Vibrakey Readings!
We have been having such a good time using Vibrakeys to do these Readings! We are finding out this is a great way for people to gain personal understanding of Vibrakeys that fits their interests, and helps them find out which ones they personally would start to use for making the changes they desire. We have found the easiest way to do your own or a group reading is to start with a quick look through the Vibrakeys.

12 Years of Vibrakeys
Doing Your Own Reading
Go through all the Vibrakeys in order, placing them in separate piles, like this:
1. I reaaaally like
2. I like
3. Neutral
4. I don't like
5. I reaaaaally don't like (these usually are deeply disturbing)
You can also rate them from 1-10 or 1-100, keeping track of the VK number and the score. When you are complete, look to see which are your very favorites, and which are the most disturbing. These will tell a most profound story of what is going on inside of you.
If you are not familiar with the keys, then reading the backs, looking for the purpose, theme, and what it addresses will give you an understanding of the picture you are giving yourself.
If you choose any of the reversals, see information about Reversals for an understanding of what this means. Also open up to asking for understanding from your higher self. Ask for assistance. Be open to your own intuitive information. These Vibrakeys are “focusers.” They focus our attention on particular themes and aspects of our evolution.
Doing Group Readings
Go through the same process as above, showing each Vibrakey to everyone. You can have them vote by using their hands:
1. I reaaaally like: 2 hands up
2. I like: 1 hand up
3. Neutral: hand horizontal, palm down
4. I don’t like: 1 hand pointing down
5. I really don’t like: 2 hands pointing down
You can also rate them from 1-10, or 1-100, keeping track of the VK number and the score. It’s good to have someone to show the cards, and someone else to take down the scores. Look for the general highest and lowest votes to find out which Vibrakeys the whole group is interested in.
Don’t overlook the important messages
in the ones that deeply disturb you.
Look to see what they are telling you. Look to see what you are resisting or judging, for that is where there is stuck energy. That is where you can go for freedom from this old pattern.
One of our favorite stories is about a photographer, who was just listening in on our interview for a Japanese new age magazine. he didn’t speak English so the interviewer was translating for him. We asked them to pick out their most favorite one, and their most disliked one. He picked VK16 Receive Mother for his most disliked. When I asked him how his relationship was with his mother, he says, “I hate her.” and we asked how his relationship with women was going? and he says “Not so good!”
Later, after he listened to our explanation, he asks, “Do people buy the ones they hate?” Needless to say, he took VK16 home! He recognized the gift in shifting this old stuck energy pattern.
It seems that the more time you spend learning about these Vibrakeys, the easier it is for you to interpret the readings. There are some keys which actually help you to open up and trust your own inner knowings. Refer to Which VKs Serve Me? to find the keys that will open up your intuition and psychic abilities,