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What is Benevolent RE-Connection; What is in it for YOU?

Saleena:  Ever since I made the commitment to share an Omni-Dimensional Travel Adventure with you once a month… life has been more & more amazing! Each month, whatever group chooses us to share something new, or whatever theme we choose to ask about and work with, it  seems to flavor my whole months activities. Usually things start happening that are aligning with it before I even consciously know what we are going to do.

Caught in the Fear-Based Grid


This month, the most amazing thing happened when I heard that there might be a chance that we are still caught in the old fear-based grid and functioning within it even though we have the idea we are free and clear of it. It sounded just like the story told in the movie The Matrix.

"The film depicts a future in which reality as perceived by most humans is actually a simulated reality created by sentient machines to pacify and subdue the human population, while their bodies' heat and electrical activity are used as an energy source. Upon learning this, computer programmer "Neo" is drawn into a rebellion against the machines, involving other people who have been freed from the "dream world" and into reality." 


It even aligned with the possibilities in the movie, "Inception"; causing me to wonder what level of the dream am I still in?  I was pretty astonished at first at the idea that I might be thinking I was successfully transcending that old Draconian fear-based grid and I was only transcending through levels of the old grid still.


Sometime when I hear something like this and it won't leave me, no matter how unreasonable it may seem, I realize it is time to ask for help to do something about it. So I wondered what I could do and who I could ask for help, if all those I was working might still functioning inside the old grid. If I tried to work it out with my mind, it went round and round in circles, with all kinds of rational that it couldn't possibly be true, and yet my intuition kept me aware & curious about what all this could be about. So I decided to give it a possibility that it might be true. I have found that whenever I do this… it give room for something new to emerge.


One thing that was shared with me was that we had to unplug our DNA from the old grid and re-connect to our higher benevolent self so it could be re-built in alignment with the new reconnection. So I declared my intentions that if any of this were true and it was for my highest soul's purpose & mission, that I would be shown what this was about and how to free myself. I  asked for the help and let it go.


As I was checking in with Colin, about a week ago, I found myself downloaded with understanding and directions. We went through this whole unhooking & reconnection process. We just seemed to know what to do. I felt so much support moving around me just out of view. I could feel them though could not see them. It felt so powerful and right for me I was feeling excited that my request was being answered.


The word benevolent seemed to want to be capitalized every time I wrote it; so I wrote like this: Benevolent. Eventually I came to understand that this is part of the light language or code that helps in the disconnection and re-connection to your Benevolent Higher Self and to Benevolent Source.


Saleena Note 2012-05-03: I have since check this again and found that using the word Benevolent in ALL CAPS seems to get the process stuck in a limitingn position. The whole process of the Benevolent Re-Connection still checks out to be a very powerful process for those interested in freeing themselves from the false matrix. Somehow I was influenced to insert a limiting program into a very powerful freeing one. Some of you have gone on to use the word Benevolent to attempt to bypass the False Matrix. Keep using the word Benevolent as that checks out to be a very powerful key to get beyond it. We are all doing the best we know how and learning as we go. I apologize if I have mislead anyone. Forgive me… so for the rest of this article I am going to edit it and change it appropriately.


Since then, I helped to take the rest of the team through this process. I wanted to see how it was for them before we offer it to everyone else. It was a strong experience, especially at the moment each of us were unhooked from the old and before we were reconnected to each of our own Benevolent Higher Self, the Benevolent Source.


So now I feel confident to share this experience with you on 11-11. I am working on the 11-11 StarGate mandala tonight to support this process. I hope to post a blog about the process after I finish it. 




Here is my 2010-10-27th

Benevolent Re-Connection
Adventure with Colin:


Benevolent Re-Connection;
Releasing the Old Fear Based Grid,
Aligning & Structuring our New DNA;


Saleena Note: After Colin journeyed to meet the Crystalline Masters, and after their message to him, he kept asking me if I had gone there yet and written my part. This is where our conversation started: 

[10/27/2010 9:29:15 PM] Saleena: What do you mean, write your part?

Magical Colin: Well we all get to write our parts, then go into the mix and the new reality comes into being, so I sat there and wrote what I would like, and put it in the creation 'pie' so to speak

Saleena: Did you transcribe it here to share? or just did you just write it there… Are you talking about the Library you visited? Maybe all of us could go together… the team… and see what we each get… then we can put together the invitation….

Magical Colin: Ok good idea. I didn't transcribe it, but it's not changed from our earlier ideas, peace, love and so forth.  Have just been given shed loads of work to do, so will log off here for today.

