finding your own resonant inner truth
VK01 Creation Cosmology Assists you to access the truth of who you are. Opens chakras, and activates the DNA. A creation story.
VK06 Fruition Mission Draws the higher aspect of you out, like a seed, into full fruition of self, and full sun of soul. Opens you to what you came here to be and do. Connects you to your true identity, the fulfillment of your mission. Universal Law of Love is applied as we remember our connection to all life. Opens third eye. Works well with VK15 Love's Power.
VK12 Stargate - Contact A multidimensional stargate designed to restore your memories of your galactic heritage, family and destiny. Can be used for interdimensional & time travel. Uses sound keys. Wonderful journeying available. A dimensional teaching tool.
VK15 Love's Power Activates Thymus gland, strengthens the immune system and Opens the Heart. Beautiful rainbow crystal lotus.
VK19 Codons - DNA Activates a new system of omni-dimensional reception and triggers a new sequence of alchemical action to support your awakening and the restoration of your DNA Blueprint to perfection.
VK20 LightBody Bliss Supports re-growth, opening & activation of the Pineal Gland, leading to the natural activation of the LightBody and establishment of a natural boundary system between us and the outer reality.
VK25 Retriever Supports us to re-integrate more parts of ourselves, experiences & information we have “lost” across time, space, and dimensions.
VK31 PeaceMaker Created on 9-11-2001: As we dismantle our War Patterns inside, Peace will blossom into our outer world.