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What is a Chaotic Node, Parallel Realities & Universes & How Do We Navigate Them?


"During a Chaos Node, 
it is helpful to do this process (below) daily, 
or even more than once a day 
if things feel too intense, 
because we are constantly jumping parallels,
and the parallel we danced at breakfast 
won’t be the same as the parallel 
we dance at dinner. 

Seriously, it is that fluid."


"What this means for 2013 
is anyone’s guess.

In other words…
hold onto your hats, 
we’re in for a wild ride!"
Susannah Redelfs


Saleena: I suppose that you may have noticed that I have been somewhat absent from the daily blogging lately. I either have contracted some rare condition that would have me thinking I am dying or I might plead Chaotic Node! I have been sooooooo tired. Falling asleep rather early in the evening and sleeping heavily through the night. That was rare for me. I remember a time a few years ago when I was only sleeping 6 hours every night and feeling great!

I have felt unhooked from the higher realms, at least consciousnly, and I suspect I have been there more than in the physical which may account for the tiredness &  lack of presence here. I have had to walk outside barefoot at the most odd moments, like right in the middle of doing something inside, I find myself outside touching the plants and talking with the devas and Mother Earth, or in the middle of the night walking outside to stand under the moon and clear starry sky, to breathe and ground and re-orient myself as to where I really am.


Art - Between Heaven and Earth by PiccolaRia


I have been unable to focus and "apply" myself where I used to. I intend to do something and then I just find I am unable to follow through with it. Too tired or too chaotic feeling or I simply find I don't dare about it anymore and can't make myself do it. One friend suggested that if it isn't aligned with my heart to do, it seems my reality isn't supporting me in it any more.


So this has lead to an examination of what I am doing, and what is the purpose & how much time and attentions I spend on what. It has also lead me into a time where I seem to be questioning everything, to see if it is leading me where I want to go. Am I really creating what I want to create? This last period, since our 10-10 Crystalline Stargate Adventure, my environment, home, inner life, purpose, thoughts, feelings, etc, have been in chaos; felt like they have all been tossed up in the air for sorting. Literally our house has gone through a series of remodeling projects and purpose alignments; reorganization from my studio space to my goals and purpose.


I and my life certainly have felt like what a chaotic node must be about! So this next message and the previous messages from the Hathors about Chaotic Nodes have been informative and reminded me why I am feeling this way. It is both disturbing and exciting. I love stability and I love change. Hmmmmm. Living during this time certainly includes both!



How to Navigate a Chaos Node


By Susannah Redelfs,
with the Council of One

So just what is a
Chaos Node anyway?
Sounds fun!


A Chaos Node is a convergence point
where parallel realities and universes
(see below) are in a constant state of flux,
merging into each other and splitting off again.


While parallels do this more or less all the time,
the Chaos Node acts like a
historical “chokepoint”
in a physical plane timeline,
and is marked by a greater number of parallels
doing the merging and splitting,
thereby bringing greater intensity
and a broader range of
possible futures to bear.


Historically, a Chaos Node is a
relatively rare event on Earth—
you might see one every decade or so
starting in the 20th Century,
lasting about two weeks at maximum.


Before the 20th Century,
these events were even rarer.


A Chaos Node is enough to move

an entire planet and its population

onto an entirely different track,


which is why most if not all prophecies
made before 1987 are no longer valid.


This is because we no longer occupy the parallel where those prognostications were made. The acceleration of our experience of time also means that the timing of prophecy made after 1987 is off. In other words, if it’s going to happen, it’s going to happen much sooner than expected. You see, 1987 had a major three-month Chaos Node in it, which threw us all onto an accelerated timeline track.


This could change, of course,

with the upcoming Chaos Nodes.

Events might move faster or slower,

depending on where we are

on the other side of the Nodes.


Despite the scary-sounding name,
there is nothing inherently positive or negative
about a Chaos Node.
It is completely neutral.


As always, it is our
perceptions and filters
that determine whether we see
any event as “good” or “bad”.
It all depends on our vantage point.


The difference in the
Chaos Nodes of 2010
is that there are

two of them this year

(April 1-July 1, October 1-January 1),
both lasting a full three months.
That means that during 2010
we will spend a remarkable
six months of the year
in a Chaos Node.


At the current time, it is projected that
nine months of 2011 will be
spent in a Chaos Node,
while 2012 will be a
full-year Node.