Saleena: Today is day to get the invitation-registration created… sweet dreams.

Magical Colin: Goodnight…

Saleena:  I am trying to get everything changed to new computer but Skype is acting strange… it keeps popping up conversations that are older ones as if  you are there ready to talk.. if you get time today… I would like to check in…haven't been able to for two days and Suzanna is ready to get something up online to sign up with....

Magical Colin: Hi, how did you get on with the 11.11 journey, any more feedback from our teams?

Saleena: nothing….

Saleena: I am blank….about what we are going to do…was wondering if you have time to check in this morning? Maybe I need to be reset somehow to the new energies to come back online…

Magical Colin: You got time to journey? something is buzzing….

Saleena: okay… are you getting my comments? seems I ask then you ask as if I hadn't asked… must be a long long lag time…

Magical Colin: My new phone seems very slow, I'm always two or three paragraphs behind

Saleena: I need to be checked…to see if there is something to be done to help me come back online with the higher realms….

Magical Colin: Ok can see a bright light shining, with some folk waving to us at the end of this portal of light

Saleena: okay I will ask for my teams to assist… Belees, A Team (for Arcturian)… could you assist? Angels, Guides in harmony with my Benevolent higher self…please assist. I would like to be checked to see what is going on? I would like to have some clear idea or information, if it is Colin's expereince and/or more, so I can help to shape the 11-11 invitation….

 Magical Colin: I'm seeing a cloak over you, like you wear it sometimes to shield from external interference


Saleena: opening my heart…asking that my body mind spirit other parts Benevolent higher self be aligned now so I can operate from a reality that is informed by them… released from the fear-based matrix… in whatever way we have been connected into it…


Magical Colin: Lets hang it up for a while so you can step into the portal easier


Saleena: okay, has it hidden me even from myself? I hear someone saying: "The place you want to go to and the place you have been is not the same."

Magical Colin: Yes It's a good one!

Saleena: Can you share more about this?

Magical Colin: There now I can see you

Saleena: This lag time is odd…okay…who is talking? Does this have to do with asking to be reconnected to my benevolent higher self and to be disconnected from the Draconian Grids, to be unplugged from their twisted DNA and twisted higher selves projections? and their limited perspectives?

I want total disconnection and freedom from the Draconian Fear based Grids….

I want my DNA reconstructed so it is reconnected to Benevolent Higher Self

and all my connections, in the higher realms to be from the love-based Grid.


Magical Colin: So much has changed lately, even the way we connect with ourselves

Saleena: There is a pulling sensation at the back of my head… "unplug… from that old matrix now…."

I wonder if we are connected up to the Benevolent Higher Self if we will even be able to relate to anyone else again? Those in the old grid…. another great pulling sensation in my heart and some expansion feeling now….

Magical Colin: Ok I seem to have s handful of wires to disconnect, one just one shiny golden one to replace them with

Saleena: once I see the old grid, I can't use it anymore…. maybe that is why I was feeling offline… couldn't even get any information for these last few weeks…except one great idea that came today like inspiration….

Magical Colin: Can feel you coming online… aloha beautiful!

Saleena: yes something is happening….I see a massive bundle of fibers and connections being unhooked…. and unraveled… feeling a little weak as they come undone….

Magical Colin: We've been getting a massive upgrade, the full moon was very potent

Saleena: I sense other beings helping… standing by to make sure I can make this transition…. Seems a critical one…. unhooking from the old matrix….

Magical Colin: Reach out and relax, I'm here, holding the light, no rush.

Saleena: now getting a flood of warmth through my heart….and getting hot… could mean some new energy is moving in now or could be old stuff letting go?

Seems to be opening up and expanding now…. I did see lots of shiny wires or connections…like the new ones are made of higher kinds of gold, silver and platinum… very crystalline and diamond sparking going on….

Magical Colin: Yes like you empty a bath of the murky water before rinsing with clear

Saleena: being re-connected now… does this mean that you already disconnected with the old grid? or do you need to ask to be unhooked and reconnected to your Benevolent Higher Self… not the twisted one that was part of the Fear matrix….

Magical Colin: New connections also woven into my heart, just here, see? I think I've been doing that over the last week, been swimming in the pool to cleanse and asking for help from the team. Shall we weave our hearts together with these new connections?

Saleena: I would suggest that you ask if you can be unhooked from any last remaining old grid and re-connected to your Benevolent Higher Self. Would you mind doing that? This is something that came to my attentions just this last week…

Ask that the umbilical cord of DNA is unplugged from the old DNA and reconnected to the Benevolent new DNA….that we might be restructured in this realm. I am asking for myself…

Magical Colin: ok, please unhook me from any old grids and connect me to my higher benevolent self, mmmm can feel Beth now..

