Drastically Extreme Exciting Times
"Fasten your seat belts
and brace for some
truly intense energies.
The fulcrum of the
Grand Cross is finally here."
"Please make time to
meditate and pray
for the veil is opened
in an extraordinary manner
within the apex of the
Grand Cardinal Cross of 2010,
and indeed this energy
leads to the
10-10-10 Triple Crystalline Portal."
Saleena: We are in one of the most powerful energies crossings today and it is going to continue. I feel excited, buzzed, tired, achey, wonderful, creative, up and down… in and out… all at the same time!
It is easier than ever to access other dimensions and higher realm feelings some days and other days I am ple-dunked into the densities feeling blind, deaf & dumb! We are really moving in and out of dimensions fast… adjusting in these drastic times.
Solar Flares
Solar Flares have been strong ones… hitting the earth starting on the 4th. All that evening I was feeling waves of tiredness. It would come on and last for 20-45 minutes, then ease…. then again. Would feel like my brain would be squeezed and my body would get so tired I had to lay down, then it would pass… I saw some pretty awesome videos and pictures of the Auroras and Northern Lights!
All the Stories are True
Some feel like the "last" days are upon us. I agree. Some are fearful that this is it; time for the massive apocalyptic cleansing of the earth of all its 'wickedness." In other terms, I agree… all that which is out of alignment with an Earth who is ascending will be shifting. Either moving upwards or preparing for another assigment elsewhere. Mother Earth has made her descision and there is no going back. I believe that all the stories are true, since we create our own reality.
For a few days now, we saturated ourselves, Mother Earth & everyone and everything in the vicinity of Earth with the Circular Rainbows and the new symbol frequency form Belees to stabilize. I was so energized one day I felt buzzed and high from it.
Lifting Mother Earth
On the 5th, yesterday, we began to Lift Mother Earth. This is really fun! There are so many creative ways to do this…
Everyday is an Adventure
Every day we have been doing our Travel Adventure Lightwork and Play. We have been working with MaRi Magdalene, Yeshua, Divine Mothers, Sophia, Moreahl and tonight the Sirian Ahkus Ascension Council.
New Masculine Warrior
Last night Colin and I were worked with my old Masculine Warrior. I was feeling pretty stuck & he was agitated and afraid of all the changes… And he was ready to deeply cleanse all the old pent up emotions he had supressed for eons. My whole right side ached pretty awful, while Colin was floating in bliss in the Center of All There Is…
I asked for help; then after some Ho'oponopono and some resetting to the frequency of Oneness in Wholeness, my Warrior sat down with face in hands and sobbed and wailed for 30 minutes! It was amazingly freeing! Colin's was showing him all kinds of things about the new Masculine. After we finished the session, all the pain was gone! I was exhausted, clear and went right to sleep.
New Seed Soul for the
Masculine & Feminine Birthed to Earth
I woke at 3am and checked in… there was more to do. Colin was available so we tuned in. This led us on an amazing adventure with MaRi Magdalene, Yeshua, Sophia and Moreahl. It all culminated in lifting Mother Earth up to these new energies and she created a triple infinity from rainbows and channeled the new Seed Soul for the Masculine and Feminine into her body below.
So Many Messages
So many messages are pouring in about these energies, the astrological alignments; the Cardinal Cross, the 8-8 Lion's Gate, the Solar Flares. I decided I would put it up simply… a little of it all:
Solar Flares & Light Codes
From Mikael King: Blessings of Joy and Peace within, wishing you a wonderful Leo New Moon, we have just been hit by a great wave of solar flares that will activate your light codes with a blast.!
Grand Cardianal Crosses
Cosmic Time 8.4.10 – Galactic Cross
Master Astrologist – Allison Rae
"This is it. The much-anticipated Grand Cardinal Crosses are now forming in the heavens. The initiatory portal coming into alignment this weekend will be particularly intense.
If you thought the eclipse series in June/July was powerful, watch what happens next. The celestial energies have been ramping up steadily since the March Equinox and reach a crescendo during the first three weeks of August.
All heaven is breaking loose,
and the effects will be felt
for a long time to come.
This is a divine intervention.