What this means for 2013
is anyone’s guess.

In other words…
hold onto your hats,
we’re in for a wild ride!


What are Parallels?


parallel realities and/or universes—
are a means for the Source of All That Is
to experience consciousness
in all its possible permutations.

Whenever we make a choice
among two or more options,
we spin off a parallel where the
unselected options play out.


Another way of looking at it is to remember that there is no possible way to subvert Divine Will. Free will is the mechanism by which the Source effects the evolution of consciousness, and is what separates individuated souls like us from devas or angels, who can only operate according to their divine programming, or “wiring”. So we are all free to choose to act in whatever way we want, even if our choices directly contradict the will of Spirit/Source. We are blessed to live in a universe where we are given absolute freedom and total permission, because we are created to be the expressions of Source’s unconditional love.


For example: your soul set up a mate agreement with Fred, arranged prior to your incarnation, but you choose to marry Tom instead. That’s fine, you can do that—but you then spin off a parallel to experience that choice and take that branch of the path, while simultaneously, another parallel “you” continues to follow the will of Spirit.


As a result of the entirety of human history being populated by free-willed individuated souls, there are countless parallels of Earth alone. Sometimes they continue for centuries, sometimes for a few moments, depending on the level of choice. There are planetary parallels as well as individual ones, where history took an alternate turn based on collective choice, as well.


When parallels collapse, the energy of that entire universe is merged with remaining parallels and made available for use. Parallels collapse for various reasons—planetary parallels can run their course or end in some extinction event, and individual parallels will collapse as soon as they no longer serve the cause of evolution, or with the death of the “parallel self”.


The creation, maintenance, and destruction of parallels for a given planet are conducted from the 7th Dimension, or Buddhaic Plane, of that planet, because that is the minimum level of advancement needed to handle the complexity of it all. However, all souls start learning about how to navigate the parallel grids from their first incarnation on a planet, with the help of our guides. When our soul runs the “life simulator” on the middle astral before taking incarnation to explore the possible outcomes of our pre-life choices, we are playing with the parallel grids.



I Am Infinite,

I Contain Multitudes


We may be experiencing simultaneous,
or concurrent, existence in
literally billions of parallels.

Obviously, the human mind
is not equipped to deal with
complexity on this level,
and so we think of ourselves as
being in the “One True Reality”
or parallel.

But this is simply not true
from the perspective of Spirit,
where all concurrent incarnations
across parallels and the timeline
are equally valid


When one of our parallel embodiments experiences the collapse of its parallel, it merges with one or more of the remaining concurrent incarnations. In other words, we are constantly jumping from parallel to parallel. We usually retain no conscious memory of doing so, for the sake of experiential consistency. Still, we are constantly receiving “bleedthrough” from other parallels, accessing this information through intuition, meditation and dream. During times of heavy parallel mergers or splits, this bleedthrough can be intense to the point of disorientation. This sense of dislocation can be severe enough that those who are already suffering from emotional and mental imbalances can be pushed over the edge into a full psychotic break. Active psychics are especially sensitive to parallel bleedthrough.


Our parallel incarnations might look very much like us, or we could be expressing through an entirely different body, gender, sexual orientation, culture and manifested soul age, depending on how far the parallel in question diverged from the reality we are used to experiencing every day. Similarly, there are planetary parallels that look all but identical to our everyday reality, and parallels where the planet looks very, very different from the one we’re used to, to the point where we might not recognize it as Earth at all.

Kinda makes the ol’ head spin…


Saleena Note: We started watching an old TV series a few days ago which interestingly illustrates this; Sliders. Now back to Susannah:


If It’s Monday,

I Must Be In Parallel-9854723X


So what happens to us during times of heavy parallel mergers and splits, such as a Chaos Node? What do we do, and how, and why should we care?


Obviously, we don’t have to be conscious of them to move through parallels, since we’re doing it more or less constantly without noticing. But if we are conscious of the times when the activity is especially heavy, there are ways that we can master the experience so that we are always navigating to our “parallel of highest probability”.


During any time of heavy mergers and/or splits,
and especially during a Chaos Node,
things can move into and out of
our life and experience very, very quickly.


During a Chaos Node,
physical issues can appear suddenly.