Saleena: the final old tangles around the solar plexus can be removed and released back into the fear grid…. for good.

Asking that BETH also be offered this so she can cleanse any of the old grid that may have embedded into her in any way….

Replacing all open connection with new Benevolent connections from the realm of our Higher Benevolent Self.

Magical Colin: Yes I can feel that, old fear patterns so well hidden. Can feel my cosmic self now. Wow such a relief, tears flowing…

Saleena: I have wondered if any of our old friends, higher dimensional and otherwise, will still be here when this is all done? I guess if any of them were projections out of the fear based grids they will disappear from our lives… and awareness.

Magical Colin: Some will be there, but will be changing too I guess. This feels brand new, so open and clear

Saleena: So has the Draconian Matrix only been on the Earth? I wonder how far it reaches into the dimensions? One informant said that all of our "New Age" stuff was a farce, an illusion, and it was all generated within the old fear matrix…. that even muscle testing would be aligned to answer within it… and only if you ask the Benevolent Higher Self could you link in to get to the truth…

Magical Colin: You are so bright, feeling so much love for you, how lucky I am to witness your light

Saleena: I keep emptying the trash… I have thrown out so much old energy lately…both physical and energetically.

Magical Colin: Yes and we have felt the new and know how to weave with it…

Saleena: I would like to ask our BENVOLENT Higher Selves to show us the next steps; what can we do next for the 11-11? How is the vision and place you visited related to this?

Magical Colin: It's good to clear from time to time, this month in particular. Higher Self just stepped in, as you asked the question. What do you see?

Saleena: I can feel the new codes flowing in from beyond Source now even stronger… like there is a new connection now to receive them. They can flow in and if there is no receptacle they will flow over and keep going… I guess they have to be able to soak in….

I can feel some very white codes-light flowing in from the sun, through the sun now, but this light-codes are pure white and from another sun in the greater chain of   suns…. expanding my head now…have to turn inside out to make space for this…. or it causes pressure….

Making sure all the new connections are holding…this is strong… feeling NAAM StarGate and our weavers now…. channeling it through there first… asking that our Weavers be totally re-connected with the Benevolent Higher Self and all of our parallel parts that are ready for this


Magical Colin: Yes very light and sparkling

Saleena: asking for teams of beings that are helping us will assist these other expressions in disconnecting any part of their selves from the old Draconian fear grids and holding space for them to transition and be reconnected into the Benevolent Higher Self grid….

Magical Colin: Mmmm can feel our Spider-Weavers at work, and our Dragons. (these are other aspects of ourselves we have met and are consciously re-connected to.)

Saleena: Pulling the old DNA plugs and unhooking the umbilical from the old grid patterns…. offering the newest DNA from the Benevolent Source… and support to all as they are restructured… and we are restructured….

Asking that anything else that needs to be done to disconnect us and all our parallel expressions from the old fear grid will be done and that we will be attended by those in the Benevolent Realms aligned with our Higher Benevolent Source and Self.

 Magical Colin: Can feel us as one now, with all that is, no separation, wonderful flow…


Saleena: I ask that in the most effective efficient way ALL OLD cords, strings, beliefs, entities, mind-sets- creations, codes, structures that are based in this old fear-based matrix be removed and disconnected NOW!… carefully…. thoroughly… and all the old that is released be sent to the light to re-cycle in the appropriate way…

Asking the higher beings of light aligned with our higher benevolent selves will attend until we are clear and free at all levels and reconnected to all that is of the Benevolent Higher Selves realms.


Magical Colin: Our DNA seems to be exchanging codes again, I have new info for you, and you for me, just noticed mine opening to receive…

Saleena: I ask that all my Vibrakeys will be cleansed of any old fear based structures and reset to serve only in alignment with the Benevolent energies and aligned with the BENVOLENT Higher Self realm…. Every one of them in any stage they are in…. and all my art…and words and creations….

Magical Colin: There's a sparkling light coming from you and washing over everything as you stream this energy with your intent, beautiful to watch.


Saleena: Asking that any of our relationships… in every way be cleared of the old connections in the fear based grid… any habits, patterns, structures, entities, attachments, cords all disconnected from the old fear based grid…. and cleansed of any cords and entities that have made the old connections possible… release them now… and carefully clear them until the new reconnections in alignment with the higher benevolent self can be reconnected in the most beneficial ways for a new kind of relationship… this means our primary and closest relationships on out to our families then to our friends and then our associates and customers and clients… on out to our communities worldwide…


Into the Library:

Structuring our New Reality as
Crystalline Masters Who
Write the Akashic Records.


