK22 Unikey – Universal Veil Lifter.
It has the energies of the Ark of Covenant
& he was working on an ARK project at the time.

We got to hear him talk many times in the days before his Unified Field Theory papers were finally published. We were all cheering him on!
"The Origin of Spin: A Consideration of Torque and Coriolis Forces in Einstein's Field Equations and Grand Unification Theory" (PDF), by Nassim Haramein and E.A. Rauscher.
So I like to listen to him and he shares a very interesting perspective on these giant earth sized objects found hovering around the sun and shooting into it. He shows a video that shows two of them entering the sun.
Earth Sized UFOs Using The Sun As A Stargate- Nassim Haramein
Enjoy his Resonance Project;
Rise to the Equation!
Spherical UFO's Orbit SUN