For instance, cancer in remission can become active again, literally instantaneously. Conversely, an active disease can go into remission or disappear entirely, also instantaneously. It is interesting to note that in almost all cases of spontaneous remission, of cancers or any other diseases, it is because the disease was “spun off” into another parallel.



In a similar vein, issues sourcing from the
emotional and mental bodies
can be generated or resolved equally quickly.


Thus, conscious parallel navigation
can be seen as an opportunity to
attract miracles into our experience.


It is a good idea to postpone
major life decisions
you may be pondering
until things feel more stable,
if this is possible.


For instance, you can go into a Chaos Node and your primary mate relationship might go into crisis (make that “probably”). You might want to hold off on the divorce until things settle down, since it may only be a temporary condition generated by parallel bleedthrough. Of course, every situation is different, and if you were reevaluating the relationship before you went into the Node, the energy of it might give you the impetus to take action that you may have been unable or unwilling to initiate before. After all, it might actually serve everyone concerned if the relationship in question changes form.


Just as in the field of astrology,
during planetary retrogrades,
the period going into and out
of a parallel merger and/or split
is more intense.


This is also true for a Chaos Node,
but because of its
scale and powerful effect,
even the time of relative stability
between the beginning and end of one
can feel very disorienting.


Saleena Note: How are you riding the effects as we are experiencing the Venus Retrograde combined with the timing of a chaotic Node? Whew! Now back to Susannah:


Any parallel merger gives us the opportunity
to attract or call into our experience
qualities and conditions
that are joyful to us.


Any parallel split offers us the option of
“spinning out” what we don’t want
away from us into a collapsing parallel.


During a Chaos Node,
the opportunities are even greater,
and during major Nodes
such as the ones we will be experiencing
for the next few years,
the possibilities are literally infinite


To help us navigate these Nodes, the Council of One has transmitted a technique for us:


Parallel Dance

Something You Can Do


1.  Unify your fields via the

Unified Chakra Meditation,


or by intent if you’ve already entrained your fields through practice to unify instantly.



2.    Allow your consciousness to drop

to the center of your heart chakra.

In the center of your heart,

there is a Threefold Flame

—Love, Truth, and Energy.


First, notice the three flames. Are they all the same height? If not, raise all of the flames to the level of the highest so they are equal. Settle your consciousness in the center of this Threefold Flame, which gives off light but not heat.



3.    Ask Spirit to allow you access

into the parallel grids.


You may see visions flickering across the surface of the flames, feel the energy of the constant motion of the parallels, or feel nothing much at all. Some people go blank the first time they encounter the grids because our mental bodies, designed to think in a linear fashion, can’t hold cohesion when confronted with the true nonlinear nature of reality. As with anything, practice increases skill and retention of conscious parallel navigation.



4.    At this time, ask Spirit to

collapse and spin out of your

current parallel anything in you,

your life, and your universe

which no longer serves you,


…anything which blocks clear and conscious access to Spirit, and any imbalance and diseases of the body and fields. You can add specific requests if you must, but you might want to be as general as possible, since this gives your essence more flexibility in fulfilling your intent. You may feel very cold physically as you do this, since Spirit often uses the frequency of Divine Purity to do this for you.



5.    When the spinning-out feels complete,

ask Spirit to bring in those qualities and

energies that most promote the

graceful, easy and joyful expression

of your life plan and divine service,

full health and balance of the

physical body and fields,

and the experience of joy on earth.


Again, you can make specific requests, but this is not recommended. Remember that you are working on a very high level here, and it doesn’t pay to limit yourself to merely what your human mind can conceive. Specific = More Limitation, Broad = Infinite Possibility. (The exception to this is if you are specifically trying to move out something that popped in during the merger, such as a sudden recurrence of disease or reversal in life circumstance.)



6.    When you feel complete,

allow your consciousness to float up

to behind your eyes, and open them.


During a Chaos Node, 
it is helpful to do this process daily,
or even more than once a day

if things feel too intense,

because we are constantly jumping parallels,
and the parallel we danced at breakfast
won’t be the same as the parallel
we dance at dinner.

Seriously, it is that fluid.



Susannah Redelfs

Council of One

Warrenton, VA


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About the author

Saleena Kí

Omniversal Storyteller through her Art, Photography, Music & Word who LOVES Nature, Mother Earth & Assisting us ALL to LIGHTEN UP!

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