Saleena: I am ready to take this into the library where you were now, if it is aligned with Benevolent Higher Self realm….

Magical Colin: Interesting, I just heard that these old grids were only alive with the energy we gave them, remove that and they just fall away. Ok shall we step through the portal?

Saleena: I see I am at a podium with a book laying out in front of me. the pages are very thin and clear and sparkling like they are crystalline and very sheer. The pen I have is a light pen… a kind of scribing tool. It doesn't have ink, it connects into my soul and flows onto the page from here…. I am writing this intent and creation into the library for all to partake of… for our new reality to shape this way. It is flowing from my heart, from my Benevolent Higher Self-Soul….

Magical Colin: ah I'm right there

Saleena: I now understand why I couldn't get here before we did this… because this was my wish, my intent and I had to act it our here; show the way before I could come here and record it into the records…. This is a great opportunity to pose the "Which comes first, the chicken or the egg?" question. I mean, I was wondering who did which part first, since time is really spiral.

I can feel now that this is what we will offer; to take people through this process on 11-11 as a group while the energies are peaking in the stargate. To help them unhook from the old grid and reconnect to their Benevolent Higher Selves.

It aligns nicely with other things people are offering on that day….

Magical Colin: I'm smiling so much, big grin, very happy


New Codes from Beyond Source


Saleena: I can imagine and feel a powerful Wave of Love moving around the planet that day… washing it with the new codes beyond Source….

Magical Colin: This is what we do!

Saleena: Seems that we have to disconnect from the old fear-based grid before we can fully receive these new codes; the codes that are in the 10-10 StarGate Mandala, the ones flowing in from beyond Source….

Magical Colin: Yes, the new codes need a clear path, and it is our intent to be clear of the old that creates the channel

Saleena: Is there anything else? is there anything more we need to know about this process? I am asking for inspiration from our Higher Benevolent Selves for any more steps that need to be taken to complete this process. It was said that our DNA had to be rebuilt. that there were teams ready to assist when we desired this to happen. I ask them to assist us now until it is done, updated to the newest highest Blueprint the is resonant with each of us.

I have this interesting thing happening when I close my eyes… I see flashes of beings and scenes of things I have been through, with a kind of bright light washing out the clear features… scene after scène flashing by at high speed…. a string of them… I am going to lay back and rest into this now… What can we call our 11-11 adventure?

Magical Colin: our DNA has been rebuilt consciously over the years with the help of the most amazing tools and beings, and our love, not everyone has that to fall back on. We carry this new ourselves now, inside us, we are the new DNA

It's like we are co-authors of a book, like the part I've just contributed with Hunt Hennion. We write our piece and they get woven into a book others can read … 

Except this book is our new reality!


Saleena: 11-11-2010 Benevolent Re-Connection; Releasing the Old Fear Based Grid, Aligning & Structuring our New DNA; Structuring our New Reality; Writing the Akashic Records; Crystalline Masters Write the Akashic Records.


Hey, in this place where you first went…  were you recording what was happening or were you writing the new to happen? Were you recording events that already were happening or were you writing the new so it would happen?


 Magical Colin: I was writing what I would like to happen

Saleena: Is this place where the Akashic Records are recorded? and is this place connected to our DNA? Were these beings our Benevolent Higher Selves or just another expression of our soul along the string of selves?

Magical Colin: Our DNA changes make it possible to become this energy, writing the records seems to be a metaphor for stepping into our creator selves

Saleena: Master Crystalline Creators?

Magical Colin: Surely our higher selves are benevolent by default, I don't think I have more than one. Time to relax now? feeling tired…. need to let this settle.

Saleena: According to this model, the Draconians managed to twist and skew our higher selves… the person who shared this showed me how I am set up to answer within the old fear matrix even when they muscle tested me… That if you ask for answers from your Benevolent Higher Self you get different answers. Not right or wrong, just for experience, and different…  I was ready to disconnect from all this and re-connect to my Benevolent Higher Self who is more pure and truthful to what I want now…


If it is true, then I am resetting it all
to a new level of experience…
if it isn't… well no harm done…
I want to be sure… best I can.


Magical Colin: Much love to you, it certainly took us to a new level….



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About the author

Saleena Kí

Omniversal Storyteller through her Art, Photography, Music & Word who LOVES Nature, Mother Earth & Assisting us ALL to LIGHTEN UP!

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