Theme: Body-Mind-Spirit
Refers to the wholistic systems through which our Soul expresses itself. Keeping the different levels in balance makes functioning as an Earth being opening to an Omnidimensional reality easier.
Related Vibrakeys
VK01 Creation Cosmology Assists you to access the truth of who you are. Opens chakras, and activates the DNA. A creation story.
VK46 Rainbow LightShip Still in the Birthing Chamber: Introduces a new level of LightBody full of the new Metatronic Full Spectrum Rainbow Light. Activated in the pineal gland.
VK54 Crystal DNA An invitation and activation. Something brand new has arrived in Creation! At the most personal level it is happening right now within your bodies. Your DNA is turning more Crystalline and that means your Consciousness and your body are tuning and turning more crystalline.
VK98 Triality-333 Dolphins informed me in 1997 that the key to moving out of duality and polarity where there is black and white, electric and magnetic, masculine and feminine, right and wrong, good and bad etc. is to start doing things in threes; Triads.