As the eclipses,
ongoing t-square
and grand crosses
plow through outdated beliefs,
the forms and structures
of our lives are crumbling
with accelerating ferocity each day.
I'm hearing all kinds of reports
of physical and emotional
abrupt endings of everything
from relationships and jobs
to locations and living arrangements . . .
and magical new beginnings.
Because the planets of the grand cross are in cardinal signs, the overall energy is of change through movement and action. New forms are taking shape even as the old forms fall away.
It's still early to fully harvest the new. It's more that an energetic imprint is established at this time for later manifestation in the physical realm. When we're flowing with the energies, the feeling is incredibly light and free, optimistic and joyful. It's also easy to get caught up in the chaos and feel overwhelmed or helpless.
Throughout this period,
mindfulness and
grounded action are key.
Even though the fullest manifestation of our ideas is still far off, now is the time to cast the seeds of a new life and a new world. It's important to stay focused, stay positive and create with intent.
My heart is filled with
optimism and hope
for a new day
as the energies of change
reach peak intensity
over the next few weeks.
I hope you'll join me
in prayer that
we as a people
will seize this
once-in-a-lifetime opportunity
to begin shaping a world
we're proud to pass on
to our children and their children."
– Alison Rae, starpriestess.com
Doorway of Accelerated Awakening
8-8 Lion's Gate
"On August 8, 2010 we are given a rare opportunity to walk through another 'Doorway of Accelerated Awakening', the 8:8 LIONS GATE.
This Awakening will occur
within the cellular records
of all beings.
These cellular records
are held within a
crystalline code
which exists within
each strand of DNA.
The only way earth
can move forward is
through the heart.
Every tool, meditation and OM is a fruitless tree unless one moves into direct contact with the heart. Activating a doorway of love so vast one is automatically included without any effort.
We are destined to become
more than we know.
This new mirror reflection will give to us what we have been seeking for eons." And from OV: One Vibration . . .
The Potent Apex
of the
Grand Cross
Fasten your seat belts
and brace for some
truly intense energies.
The fulcrum of the
Grand Cross is finally here.
The energy has been building and we have experienced a lunar eclipse and solar eclipse as the Grand Cross began to form. Now in the waning moon the fulcrum apex is formulating. the energy is incredibly intense and has a very tangible aspect of heaviness, almost lethargy as this extraordinary potent energy wave gravitates the Earth and is felt by humanity.
Please be aware of the potent energies, and work to maintain balance. Please commit to exude joy and positive energy in this frequency of the Cardinal Grand Cross maximum, for indeed it is a heavy wave of extraordinary force. Stay centered and grounded.
August 4th – 7th 2010
The long anticipated Full Cardinal Grand Cross is fully and potently formed, involving Jupiter-Uranus in Aries, Pluto in Capricorn, the Moon in early Cancer, and Venus joining Mars and Saturn in early Libra. The Sun at 15° Leo makes stressful aspects (45°/135°) to the entire grand cross.
Humanity must remain calm and balanced to deal with the relentlessly stressful aspects and gravitational waves of this extraordinarily robust and powerful energy.
Indeed this is truly
a special time for the world
and humanity
in macro and micro.
And it is an energy that can cut both ways. All will be revealed !
In the next weeks leading to the 10-10-10 the energy is set for the potential for old systems to break away, and new ones to form.
It is time to really let go of
what no longer serves you,
and begin to manifest
what is both requisite
and truly desired in your life.
Expect the change…
and be proactive.
Meditate for highest good!!!
Please, deal with one another in respect, and think before you act. Masters, feelings are easily hurt, and communications can be misunderstood.
What is in shadow
will be revealed,
and in this honesty
the road to
better understanding
is paved.
Go within and utilize the OM Wave.
We tell you that this
energy can be used to
bountifully manifest
highest good.
It can change the Earth,
and Humanity
in macro and micro.
Please make time to
meditate and pray
for the veil is opened
in an extraordinary manner
within the apex of the
Grand Cardinal Cross of 2010,
and indeed this energy
leads to the
10-10-10 Triple Crystalline Portal.
Impeccabilty is the
Crystalline Transition
and it is occuring
P.S. Another Beautiful Message. . . something here for everyone!
Ascension Updates – August 2010